Tag Archive: Revolution

November 18, 2011

“Democracy cannot consist solely of elections that are nearly always fictitious and

managed by rich landowners and professional politicians.”  Che Guevara,

The peaceful and leaderless #Occupywallstreet movement is in its third month, and yet the elites are unrelenting in their stance of power and control. This movement stand out to represent the 99% of depraved people who are deprived (by sheer robbery) of the economic cake, which are in the hands of very few people, like the families of the Rothschilds, Warburgs and Rockefellers, whom represent the 1%.  That’s the big picture.

This is my take on why things are slow to change in spite of all the protests and revolutions taking place all over the world. The world controllers are confident of holding on to their sick stance because they have fully laid out the ground work of control and are able to counter any resistance from the few rebels in the herd.

The structures in the control system is well in placed to make the people who have been mind controlled dependent and fearful of being without the ‘basics and necessities’ of life. This has been going on a very long time with the suppression of all information, which is carefully controlled by the mainstream media, which they owned. Until recently, the situation has slightly got out of hand for them since the advent of the Internet and the rebels in the herd start to grow as more and more of the suppressed information reach the masses.

Desperate as the controllers may be of the uprisings, they are adamant and making use of every single asleep person under their wings to clam down the rebels. This will go on until those asleep wake up, defect and revolt. Its happening albeit a bit slow for the likings of those who are awakened and are in the streets.

I’m not going to go through the facts of the lies and deceptions of the controllers. They are available a plenty all over the Internet. All one needs is to research it and discern it for oneself. What one needs to do to start with, is to ask oneself this question – Where do you belong? Are you in the 99% or the 1%?

I know very well where I belong and its definitely not in the 1%! Many, many do not know this. If you are reading this, I can assure you, you are most definitely in the 99%. There are only two categories, the very wealthy controllers (One percent) and the rest of the world (Ninety-niners).  If you don’t care…well, keep on dreaming, but know this – You are also among the other 99% of the Ninety-niners, which is the root problem and causing all the delays for humanity to thrive and prosper.

In my opinion, the critical mass need not be that everyone of the Ninety-niners wake up, but at least a quarter of them, and that means 1.6 billion. Its not there yet, but coming even as you read.

If you cannot figure out where you belong, here’s a simple checklist :

  1. Your last name is a Rothschild, Rockefeller, Bush, Clinton, Gates, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Warburg, Buffet, Kissinger, Brzezinski, Soros, or you’re a descendant of Buckingham Palace, European Royals or Aristocrats, or son/daughter of country leaders, mayors, governors, corporate magnets, banksters, and Generals.
  2. The family big house/s and big cars are not under mortgages
  3. Not paying income tax or any taxes
  4. You travel on a private jetliner
  5. You don’t go through Immigrations and Customs
  6. You did not attend Public schools
  7. You don’t carry cash/credit cards
  8. You don’t have savings/checking bank accounts

If you’re none of the above, then you’re absolutely a Ninety-Niner.

Should you still prefer to sleep, then give this a thought – you will fall with the 1% when the time comes, and all for nothing. You are not even one of them.

The success of the 99% depends on some of the ninety-niners only as the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

“Neither the planet nor its people can continue to go on as they have been” – Neal Donald Walsch

You decide.

We can hope to see more of this

Former Phiadelphia Police Captain Arrested for Defecting to #OWS


Goldman Sachs Sucks


Chris Hedges Arrested in Front of Goldman Sachs

Posted on Nov 3, 2011
David Shankbone (CC-BY)

Chris Hedges made this statement in New York City’s Zuccotti Park on Thursday morning during the People’s Hearing on Goldman Sachs, which he chaired with Dr. Cornel West. The activist and Truthdig columnist then joined a march of several hundred protesters to the nearby corporate headquarters of Goldman Sachs, where he was arrested with 16 others.

Chris Hedges’ statement in Zuccotti Park:

Goldman Sachs, which received more subsidies and bailout-related funds than any other investment bank because the Federal Reserve permitted it to become a bank holding company under its “emergency situation,” has used billions in taxpayer money to enrich itself and reward its top executives. It handed its senior employees a staggering $18 billion in 2009, $16 billion in 2010 and $10 billion in 2011 in mega-bonuses. This massive transfer of wealth upwards by the Bush and Obama administrations, now estimated at $13 trillion to $14 trillion, went into the pockets of those who carried out fraud and criminal activity rather than the victims who lost their jobs, their savings and often their homes.

Goldman Sachs’ commodities index is the most heavily traded in the world. Goldman Sachs hoards rice, wheat, corn, sugar and livestock and jacks up commodity prices around the globe so that poor families can no longer afford basic staples and literally starve. Goldman Sachs is able to carry out its malfeasance at home and in global markets because it has former officials filtered throughout the government and lavishly funds compliant politicians—including Barack Obama, who received $1 million from employees at Goldman Sachs in 2008 when he ran for president. These politicians, in return, permit Goldman Sachs to ignore security laws that under a functioning judiciary system would see the firm indicted for felony fraud. Or, as in the case of Bill Clinton, these politicians pass laws such as the 2000 Commodity Futures Modernization Act that effectively removed all oversight and outside control over the speculation in commodities, one of the major reasons food prices have soared. In 2008 and again in 2010 prices for crops such as rice, wheat and corn doubled and even tripled, making life precarious for hundreds of millions of people. And it was all done so a few corporate oligarchs, the 1 percent, could make personal fortunes in the tens and hundreds of millions of dollars. Despite a damning 650-page Senate subcommittee investigation report, no individual at Goldman Sachs has been indicted, although the report accuses Goldman of defrauding its clients.

When the government in the fall 2008 provided the firm with billions of dollars in the form of cheap loans, FDIC debt guarantees, TARP, AIG make-wholes, and a late-night label-shift from investment bank to bank holding company, giving the firm access to excessive Federal Reserve aid, access [the corporation] still has, it enabled and abetted Goldman’s criminal behavior. Goldman Sachs unloaded billions in worthless securities to its clients, decimating 401(k)s, pension and mutual funds. The firm misled investors about the true nature of these worthless securities, insisted the securities they were pushing on their clients were sound, and hid the material fact that, simultaneously, they were betting against these same securities—$2 billion against just one of their deals. The firm then had the gall to extort from its victims—us—to make good on its bets when the global economy it helped trash lost $40 trillion in worldwide wealth and huge insurance firms were unable to cover their bad debts.

The Securities Act of 1933, established in the wake of the massive fraud that pervaded the securities market before the 1929 Crash, was written to ensure that “any securities transactions are not based on fraudulent information or practices.” The act “prohibits deceit, misrepresentation, and other fraud in the sale of securities.” The subcommittee report indicates that Goldman Sachs clearly broke security laws.

As part of the political theater that has come to replace the legislative and judicial process, the Securities and Exchange Commission agreed to a $550 million settlement whereby Goldman Sachs admitted it showed “incomplete” information in marketing materials and that it was a “mistake” to not disclose the nature of its portfolio selection committee. This fine was a payoff to the SEC by Goldman Sachs of about four days’ worth of revenue, and in return they avoided going to court. CEO Lloyd Blankfein apparently not only lied to clients, but to the subcommittee itself on April 27, 2010, when he told lawmakers: “We didn’t have a massive short against the housing market, and we certainly did not bet against our clients.” Yet, they did.

And yet nothing has been done. No Goldman Sachs officials have gone to trial. This is because there is no way within the corporate state to vote against the interests of Goldman Sachs. There is no way through the formal mechanisms of power to restore the rule of law. There is no way to protect the ordinary citizen and the poor around the globe from the predatory activity of financial institutions such as Goldman Sachs. Since our courts refuse to put on trial the senior executives at Goldman Sachs, including Blankfein, who carried out these crimes and lied to cover them up, we will. Speculators like those in Goldman Sachs—who in the 17th century when speculation was a crime would have been hanged—must be prevented by law from again destroying our economy, preying on ordinary citizens, hoarding food so the poor starve and running our political process. We are paying for these crimes—not those who orchestrated perhaps the most massive fraud in human history. Our teachers, police, firefighters and public employees are losing their jobs so speculators like Blankfein can make an estimated $250,000 a day. Working men and women are losing their homes and going into personal bankruptcy because they cannot pay their medical bills. Our unemployed, far closer to 20 percent than the official 9 percent, are in deep distress all so a criminal class, a few blocks from where I speak, can wallow in luxury with mansions and yachts and swollen bank accounts.

What we are asking for today is simple—it is a return to the rule of law. And since the formal mechanisms of power refuse to restore the rule of law, then we, the 99 percent, will have to see that justice is done.


Vampire Squid

The first thing you need to know about Goldman Sachs is that it’s everywhere. The world’s most powerful investment bank is a great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity, relentlessly jamming its blood funnel into anything that smells like money. In fact, the history of the recent financial crisis, which doubles as a history of the rapid decline and fall of the suddenly swindled dry American empire, reads like a Who’s Who of Goldman Sachs graduates.

Goldman Sachs London Director Greg Smith – Why I am leaving

It makes me ill how callously people talk about ripping their clients off. Over the last 12 months I have seen five different managing directors refer to their own clients as “muppets,” sometimes over internal e-mail. Even after the S.E.C., Fabulous Fab, Abacus, God’s work, Carl Levin, Vampire Squids? No humility? I mean, come on. Integrity? It is eroding. I don’t know of any illegal behavior, but will people push the envelope and pitch lucrative and complicated products to clients even if they are not the simplest investments or the ones most directly aligned with the client’s goals? Absolutely. Every day, in fact.

Goldman person leaked Apple, Intel secrets: lawyer

NEW YORK (Reuters) – A person at Goldman Sachs Group Inc, who has not been identified or charged in a broad U.S. insider-trading probe, was caught on a wiretap leaking secrets about Intel Corp and Apple Inc, a lawyer for former Goldman board member Rajat Gupta said in court on Friday. read more >


End Of Babylonian Rule

Benjamin Fulford: Secretive “Trading Platforms” Have Been Shut Down

2011 October 24
Posted by Pat Donworth

Pat: As always, read with discretion.

Private “Trading Platforms” Have Been Shut Down in Preparation for New Financial System

Benjamin Fulford, 10-25-11


The highly secretive “trading platforms” used by the self-appointed rulers of the world have been shut down in preparation for the revamping of the global financial system, according to sources in the CIA and in Japanese military intelligence. This shut down took place earlier than the previously announced date of November 11, 2011 (11/11/11) in order to prevent any possible sabotage by the beneficiaries of the old system, the sources say.

According to them, over 100 countries have now subscribed to the new system. Mass arrests of people linked to the old system are supposed to begin by November 15, they say.

Some new names of key players in the old system have also now emerged as the international investigative dragnet continues. One of these people is a Belgian prince by the name of Zvonko Berdik. Another key signatory at the top of the old financial system was the Duke of Kent, who signs on behalf of Queen Elizabeth, the CIA sources say. The third new name is Alan Barr, a man who is wanted by the government of Vietnam for having tried to set off a coup d’etat there.

Meanwhile, a senior member of the royal bloodline families (a cousin to Queen Elizabeth and the Rothschilds) had some very interesting information about Adolf Hitler. He says “Hitler was a Rockefeller man,” and ads [adds] that Hitler lived in Argentina until 1967 and that he actually visited Hitler at his house there. He further claims that German Chancellor Angela Merkel is Hitler’s daughter. Hitler himself was a son of King George the V, according to King Edward the 7th’s daughter. If true, this would mean secret rule of Germany by the British/German royal family throughout the 20th and into the 21st centuries. If you look at photographs of Kaiser Wilhelm, King George the 5th and Hitler, you will notice an uncanny resemblance.

This is the sort of revelation that could come out of a truth and reconciliation committee once the secret fascist government of the West is removed from power. The process of removal is still only about 30% complete, according to a well-placed White Dragon Society source.

The signs of the collapse of the old system are becoming increasingly visible. The problems with the Euro are still the main case in point. Greece has now asked to leave the Euro. Even if banks cut the value of their Greek debts by 60%, thereby bankrupting the French banking system, the problems will still not go away. Greece is just a tiny country compared to Italy, Spain and Portugal. Furthermore, the media is not even looking at the problems in the five Baltic States including Latvia.

The fact of the matter is that all of the countries in the Euro bloc have already begun printing their own national currencies in preparation for the collapse of the Euro. Nor is this just going to be a crisis limited to the Euro currency.

Russia is negotiating with Germany to create a Russian/German dominated Eurasian union that will shift the balance of power in Europe towards the center. The Russian government has announced they expect this union to be up and running by 2015.

In the United States as well, there are signs of imminent regime change.

The multiple legal actions against the fascist corporate government based in the city state of Washington D.C. are being supported by both the Pentagon and the agencies. Thus, for example, the recent move by Bank of America, Goldman Sachs and J.P. Morgan to each take $81 trillion of their derivatives fraud from their books and dump it on the American taxpayers, has been duly noted.

Queen Elizabeth was also prevented last week from stealing $1.6 trillion from Mitsui-Sumitomo bank in Japan, according to an MI6 source.

The corporate media cartel is also falling apart. As mentioned earlier Rupert Murdoch’s Fox TV and other outlets have begun exposing information, such as the legal actions against attorney general Eric Holder, that other networks are withholding. Now it turns out the Sumner Redstone’s CBS network is interviewing a White Dragon Society member for an upcoming 60 minutes episode as part of an expose of the high-level fraud that has been taking place at the very tip-top of the global financial system (he will not be identified by the network as a White Dragon).

The Pentagon is also continuing the process of making sure the elite cannot run and hide in any of their underground bases while the rest of humanity gets slaughtered. The big underground explosion near San Antonio Texas last week (reported by local press as an earthquake that made a “boom” sound) was a part of this process.

The US is peppered with underground bases but the two big ones in Virginia and Colorado have already been shut off to the elite. Another dozen have also been dealt with. The Pentagon has informed the elite that “if they go hide underground then so will everybody else.” The last really big underground facility still under fascist control is in Norway.

The fascists, for their part, are still not planning to go quietly into the night. The murder of Muammar Ghaddafi last week was just part of a plan to re-establish colonial control over Africa. Hillary Clinton is now trying to claim the role as signator to the $200 billion or so that was in Gaddafi’s name. In order to access much of that money, 5 African nations, including Somalia, Zaire and Uganda, will have to be invaded, CIA sources claim.

There are also still plans in the works to start major wars in the Middle East. For example, the fascists want to split up Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Iran to create a new nation of Kurdistan. To prevent this, a Turkish, Iranian, Syrian, Egyptian attack on Israel is now likely unless fascist agent Benjamin Netanyahu is removed from power.

On a different note, the self-described Illuminati who claim to want a global meritocratic government got a public boost from Michael Gorbachev who called for a New World Order last week. The problem with their planned “meritocracy,” of course, is the issue of who exactly gets to choose the meritocrats. Such a system would only work in the context of a real-time live interactive democracy and full media transparency. In other words, a global awakening of the human race and an end to Babylonian style tyranny enforced by criminal secret societies.

We are now witnessing the death throes of a dangerous beast. No matter what, though, humanity will be freed.

UPDATE – October 31, 2011

Benjamin Fulford, 10-31-11: Is the Rothschild Banking Monopoly Finally about to Be Dismantled?

Benjamin Fulford, 10-31-2011


The situation in Europe is making it clear to all but the most brainwashed that something historical is taking place. What is happening is that the criminal element at the very top of the Western power structure, especially at the very top of the financial system, has been cut off from their money printing machine. As a result, the IMF and the major European and US money center banks are insolvent. No amount of lying or paper shuffling or propaganda is going to hide this fundamental truth. The governments of Greece, Ireland, Portugal, Italy etc. know that the debts they supposedly owe to bankers were created through fraudulent book entries and thus do not have to be repaid. That is why the banks suddenly announced that Greece only had to pay back 50% of their debt even though such a write off would destroy them. They are hoping for a tax payer bail-out that is just not going to happen. It is game over. The Rothschild banking nightmare is ending.

Even the highly brainwashed priesthood known as Western financial gurus and journalists are starting to realize that something is not right. The big announcement by European governments of a “solution” to the Greek and Euro crises is a case in point. If you analyze the announcement you realize that essentially the banks and governments are saying the banks will pay for 50% of the Greek debt with money they do not have. The governments say they will pay for it by “leveraging” the money they already have. They do not say who is going to be dumb enough to finance a bankrupt gambler who wants to quadruple his risk.

Please note that as soon as the “solution” to the crisis was announced, high level begging missions were sent to Asia, including French President Sarkozy. Why would they need to go to Asia to ask for money if they had come up with a solution?

The IMF, supposedly the world’s “lender of last resort” is also continuing to admit they have no money. The reason is that the IMF itself cannot prove that its money comes from legitimate sources.

The fact of the matter is that the criminal part of the world’s financial system is falling apart. The IMF will soon cease to be solvent. The same is true of the World Bank. The BIS is also in trouble. In fact, the entire Rothschild banking monopoly is in deep trouble.

The freeze of “trading platforms” remains in place, meaning that the controllers of the fiat system can no longer pump new money into the system. The best they can do is reshuffle money that is already in the system. New money will only start entering the global financial system once the new asset-backed system is in place.

“The IMF and the World Bank existed to force the Rothschild banking system on the countries of the world,” is how an extremely senior Chinese official explained the situation. “Our goal is to reboot the system, to start over and set all the parameters in a fair way so that all countries benefit from the pooled assets of the people of the world and not just Europe and North America,” he continued.

The original system was meant to have been run by the Swiss and protected by the Americans, he continued. “The basic failure was that the system of checks and balances failed and the people who were supposed to protect the system ended up abusing it,” he added.

What is now going to happen is that the 100 countries that have so far joined the new system started in Monaco in August, are going to implement the new system in four stages, according to a White Dragon Society source. The US military and agencies will be involved in this process right from the beginning, he added. Efforts to intimidate generals by using corrupt institutions like the IRS to try to repossess their homes will backfire and lead to criminal prosecutions.

The first step will be a lawsuit that will be filed before November 15th against the individuals and groups who abused the Federal Reserve Board system. This will lead to liens being placed against many of the largest financial institutions in the world, according to the filers. There will also be mass arrests.

The other steps have yet to be disclosed. However, some basic truths are already known. First of all, all honest businessmen and bankers worldwide will have nothing to worry about. Second of all, the money created through derivatives fraud will be eliminated from the books, even if that means bankrupting many of the big Western financial institutions. Third, major historical financial injustices will be addressed and stolen monies and assets will be returned to their rightful owners. This will be good news for the vast majority of Western citizens as well as the inhabitants of long exploited regions like Africa.

The international banking and payment settlements systems will remain in place after the reboot. This will mean the minimum possible disruption to legitimate business.

However, as mentioned earlier, the international institutions set up and controlled by a small group of Western oligarchs after World War 2 will be totally revamped.

Copyright Benjamin Fulford
Please support Ben’s work with a paid subscription



For One Day – Shut The System Down


Friday, October 28th 2011 – Step back from the system, and get back to yourself

A momentum is occurring
People are uniting across the world
They are sending a message
The next step is fast approaching

On Oct 28th 2011

For one day we peacefully protest in a symbol that will be felt across the globe.

We step out of the system and step back into ourselves.

Turn off all lights
Unplug all electrical devices
Abstain from using TV, radio and internet or phone.
Abstain from making any purchase of any kind
Choose that morning to cancel any services you feel you no longer need
That morning call in sick to work

Do NOTHING that generates money into THE SYSTEM.

We will send a message
We will unite

Most importantly, for one day…
We live without distraction
Read a book
Frolic in nature

On Oct 28th 2011
Step out of the system and get back to yourself

Spread the word!



Written by David Wilcock Thursday, 13 October 2011 01:11


MANY underground bases have now been completely cleared out… materials, equipment, and personnel… by yet-unknown forces.

An international coalition, intending to overthrow the Old World Order and free humanity from enslavement, is claiming responsibility. They also appear to have extraterrestrial assistance in this mission.

Truth or fiction? You decide.

Please read Part One first, as otherwise I will be bringing up various points that you will be unfamiliar with.




Do you believe in love, or do you believe in fear?
If you do believe in love, do you also believe in a Higher Power in the universe?
Is this an abstract concept in your mind, or do you see that it also has practical realization in the events that take place on Earth day after day?
Which of these two realities do you feed… with your thoughts and beliefs… and the energies they in turn create?
Do you see life on Earth as subject to random catastrophes beyond your control, and enslavement by shadowy negative forces pulling the marionette strings of elected governments?
Or, do you believe that everything in life has Purpose — even if it is not always obvious?
Could this Purpose be carefully maintained by entities vastly more evolved than those zipping around in UFOs and visiting us from other worlds?


I am honored to present you with a true story about the awakening of humanity. The awakening is happening on a personal level… and on a collective level as well.

Collectively, world governments are becoming aware that they have been manipulated and lied to.
One of the greatest lies that has been perpetuated by the Powers that Were is that “everybody’s in on it” — all elected governments, leaders, officials, personnel, et cetera.
This is simply not true.
The real powers that have been running the world would never show their faces in an election. You will never see anyone above middle-management level in a race for public office.
Many, if not most elected officials are terrified of these hidden powers. They have been vigorously threatened with fates far worse than death — witnessing the gruesome results firsthand — if they should ever dare to oppose the Old World Order.
Russia, China, Brazil and India bravely led the charge with the BRIC alliance, which became BRICS when South Africa signed on. From this seed, we now have a massive international coalition involving the leaders of over 80 nations — and it’s growing by the day.
Read more plus updates


Listen to David Wilcock MP3 or Here (Remixed Ad Free)


The Occupy Wall Street leaderless movement, a novel idea mooted by Abusters.org in July 2011 calling people to rally and make a stand against the corrupt financial system  is ongoing and well into its 3rd week of operation.

The mainstream media black out of this event, with the exception of a few and very critical reporting in fact helped (indirectly) to spread it nationwide and worldwide via the alternative media, and social networks namely Twitter and Facebook.

I believe #OccupyWallStreet will become OccupyWorldStreet simply because the people of the world is tired and have had enough of the globalist elites. So watch out, its coming to YourStreet!

While people from vastly different cultures, languages, and background may not agree on how civil rights, democracy, and dignity look they all know how a lack of dignity feels. Clearly they have had enough of that feeling. With cries of “No more! Enough!” they’re ready to go down a different road, one where “entrainment” has a different name: People Power. Susan Galleymore

The Moment People say “No!”

There are many so called anti-establishment movements that are shouting their brains off and yet nothing and no action come off it. Well known names like Alex Jones, Ed Griffin, Gerald Celente, to name a few, are suspiciously silent and in fact declared their non-supportive stand for #OccupyWallStreet. Why? Without making any judgements, only they know why!

I wrote to Mr G. Edward Griffin of Reality Zone and asked him about his silence on the #OccupyWallStreet.I received a non-commital reply but not from Mr. Griffin himself, but by someone with the initials K.M. from an email address : edenlife1@yahoo.com

Hello Redza:
I thought that we had run this story about the protests, which indicates that the protests, reported to be closely tied to ACORN and SEIU.  According to this article, the protesters want socialist wealth redistribution policies imposed.  I could not find this story in our archives and we extend our apologies.
There is nothing wrong with wealth and making a profit.  The problems arise when the system is rigged.  But this group appears to promote wealth redistribution & entitlements.  These protesters are providing a false solution when they should be addressing the real problem: corrupt government in cahoots with banks and Wall Street criminal traders.
The problem with this protest is that it is an attack on capitalism.  While we vehemently oppose crony capitalism and monopolies, we do support free-market capitalism.  As you can see from this article & video, Michael Moore, a noted collectivist, is misleading people about the concept of capitalism and fails to make a distinction between monopolistic privatization and free market capitalism/ private property ownership.  While capitalism is blamed for our current economic condition, the true culprit is insider deals between the government, banks and multinational corporations.  And, if Michael Moore is so fond of wealth redistribution, why does he keep his money?
If you have been following the ‘Arab Spring’ protests and riots, you are familiar with the concept of controlled opposition, funded those with political motives.  Most of the Arab Spring protests did arise out of grassroots efforts to remove tyranny, but were taken over and funded by baking interests and western governments.  You can google ‘Tony Cartalucci Arab Spring’ for many articles about this.
The current Wall Street protests appear to be of similar character.
I hope this clears up our position and we will include an article about the situation in this week’s Unfiltered News.

Oh yes! That really cleared their position. They did not commit to anything! They simply refer to articles from other sources, including from Alex Jones to make their stand. Interestingly, they have their own definitions of “capitalism“, and are against  individuals and personalities like Michael Moore. So much for their own stand.

Well, all said and done #OccupyWallStreet is also about freedom, free-speech, free-press, freewill, and choices. This event has exposed and reflected these prominently.

For me…it has ReOccupied The(My) Mind, to say the least.

“There is nothing more powerful than an idea whose time has come.” – Victor Hugo

Occupy San Francisco has begun

Occupy Together



The #Occupation has arrived in Malaysia!


Why Did NYT Financial Columnist Finally Write About #OccupyWallStreet? The Answer is the Problem!

Andrew Ross Sorkin, the Times’ financial columnist who covers Wall Street, didn’t even think to hide why he decided to give #OccupyWallStreet a look. No, he comes right out and shockingly reveals what prompted him:

I had gone down to Zuccotti Park to see the activist movement firsthand after getting a call from the chief executive of a major bank last week, before nearly 700 people were arrested over the weekend during a demonstration on the Brooklyn Bridge.“Is this Occupy Wall Street thing a big deal?” the C.E.O. asked me. I didn’t have an answer. “We’re trying to figure out how much we should be worried about all of this,” he continued, clearly concerned. “Is this going to turn into a personal safety problem?”

As Glenn Greenwald notes:

How interesting that when a CEO “of a major bank” wants to know how threatening these protests are, he doesn’t seek out corporate advisers or dispatch the bank’s investigators, but instead gets the NYT‘s notoriously banker-friendly Wall Street reporter on the phone and assigns him to report back.  How equally interesting that if this NYT financial columnist can’t address the concerns and questions of a CEO “of a major bank”, he hops to it to find out what was demanded of him.   Sorkin did what he was told, cautiously reporting:

As I wandered around the park, it was clear to me that most bankers probably don’t have to worry about being in imminent personal danger. This didn’t seem like a brutal group — at least not yet.

Read more >

Think Occupy Wall St. is a phase? You don’t get it

By Douglas Rushkoff, Special to CNN
October 5, 2011 — Updated 1709 GMT (0109 HKT)

Anyone who says he has no idea what these folks are protesting is not being truthful. Whether we agree with them or not, we all know what they are upset about, and we all know that there are investment bankers working on Wall Street getting richer while things for most of the rest of us are getting tougher. What upsets banking’s defenders and politicians alike is the refusal of this movement to state its terms or set its goals in the traditional language of campaigns. more >

NEW YORK (MarketWatch) — The revolution just might be televised, after all.

Story >

Keith Olbermann reads first collective statement of Occupy Wall Street


Ben Fulford Delivers an Ultimatum to the Cabal

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Secret Meeting of 57 Finance Ministers on Ship Charts New Financial System >

UPDATE September 15, 2011

It is all coming down :-

The meeting between the 57 Finance Ministers from around the world that took place on board a ship off the coast of Monaco is beginning to quietly emerge as a powerful and dynamic shift in Global Economics and potentially in Global Politics as former Presidents and Prime Ministers of countries who have sided with the Banking Cabal, are now already jumping ship and supporting the growing movement toward proper financial management of the Global Accounts around the World. Read more >

UPDATE – September 11, 2011

“Satanic cabal threatens to make San Francisco and Damascus “uninhabitable.””

The criminal cabal that has seized power in the G5 countries has reacted with new threats of mass terror to the concerted efforts by the nations and people of the world to remove them from power.

The latest threat, made by phone to a White Dragon Society member by some people who hid their identity, was that San Francisco and Damascus would be made “uninhabitable.” In reaction to this, a source contacted the White Dragon Society and promised that the entire extended families of any ruling bloodline found to be participating in genocide would be hunted down and exterminated down to the last individual. The source was not affiliated with the White Dragon Society but, they made it clear they that this threat was to be taken “very seriously.”

The repercussions of the secret late August meeting of financial representatives from 57 nations, meanwhile, continued to be felt last week. The criminal cabal that controls the Federal Reserve Board was engaged in a futile witch hunt trying to find who the participants were and what was discussed at the meeting. They are unlikely to find out much more than has been reported in this newsletter. That is to say White Dragon allies in the pentagon and US and world police agencies have access to the codes for the global collateral accounts. If necessary they will reveal who has accessed the world’s monetary assets for the past 60 years and what they spent that money on.

However, they would rather concentrate on the future and are still open to deals and compromises so long as the bottom line is that a major campaign to end poverty, end war and stop environmental destruction is agreed to. The window of opportunity is fast closing now, and the guiltiest cabal members are probably now certain to face prison time or worse.

There is also a need here to make a correction from last week’s report. It turns out that a representative from Canada (this writer’s native land) was present at the 57-member Monaco meeting. He said Canada is a small country (in terms of population) that has to pretend to go along with whoever is formally in power in the G5 but that the Canadian power structure was full of White Dragon sympathizers.

There has also been more confirmation from CIA and pentagon sources that there was indeed an attack on two major underground facilities controlled by the cabal in the US. The food, gold and weapons depot the cabal had near Washington D.C. was destroyed in an atomic blast, these sources now confirm. The nature of the second attack remains uncertain but two sources say it was the cabal’s underground facilities near Denver, Colorado that were destroyed. The people behind this attack have detailed maps of the US underground base and tunnel network and have promised more attacks if necessary to prevent the planned murder of 85% of humanity.

There are plenty of signs for all to see now that the criminal cabal that controls the G5 countries is on the ropes.

In the US, of course the 10th anniversary of the 911 terror attacks is coming and the perpetrators of this attack know that the world’s governments, military forces and intelligentsia know that it was a high level cabal in the G5 governments that was behind the attack. The perpetrators are now certain to face justice within a year. There is a critical mass of officials within the US military and law-enforcement community that is preparing for a legal takedown of the criminal cabal behind both the 911 attacks and the Kennedy assassination and much more.

In Europe, the signs of imminent collapse of financial control are also becoming impossible to hide. It has got to the point where even Deutschebank CEO Josef Ackerman is saying that many major European banks would become insolvent if they had to mark their sovereign debt to market. In plain English that means they are already bankrupt and are cooking their books. The situation will only get worse over the coming weeks.

In Japan, as well, there is serious intrigue going on under the surface. At present hoodlums associated with the Ministry of Finance are threatening officials of the Bank of Japan and trying to force them to resign. The fight is over which faction in the US battle for power is going to be on the receiving end of the steady supply of yen that is keeping the US economy from imploding. The BOJ is now affiliated with the White Dragon Society and wants the money to flow to white hats within the pentagon.

Recently deposed Prime Minister Naoto Kan as well as senior BOJ and MOF officials all called a White Dragon Society member about this conflict on Monday. The situation may have to be resolved through open gang warfare and a purge of all senior Federal Reserve Board agents from the Japanese power structure.

The cabal is obviously not going to take this sitting down. Their next big geopolitical move, according to CIA and pentagon sources, appears to be to try to provoke a war between Turkey and Israel. This is their latest attempt at a hail Mary pass to get them out of their predicament by starting WW3.

Unfortunately for them, the Israeli people are waking up to the fact they are being used by a criminal cabal. The demonstration of 450,000 people, about 25% of the population, was a clear sign of this.

To put that in perspective, it would be as if 75 million Americans turned out to demonstrate against their government. The complaints of the demonstrators for focused mainly on social justice which, at the end of the day, is what all the complaints against the ruling cabal are centered on.

It is unlikely either the Israelis or the Turks will allow themselves to be manipulated into war. Nor will people in other countries. The people of the planet earth want peace.

Benjamin’s Blog


– September 17 2011

80 different countries have now formed an alliance against the Old World Order / Nazi-esque cabal.
Two huge underground cities were destroyed on August 23rd — which may be seen by historians as the critical moment in which the war was won.

Related article:

Turning the Cabal’s Own Weapons on Them?

My source has told me the August 22-23 “seismic events” (we’ll call it that for now) were NOT a earthquakes—nor were they nuclear events, as is being speculated in the alternative media. A source known to this writer as a knowledgeable “insider”, has directly stated that the events were, in fact, a final warning to the elites in D.C. that their days are numbered. Read more >


“Wall Street, Expect Us!” says video communique.

Adbusters , 23 Aug 2011

An Anonymous Message


September 08, 2011

Countdown – 10 Days to #OCCUPY WALL STREET

PS. Last week Anonymous endorsed #OCCUPYWALLSTREET with a video that attracted over 70,000 views. The Department of Homeland Security has warned the nation’s bankers to be prepared. Corporate owned media is taking notice. Yesterday, a columnist for MarketWatch.com posted a rousing portrait of what may now unfold:

“Listen closely. This is not another internecine political squabble. These revolutionaries are pushing America back to its roots. You sense they’re drafting a new Declaration of Independence, driven by the same powerful motivations as the 57 original signers who wrote: ‘Whenever any form of government becomes destructive … it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government.’ Back in 1776 King George III was the destructive force far away. Today greed is the corruptor, from within.”

S17 occupations of financial districts are also being planned in Milan, Madrid, Valencia, London, Lisbon, Athens, San Francisco and hopefully many other cities still to be announced. S17 could well be the catalyst that ushers in a new global economic order.

Adbusters Media Foundation

Culture Jammers HQ

occupywallstreet.org / occupywallst.org

UPDATE September 17, 2011

D Day!

More updates >


More Scenes From This Weekend’s Anti-Wall Street Protests In Lower Manhattan

#OCCUPYWALLSTREET video – Sept 17 Day 1

The call to occupy Wall Street resonates around the world

We need deeper changes to our financial system, or tent cities of people angry at corporate greed will keep appearing

If the current economic woes in Europe and the US spiral into a prolonged global recession, people’s encampments will become a permanent fixtures at financial districts and outside stock markets around the world. Until our demands are met and the global economic regime is fundamentally reformed, our tent cities will keep popping up.

Bravo to those courageous souls in the encampment on New York’s Liberty Street. Every night that #OCCUPYWALLSTREET continues will escalate the possibility of a full-fledged global uprising against business as usual. Read more 

The Man Who May Bring the Banksters to Justice (If They Don’t Break His Knees First)

New York State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman may go down in history as the most important public official in reforming the corrupt financial system that caused the great Financial Crisis of 2008 and holding the perps responsible — if he can hold out against pressure from Wall Street, the Federal Reserve, and the Obama administration to give Wall Street a “Get Out of Jail Free” card. Read more

Democracy Now


Mainstream Media/Yahoo Blackout

The Pressure Is On

A Lightworker’s Message

Chicago is NEXT!

Its spreading fast within US and other parts of the beautiful Planet Earth


Breaking news: 96 arrests, 1000s Occupy Wall Streeters fill Union Sq, Day 8

Day 8 Update Approximately 3:30, Sept. 24, 2011

Mass arrest happening at 13th near 5th ave now according to #occupyWallStreet http://yfrog.com/h7w9uucoj #ows

The livestream appears to be down due to another confiscation of the media equipment according to one Tweet from blogdiva Liza Sabater at approximately 3:00 pm ET, “HEADS UP NYC >> RT @AnonymousIRC: Media equipment seized. #OccupyWallstreet crew in need of a dualcore 2.4 GHz notebook.” Read more 

Big Media Afraid to Take Wall Street Protest Seriously

That’s how it appears, given the thin, dismissive coverage of Occupy Wall Street so far. Read more >

By Katrina Orlowski, Today, TheTyee.ca

Occupy Wall Street rediscovers the radical imagination

The young people protesting in Wall Street and beyond reject this vain economic order. They have come to reclaim the future…Read more >

Chomsky speaks out in support of Wall Street protests

by Jérôme E. Roos on September 26, 2011

Post image for Chomsky speaks out in support of Wall Street protests

Noam Chomsky, the leading academic and public intellectual, has issued a statement in support of the “courageous and honorable protests” on Wall Street.

Via Fuggin Suggin

MIT Professor Noam Chomsky (wiki), the most-cited living author in the world and one of the most staunchly anti-capitalist intellectuals in the United States, has sent a “strong message of support” to the organizers of the Occupy Wall Street protests:

Anyone with eyes open knows that the gangsterism of Wall Street — financial institutions generally — has caused severe damage to the people of the United States (and the world). And should also know that it has been doing so increasingly for over 30 years, as their power in the economy has radically increased, and with it their political power. That has set in motion a vicious cycle that has concentrated immense wealth, and with it political power, in a tiny sector of the population, a fraction of 1%, while the rest increasingly become what is sometimes called “a precariat” — seeking to survive in a precarious existence. They also carry out these ugly activities with almost complete impunity — not only too big to fail, but also “too big to jail.”

The courageous and honorable protests underway in Wall Street should serve to bring this calamity to public attention, and to lead to dedicated efforts to overcome it and set the society on a more healthy course.

Rewriting Occupy Wall Street Protests

The trouble makers are wearing badges and white shirts!

Wall Street Mocks Protests By Drinking Champagne

‘Occupy Wall Street’ harassed while bankers go free

If you want to know how a nation supposedly by and for the people has become uprooted, one only needs to see how common young people, who are suffering so badly in this recession, were humiliated further by trying to exercise their given right to peacefully protest.

If this is justice, I’d rather break the law.

The bankers who brought us this mess not only walk free, they drive free in Bentleys paid for by money looted through toxic mortgages, trading debacles and derivative madness. Regulators, prosecutors and an administration patsy to big finance do nothing except hand out $1.3 trillion in bailout cash and guarantees. Read more >

Officer Bologna

Affectionately known as Tony Baloney

Posted 2011-09-26 07:53:19 UTC by

Late last night we found out which white collar officer had maced our innocent protesters. We did not release this information as we had not yet come to a consensus on how to approach the situation. Earlier today we discovered that this information had already been released. Reports & videos >

Over 100 NYPD Officers Refuse to Work in Support of Occupy Wall Street Movement

September 27, 2011 – TAMPA, FL – In a bizarre twist of fate, a growing movement of New York City Police Department officers are banding together with the Occupy Wall Street movement, while the main stream media continues to ignore this escalating event. Read more >


The coming together of people of the same mind is inevitable. #OccupyWallStreet & #OccupyChicago set the settings and the pace. All what’s left is for the inevitable to happen – #OCCUPYTOGETHER

“We can participate in the Overhaul of Humanity or we can merely witness it, but we cannot stop it.” – Neal Donald Walsch

That Moment People say “No”

While people from vastly different cultures, languages, and background may not agree on how civil rights, democracy, and dignity look they all know how a lack of dignity feels. Clearly they have had enough of that feeling. With cries of “No more! Enough!” they’re ready to go down a different road, one where “entrainment” has a different name: People Power. – Susan Galleymore

Occupy Boston: smart, savvy, and aiming to emulate Wall Street protests

About 200 people in Boston express their outrage at America’s economic woes – and promise to take up the protest baton Read more >


In a statement, Anonymous said:
As we watched your officers kettle innocent women, we observed you barberically (sic) pepper spray wildly into the group of kettled women. We were shocked and disgusted by your behavior. You know who the innocent women were, now they will have the chance to know who you are. Before you commit atrocities against innocent people, think twice. WE ARE WATCHING!!! Expect Us!”

The Hackers News


  • Photos: Airline Pilots Protest on Wall Street Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Over 700 hundred Continental and United pilots, joined by additional pilots from other Air Line Pilots Association (ALPA) carriers, demonstrate in front of Wall Street on September 27, 2011 in New York City. The pilots want to draw attention to the lack of progress on negotiations of the pilots’ joint collective bargaining agreement ahead of the one-year anniversary of the corporate merger close date of United and Continental airlines. See Photos >

  • The Thugs & Rogues of Wall Street

The Guardian.co.uk reports on the white-shirt uniformed thugs who are the trouble makers.

  • Enough Talk, Lets Do From 9/11 First Responder

Occupy Wall Street Protest: 12 Days and Little Sign of Slowing Down

Assuming organizers can keep the protest on the good side of the law, all indications are that it will continue for a long time. A sign by the information booth held a wish list: hats, gloves, tarps, and warm clothing. On live streams on the website, organizers answered questions about what supporters could bring or send. If last weekend is any indication, the numbers could swell this Saturday as supporters come in from out of town. For those who eventually leave again, Levine hopes that they take the skills they’ve learned back to their communities to continue to protest for whatever cause they support. “Every person who’s been here more than three days can completely organize a protest in their hometowns,” Levine says. “This is the most productive homelessness I’ve ever seen.” Read more >

Officer’s Pepper-Spraying of Protesters Is Under Investigation

Raymond W. Kelly, commissioner of the New York Police Department, said Wednesday that its Internal Affairs Bureau would look at the decision by the officer, Deputy Inspector Anthony Bologna, to use pepper spray, even as Mr. Kelly criticized the protesters for “tumultuous conduct.”

At the same time, the office of the Manhattan district attorney, Cyrus R. Vance Jr., has opened an investigation into the episode, which was captured on video and disseminated on the Internet, according to a person briefed on the matter who spoke on the condition of anonymity because the inquiry is continuing. Read more >

Dressing Up for Occupy Wall Street: Is It Better to Wear a Tie at a Protest?

“I was sitting on a bar stool with two guys, two twentysomething guys, and you know what they told me was, ‘Why would I go down there?’ I have an okay job. I wasn’t making as much money as I was four years ago, but I have a good job,” he said by way of explanation for his outfit. “What I think we need to do is change the narrative … I think I’m more approachable. People that look at this movement from the outside try to find out who in this movement is like them. ”

Did he think his fellow protestors ought to try dressing up, to lure in more people who might not respond to the current aesthetic mode of the protests? “I don’t know how many people fit in my clothes!” he laughed. Read more >

  • Media Mogul Russel Simmons Joins #OccupyWallStreet

Media Mogul Russel Simmons now at Occupy Wall Street after telling MSNBC earlier he was joining the protests and promising bring hundreds of thousands out to NYC Read more >

#OccupyWallStreet – ‘The Marines are Coming to PROTECT the Protestors’

October 1, 2011 – TAMPA, FL – The Occupy Wall Street movement may have just received an unexpected surprise – United States Army and Marine troops are reportedly on their way to various protest locations to support the movement and to protect the protesters. Read more >

JP Morgan Lobbying for Support?

In related news, JP Morgan recently donated the largest gift in their history of $4.6 million to the NYPD. New York City Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly sent CEO and Chairman Jamie Dimon a note expressing “profound gratitude” for the company’s donation.




Come back for daily updates…

Updates will continue until Wall Street is fully occupied!


SaLuSa  10-August-2011

Channeled by Mike Quinsey


The battle between the dark and Light has reached its end, and although the Light has become the dominant force for good, it now needs to be seen to take over responsibility for the Earth.

Some people fear that the Illuminati will take advantage of the problems you are experiencing, to bring in World Government. That has always been their ambition, but they no longer command the power to do so, and it is the Light that will reveal the answers that will restore hope for the future. As most of you can see, all around you the unrest and anger is escalating, and will not subside until the root causes are addressed. Our plan is the only one that will restore people’s faith and show that a quantum leap forward is possible. We ask only that you hold your vision of a new order, and paradigm that will solve the present problems. All that is happening has been foreseen for many years, as the dark Ones planned your demise and the collapse of your society. For karmic reasons it has had to run its course, but now the time has arrived for a stop to be put to the continuing destruction and inevitable demise of your civilisation.

The battle between the dark and Light has reached its end, and although the Light has become the dominant force for good, it now needs to be seen to take over responsibility for the Earth. That is in the process of happening and it pushes Disclosure nearer to being announced. It is therefore more important that you hold fast to your focus on the future, and do not weaken in the face of the increasing turmoil and break up of law and order. The cleansing, which is already taking place, does bring to the surface the negative thought forms that have fuelled the unrest. This way they can be dissipated and transmuted and allow the Light to come in. For our part we beam the higher vibrations to Earth to strengthen the Light that is now growing faster than ever. So do not be misled by the outer signs of upheaval and change, as you will see that in the long run it is to ensure the right outcome.

We handle the more urgent issues of preventing the final attempts of the dark Ones to take advantage of the world situation. Together we will achieve our goal to bring in stability, and create the conditions that will enable us to go ahead with they next phase of our plan. Once we can do that you will see that events will be speeding ahead, and you will have no doubt that the corner has been turned. An exciting time will commence when all that has been promised to you will manifest. We are more than equal to the task even although the time factor concerns some of you, but you can rest easy as our technological abilities can deal with the demands upon us. No problem is too big, and bear in mind that we have immense resources to call upon.

Everything is in the melting pot at present, and even we are not sure how it will turn out. We do however know where it is leading and that any attempts to support the old monetary system will fail. The opportunity to introduce a new one has been created by the very ones who do not want to see change. It is therefore ironic that they will have to watch the outcome without being able to influence it any longer. Their time to dictate your policies has passed, and they are losing even more power than ever before. As you might say, the writing is on the wall, and the inevitable ending cannot be avoided. There are greater powers at work than the dark ones are aware, and their days are numbered.

Meantime, please take each day as it comes and allow the future to come into your lives, and do not worry as your success is assured. Of course it will be chaotic with rumours flying all over the place, and the fear mongers will have a ball. Just remember what you have been working towards for millennia of time, and you are not going to be disappointed. The plan is far too big to be delayed any longer, and you will benefit from the changes a lot quicker than you may imagine. We are ready to jump into action, and once we do it is going to be something of a helter-skelter ride. For all that it will be fun and enjoyable because you know it is entirely for your benefit, and that of Mother Earth.

Many of you read a number of sources that channel messages from Extraterrestrials, and there has probably never been a time quite like now when there is a general agreement as to what is going to happen. Allow for different interpretations of some events that are coming, because as you are fond of saying, nothing is written in stone. Take what resonates with you and leave the rest to sort itself out with time. However, what will take place regardless of anything else is Ascension, as that has been decreed by the Creator. Many paths lead to it but in the end, you will be there if it is your desire and you are prepared for it.

You are in the thick of it, and we look on from our vantage point high above you. Our view is clear and we can see what is happening from various angles, so please be comforted and calm when we tell you all will be well. Matters are moving quickly and we hope to see a conclusion to those that will directly affect the issues that are most important. Disclosure is still a means to an end, and will open many more doors once it is announced. The truth will astound many people as to the extent to which you have been controlled, and will hardly be believed. However, the time has arrived when you shall begin to find out how it was achieved and who were responsible.

Of course many of you are already knowledgeable and politically aware. Even so the truth of what has been happening behind the scenes will bring many surprises. What will help those with stories to tell will be the changes to the Law, and your release from the oaths that enforce your silence. It is possible because once world peace is declared and an end put to wars, there will no necessity to keep information secret for military purposes. In an uplifted society sharing is quite normal, as the desire exists to help all people to benefit from any discoveries. That way you will always have the most up to date innovations and as a civilisation will quickly advance together. You might also note that hoarding also becomes unnecessary, as when you have all you need, there is no incentive to take more than you need.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and enjoy helping you to understand what it is like to live in the higher dimensions. It is a joy and very fulfilling and you can be your true self as a Being of Love and Light.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

Bersih 2.0 Rally in Malaysia

“While people from vastly different cultures, languages, and background may not agree on how civil rights, democracy, and dignity look they all know how a lack of dignity feels. Clearly they have had enough of that feeling. With cries of “No more! Enough!” they’re ready to go down a different road, one where “entrainment” has a different name: People Power. Susan Galleymore

Colour revolutions is a term that was widely used by the media to describe related movements that developed in several societies in the CIS (former USSR) and Balkan states during the early 2000s. The term has also been applied to a number of revolutions elsewhere, including in the Middle East. Some observers have called the events a revolutionary wave, the origins of which can be traced back to the Indian independence movement in the 1920s, the Portuguese Carnation Revolution in the 1970s, and the 1986 People Power Revolution (sometimes called the “Yellow Revolution”) in the Philippines.

Participants in the colour revolutions have mostly used nonviolent resistance, also called civil resistance. Such methods as demonstrations, strikes and interventions have been intended protest against governments seen as corrupt and/or authoritarian, and to advocate democracy; and they have also created strong pressure for change. These movements generally adopted a specific colour or flower as their symbol. The colour revolutions are notable for the important role of non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and particularly student activists in organising creative non-violent resistance. (wikipedia)


Today, Wednesday 29th of June, from 2pm-6pm, is Bersih’s day of internet activism. Our goal is to exponentially increase visible support for Bersih online, as part of our movement for a free and fair electoral system, and for a better Malaysia for all Malaysians.

We call upon all Malaysians of all backgrounds, regardless of their affiliations, to join us in helping ensure that Malaysia’s citizens will always retain the right to choose their government in a clean, democratic manner.

We hope to use democratic tools on the internet to objectively demonstrate how many Malaysians stand united behind these goals. In the first stage of our campaign, our objectives are to:

1. Reach 50,000 PicBadge Users – http://www.picbadges.com/bersih-2/1743665/

2. Get 50,000 Facebook Likes on our Official Page – http://www.facebook.com/pages/BERSIH-20-OFFICIAL/213938935311531

3. Get 10,000 followers on Twitter – http://twitter.com/bersih2

Also change your profile picture to something yellow.

The only way we will achieve these goals is if as many Malaysians as possible spread the message through their social networks – Facebook, Twitter, e-mail, and so on.

This marks the beginning of a web campaign that will last to the 9th of July and beyond, where every day from 2pm – 3pm, we will call on Malaysians to help spread the message.

On the 29th of June from 2pm to 6pm, the theme for Facebook and Twitter is to write about “Why #Bersih?” – why it’s needed, why we as individuals are choosing to walk, and why it will make Malaysia better for all Malaysians.

We call upon activists to encourage positively, avoid pressuring others, and not get drawn into unproductive arguments. Ultimately, what we need are numbers to support the cause.

Thank you all for your kind support – together we will change the country we love for the better.

Bersih 2.0 Working Committee


“American dictatorship and tyranny is masked by an electoral system that no longer functions with integrity, fairness or efficiency and, therefore, acts to sustain the more hidden and ignored corporate dictatorship inflicting enormous harm on vast numbers of Americans. In many ways the uniquely American form of dictatorship is far more sinister, indiscernible and powerful than classic dictatorships where one recognized person, military junta or family rules ruthlessly.” Joel S. Hirschhorn

Apparently, Malaysians are awakened and are demanding their constitutional rights to a fair election for a just and equitable government of their choice.

As I see it, they are taking a peaceful route towards change for their own betterment and this is good. Bersih 2.0, evidently intend the peaceful nature of this event in its website, and has taken all measures to make sure the people will adhere to the event  guidelines >.

How will the currently ‘elected‘ Goverment react?

Well, from the current observations and as expected – Reactive. The rally is banned, and the police is busy making raids to detain ‘suspects’ linked to the event. As the rally has taken a ‘YELLOW’ theme, any person wearing that color now to the coming days of the event is a probable suspect, and would be hauled in for questioning.

“In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act” George Orwell

How will this event turned out at the end of the day?

Looks like it is in the hands of the authorities. And as we’ve seen with what’s happened in all the other countries, its obvious they will choose to end it with violence. This is a popular strategy for any ruling elites, cause with chaos they regain more control.

“Don’t let a good crisis goes to waste”Rahm Emanuel >

Read: From Dictatorship To Democracy >

Freedom’s Ferment Spreads to Malaysia

Don’t walk away from democracy

Free Malaysia Today, June 21, 2011

There is nothing wrong if tens of thousands take to the streets in a stroll for democracy, come July 9. It is the right of citizens to express their displeasure when the government of the people, by the people, for the people becomes a government of the few for the few…

Read more >

My hope and prayer is that it will be peaceful.

One can only hope…

UPDATEJuly 6, 2011

BERSIH 2.0 Chairperson meets the King, agrees to indoor rally >

Marina Mahathir: Attacks on Ambiga in bad taste >

‘What’s to be afraid of T-shirts?’

Marina also slammed the on-going crackdown on supporters of the movement calling for free and fair elections, saying it is an act done out of fear.

A positive development indeed!… This is good for all.

UPDATE July 8, 2011

Wall Street Journal >

Running Scared in Malaysia

“The government of Najib Razak is demonizing protesters demanding free and fair elections.”


“For he who holds a hammer, all problems look like nails” – Galtung

Violence started by shots of tear gas:

Images of the Bersih Rally July 9

More photos >>

Police reported that a total 924 people were arrested, including 49 women.

The Government of PM Najib must be proud of treating their people like animals.

To the Malaysians who rallied for a better electoral system, I salute you!

source >
