Tag Archive: 2012

2012 in blogging – review

The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2012 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

4,329 films were submitted to the 2012 Cannes Film Festival. This blog had 14,000 views in 2012. If each view were a film, this blog would power 3 Film Festivals

Click here to see the complete report.


The Future Beyond 2012


Thank you to all for your wonderful support.








Mainstream Media (FOX) Reporting UFO ?

UFOs over Denver (maybe)

By Mike Krumboltz | The Sideshow – 12 hrs ago

Straight out of the X Files comes this clip from Denver’s Fox 31. Last week, a viewer sent the station a video of something … something spooky. A flying object was buzzing in the sky, and it looked like maybe it was carrying little green men.

Was it really a UFO? Suspecting the clip was a prank, the TV station sent out its own photojournalist to see if he could document the same weirdness on his own. Guess what? He did.

Fox 31 aired the footage and interviewed several experts in the field. None could identify the flying object. Aviation expert Steve Cowell told Fox 31’s investigative reporter Heidi Hemmat, “That is not an airplane, that is not a helicopter, those are not birds, I can’t identify it.” Cowell, while mystified, did come up with a less mysterious possibility. “Perhaps there is some sort of debris that is being raised by atmospheric winds.”

[Related: UFO or elaborate hoax? Flying-saucer like object filmed from plane]

The New York Daily News quotes UFO expert Robert Sheaffer, author of “UFO Sightings.” On his blog, Sheaffer writes, “The ‘UFOs’ appear at least several times a week [for months], we are told, usually around noon to 1 PM. Most flying insects become more active during the warmest part of the day.”

Discovery News writer Benjamin Radford thinks bugs are likely the answer. “There are many obvious holes in the spacecraft explanation, not the least of which is that it’s amazing that no one in Denver apparently noticed the extraterrestrial spacecraft launching and landing in the skies over the downtown area in the middle of the day. The most likely explanation? A bug or insect, probably a fly or bee.”

Check out the clip and judge for yourself. Sure, it’s probably a bug, but we much prefer the idea of aliens dropping by (the “E.T.” kind, not the “Alien” kind).

[Maybe? duh! Well…its OK…for a start, its a welcome change coming from FOX.]



From Evernote:

A Message from Albert Einstein – Father of Relativity* ~ THE THEORY OF ASCENSION AS IT FITS INTO THE PUBLIC ARENA | Lightworkers.org

Clipped from: http://lightworkers.org/channeling/171226/message-albert-einstein-father-relativity-theory-ascension-it-fits-public-arena

There are three Phases of Development in reference to an Awakened Soul within the Human Construct.  They are:

The Hall of Ignorance represents mankind; unawakened mankind; those that have no clue that they are beyond just their physicality.  There are fully within the third dimensional world and are considered Unaware people,  they are asleep in reference to their higher consciousness, have a tendency to blame others for their problems, they do not look within, they are egotistical, they are addicted to their things in life:  drugs, alcohol, dysfunction, etc and do not see there is a way to get out as they never look within to their problems.

The Hall of Learning is when an individual starts to realize that there is more to themselves than their physicality, their body, their mind and their emotions.  Many individuals just waking up in the last 20 years represent this level.  It includes those that have many gifts as the Indigos, Star Children, Crystalline, Golden, and Rainbow children.  They can make things happen easily and effortlessly without the physical world’s outer creation.  They have strong psychic gifts.  This level can also pertain to individuals that are in the self-help programs; they learn the skills to change their thoughts, like “The Secret” teachings; but it does not go beyond that until one day they are met by a master or master(s) usually within the physical world, but Spirit can also have this affect on these individuals through their dream states and visions.  This is when they awaken up to themselves and realize they have much more potentiality than they ever realized, but with that realization comes responsibility.

The Hall of Wisdom is when an individual becomes an initiate; they walk unto the pathway of Mastery; learn about teachings of the Masters through the ages, search within books and knowledge for more information.  They learn that there is much more to being aware than psychic abilities; they become very involved in global healing and accelerating that healing as they become more aware themselves.  They are a master in training.

Now there are several sublevels within the Hall of Wisdom.  It includes the initiatory process but each individual has free will to go as far as they choose.  Some will stop and not move forward.  When an individual gets to the 4th initiation, they have stepped unto the process of Mastership.  Now this can include individuals on the self-help level; it depends on what they want to access in their lives and how they want to go about doing it.  Each step of the ladder is an acceleration of the Light of the Christ.  Individuals are becoming the Christ within.

Once an initiate decides they want to continue, then they accelerate themselves to receive more frequencies.  When they reach the 5th initiation, their Higher Self is their guide.  There is no turning back and the initiate is indoctrinated into the Brotherhood of White Light.  But there are requirements and prerequisites to stay within the Brotherhood.  They must follow the rules of selfless service by serving themselves first.  They must go through each of the initiation processes to fully accept their own mastery within.

Now many get to this space and hold themselves there.  It means that they can help individuals but truly do not step further upwards into the ladder.  Everyone has the ability to acquire this level but not all choose to do so.


When an individual starts to realize there must be more to their life than what they are living, they leave the Hall of Ignorance and walk into the Hall of Learning.    This level is massive as it includes many types of individuals such as: Self Help students, Newly Awakened Lightworkers and/or Rainbow, Crystal or Indigo’s, who possess many gifts and share them with others. (They can create teleportation, telekinesis, are mediums, psychics, healers, etc.)  As Newly Awakened Ones, they do not necessarily take responsibility for their actions; they can be very controlling with energies, lower entities can be in this space.  The Universe is at their command and they feel the will to do whatever they want it to do.  They have free will but also may lack compassion or responsibility about what they are doing or creating.  It is on a momentary basis and can fall and crumble just as much as it can be built.  The lower energies are typically guiding them completely.  Some stay in this area for a long time and other individuals see that there is a deeper level to who they are as a being.  (This area of expertise would be considered the lower aspects in each of the Seven Rays of God for those of you studying them.)  These Ones are bringing forth the dynamics of Universal existence, but there are too many other influences that are getting in the way of their full progress.  Not to say that these individuals are not powerful; in fact, they probably are very gifted in many ways but they don’t use it with Universal Laws.  This school of thought I put forth is to help individuals to see that there is a deeper reasoning process with what they possess which helps them to wake up even more through the process.

When the Learning phase has been initiated, and an individual sees that they must go further in their studies, they step into the Hall of Wisdom.  This is where an initiate starts to walk the pathway through their Higher Self and not just their intuitive self of the physical body.

The types of people include self help teachers, gurus, and individuals that follow higher learning.  They have now walked into the pathway of mastery as an initiate.  They teach about responsibility and learn that everything has a purpose in life.  The initiate that is growing through this learns about the Spiritual Hierarchy and the reasons behind why things happen, they apply the teachings to their life and step unto the initiation pathway.  Each step on the pathway will take them deeper unto their mastery within.
Once an initiate has walked into the 5th initiation, they are accessing through their Higher Self.  THIS IS WHERE MANY STAY.  They feel good; they have accomplished a way of being that satisfies them as compared to where they were, so they don’t move further, they think this is the epitome of everything.  Most Lightworkers are in this space.  They do not go further through the process.  This is where the deep work gets deeper.  Some may go further; but if they are not ready to handle what they need to acquire, then they will feel lost. The Higher Self will slip backwards, and they will see-saw through the initiations they had already gained.

When one moves to the 6th initiation, everything is stepped up deeply.  The initiate is now inducted into the Brotherhood of Light on a trial basis.  They come in and out of Shamballa in their dream-state for teachings and wisdom.  This is the hardest initiation as there is more responsibility which is put upon an individual in this level.
Once an individual moves into the 7th initiation, then they are fully inducted into the Brotherhood of Light.  Now you can be at the 7th and not be fully indoctrinated into the Brotherhood.  You must prove your worth to be part of the organization.  Many masters do not make this level and filter back into the 5th and sometimes the 4th level due to the extreme responsibility that is put upon the soul to act within their highest wisdom through the physical existence.

This correlates with the dimensional frequencies.  Second and third dimensional beings are unawake, fourth dimensional awaken but still fight their process including the old demons within and around them, fifth dimensional beings see that love is the only answer but their full I AM presence must be accepted within the bodily structure still.  Some choose to stay at this level as they do not realize the potential to move through the processes.  It must be understood that mastering the first seven Rays of God are a pre-requisite for this level.  Many are not able to go deeper with that work but still access their Higher Self in certain periods of time.  Nothing is guaranteed within the ascension process and this is why so few have done it as yet.

Many will not make the 5th dimensional level even in their consciousness by 12-21-12.  Some may feel it and go back and forth through the process.  Ascension is truly the full activation of the physical merging of the Lower Self with the Higher Self.  It can be done on a consciousness level and yet not be fully actualized within the physical.


I wanted to share this information to the public arena and have chosen Meleriessee, as the messenger to apprise individuals of where they might be in the ascension process, so that it can be seen that work needs to be done in order for more awakened souls to walk physically into the arena of the 5th dimension.  The level of physicality is something needing to be realized; that it is a Learning Process and a Privilege to acquire it.  People cannot simply say that they are arriving in the New Earth just by being positive and showing love in many ways.  This is a major part of it but the true depth of this information is about interacting with others on a personal and professional level.

Many individuals are deepening their skills of awareness and allowing the energies to fully infiltrate within their physical existence but the process goes much deeper than they realize.  The depth of the work needs to be done in order for every individual to fully accept their physicality which allows the lower mind and emotions to no longer exist in that world.  It has a lot to do with the Cellular Memories within the Physical Body and the Etheric Body to co-exist with the Higher Self and I AM Presence.  These memories can be painful and erratic which can cause an individual to not be able to access the “LOVE BUG ENERGY” each moment.  Then, at this point, there comes a creation of division between all the four bodies instead of them merging into the One Light that each of us has the ability to create.

I believe it is time to share this information in depth because individuals need to take a look within their essence and see where they might be holding other parts that they thought had been taken care of previously.  The process of initiations is necessary and cannot be side-stepped to move into the New Earth frequency.  At this moment in time, November 8th, each individual is being prepared for these cycles of rebirth.  It is up to each individual soul whether or not they will walk through the process.  We know that the energies are going to split starting in December and moving forward towards 2013, 2014, and 2015.  The Christ Consciousness will be the consciousness of the New Earth and this earth is going to either reflect or deflect that essence.  It will determine the cause and effect that happens within the planet and how it is going to change.

Individuals that choose to accept their new roles as deemed appropriate from their Higher Self’s will fully have the capability to access so much more than they realize.  Some have gone through these processes and still have a lower self activating within their higher self.  This is a dangerous combination as the warriorship attitude results in the process which then causes great confliction.  There is no confliction on the New Earth frequency so all these elements are going to be weeded out.

I know you want me to share my views on December 21st on the effects upon the planet.  I will tell you that there will not be major destruction of the planet as previously foretold.  There will be areas that will have tremendous upheaval and this goes along with the individuals that are accessing the panic, fear, and uncertainty within their world.  This six-week period is a warning signal for each person to fully step into their own essence as the Earth is now going to be allowing that frequency to permeate within her essence.  It is important to be in places of power energies; vortices in order to connect with the integration of the changes that will be happening.  Many will not be happy as what they think will arise out of them is like a bad virus that has been brewing for eons of time.  The more positive an individual allows themselves to be, the more powerful the energy for them.

I suggest that each person takes this time to fully activate their Higher Self and accept their divinity of Light that they are.  They will be affected because what does not serve the energies will be expelled from the body.  And many people upon this planet hold within them a seed of de-struction and dis-ease within which flows into the Earth.  So we require as many individuals as we can muster up to understand this process; the better Gaia will accept her new Divinity.

This is just the beginning of the frequencies.  It is not going to happen all at once as it will be a process time to integrate the essences for each human being upon the planet.  Now is the time to learn more about your inner self and walk with others that are doing the same.  The Mastership Pathway is available to each and every one who chooses to walk within it.  The challenges are great, and the rewards are greater.  But it goes into the depth of your soul to be able to access the changes and allow it to happen.

We have many new awakened individuals upon the planet who are very gifted and want to share their gifts.  But this pathway must be acquired through great responsibility and diligence within their spirit to allow the changes to come first within and then share with others.  It is a most imperative stage of development.

The Ones that are doing this work now are being considered for leadership roles within the New Earth and within the Golden Cities of Light (in which there are 22 of them).  They are areas that represent the 22 Rays of God and will be considered the High Priests and Priestess Domain upon the New Earth.  There are many other cities of light that are also part of the New Earth energies but the cities I am referring to are the Domain of the New Earth Brotherhood of Light and are considered the High Order of Oneness and all the other cities will be the Light Cities underneath of the Golden Cities.  The 22nd City of Havalannchee will be the highest frequency of light representing the Platinum Ray which is going to be ignited on December 21st over the Mt. Shasta, California, USA area.  This city is aligned with Shamballa and will house all the Spiritual Masters of the New Earth.  The other 21 cities fall under the domain of this Crystalline City of Light.

I feel it is important to share as much information and to as many individuals that it is possible.  The Gateway to the New World on December 21st is just our beginning.  It will be an internalization of mass consciousness that has never occurred previously and we want to share as much information as we can to help everyone through this process.  It is very exciting for each of us within the Unified Whole and the Spiritual Hierarchy that Heaven on Earth is occurring now.  It is imperative to understand that it will not just happen and individuals must be prepared for their own awakening of Light in each moment.

In Reflections of Oneness,

I AM Albert Einstein Extending My Essence Unto Yours
Blessings and Love

*Photographer: Johan Hagemeyer
(American, born Netherlands, 1884-1962)
Title: Albert Einstein
Date: 1931
Medium: Gelatin silver print
Collection: Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
©2012 Walking Terra Christa, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, Vibrational Ascension Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.  No reprinting or sharing without including this notice and a link to our website: WalkingTerraChrista.com.


A Great Night for US Democracy

A Great Night for US Democracy

November 7, 2012

Exclusive: President Obama’s reelection was a victory for him and the Democrats but also for the principles of democracy. The Republicans sabotaged the economy, sought to suppress the vote and flooded TV screens with attack ads, but young people and minorities led the way in rejecting these tactics, says Robert Parry.

By Robert Parry

In the end, after a long ordeal lasting much of the last four years, the American people rejected the politics of Republican hostage-taking. Rather than reward the GOP for making the U.S. economy “scream,” voters – by a margin of nearly three million ballots – reelected President Barack Obama.

The ruthless Republican strategy began on the day Obama took office, Jan. 20, 2009. It was a plan to delegitimize, denigrate and destroy the first African-American president. But it failed as young people, blacks, Hispanics and other minorities rallied to defend their choice from four years ago, turning out in strong numbers and refusing to submit.

Some young Obama voters were passing out granola bars to people waiting in a long line to vote. (Photo credit: barackobama.com)

Though President Obama’s numbers were down among whites, who increased their support for the Republican candidate compared to 2008, other demographic groups, including women, voted for Obama’s reelection in overwhelming numbers.

In doing so, the voters not only rejected the GOP scheme of taking the U.S. economy hostage (by obstructing Obama’s proposals to create jobs and forcing a crisis over the nation’s credit rating last year), but they withstood Republican efforts to suppress their votes, and they rebuffed the unprecedented expenditure of hundreds of millions of dollars lavished on attack ads mostly paid for by pro-Republican billionaires.

So, Election Night turned out to be a great night for American democracy. The most brazen offensive by plutocrats in modern U.S. history had been turned back. Besides Obama’s reelection, Democrats actually gained seats in the U.S. Senate, contrary to the expectation that they might lose their majority.

The GOP did retain its majority in the House of Representatives – benefiting from redistricting in many states controlled by Republican governors and legislatures – but it appears the Republican majority will be several seats smaller after a few close races are decided.

The Big Question

Thus, the big question on the day after this GOP debacle is whether the defeat will lead to the kind of soul-searching that could convince the Republicans to look in the mirror and begin to remake themselves more in the image of the responsible pro-business party that many of us remember from the Eisenhower era of the 1950s.

Will the Republicans finally repudiate the win-at-all-cost tactics of Richard Nixon, including his Southern Strategy and its not-so-subtle appeals to racism and xenophobic resentments? Will the GOP accept facts and science on crucial issues like global warming – or will the party continue to insist on fantasies and rely on propaganda?

Will the Republicans finally recognize that the American Republic was created by Founders who embraced government as crucial to build the nation and who devised the Constitution to create a vibrant central authority with strong powers to promote the “general welfare”? The Framers did not disdain government as today’s Tea Party pretends. [See Robert Parry’s America’s Stolen Narrative.]

The answers to these questions will not be easy for the GOP, which has not only internalized ruthlessness over the past four-plus decades but has implanted know-nothingism in the party’s DNA. And the Republicans have generally profited from this approach. It’s hard to abandon tactics that have worked. [For more on this topic, see Consortiumnews.com’s “How to Save the GOP.”]

There’s also the reality of the Right’s massive infrastructure of angry media, mercenary think tanks and ugly attack groups – all of which have a strong self-interest in the status quo. Even if some GOP leaders wanted to change course, they’d have to confront these entrenched propagandiss, the likes of Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck and Fox News, ready to denounce any responsible Republicans as traitors.

Faced with this prospect of internecine warfare, the Republican Party might well opt to just continue down the same path toward consolidating the white vote and suppressing the votes of others, while investing even more in propaganda to create public confusion and while resuming the GOP’s obstructionist ways.

But the hard truth for the Republicans is that those tactics didn’t succeed in 2012. The GOP took the U.S. economy hostage and told the American people that their only choice was to elect Mitt Romney and then follow the instructions from the Republican Congress.

More than 60 million American voters called the GOP’s bluff.

[imho: its A Great Night for World Democracy]

source: Consortiumnews.com

Investigative reporter Robert Parry broke many of the Iran-Contra stories for The Associated Press and Newsweek in the 1980s. You can buy his new book, America’s Stolen Narrative, either in print here or as an e-book (from Amazon and barnesandnoble.com).


Early ‘Halloween’ for the dark cabal

Update by Sheldan Nidle

6 Manik, 15 Tzotz, 9 Eb

Dratzo! We return! Many events are preparing to happen quite shortly. Your world is at a point where the collapse of its economy is imminent. The status of your global economy is dependent on an illegal flow of cash from accounts that were plundered by the Federal Reserve over the past year. These accounts were illegally seized as part of procedures to monitor the exchange of funds from one account to another. Our associates are now rerouting these daily international movements of large sums of currency. As these fiscal sources of revenue begin to dry up, the US Corporation and its minions are desperately searching for a way to keep afloat. This sudden lowering of ‘true cash reserves’ has caused the central banks of your world to panic. This comes against a backdrop of a series of ultimatums recently issued to these banks by our sacred associates concerning large debts to be repaid only in gold. These still-covert developments are expected to create what can be called an early ‘Halloween’ for the dark cabal. Meanwhile, the various holders of the world’s known and ‘dark’ gold supplies continue to add to their totals.

This enormous loss of gold and silver further exacerbates the perilous situations facing the world’s fiat currencies. As noted above, the huge joint debts of your fragile economy are now being called up and payments in true-value gold reserves are being demanded. This concerted squeeze is about to cause a mass collapse of the fiat money system. Those who are doing this realize full well the consequences of such a drastic maneuver. However, this colossal debt and the squandering of the gold-based IOUs now due for repayment are to be the twin vehicles for the change of governance and the instituting of the new global financial system. This proposed, and thoroughly prepared for, solution to the world’s problems cannot be swept under the rug by the dark cabal. This mountain of debt is their own creation and it is inevitably creating the means of their downfall. The global fiscal situation is rapidly deteriorating, rendering the false optimism based on the ‘cooked books’ statistics of the West quite meaningless. On the bright side, this accelerating slide is also creating the opportunity for the new system to be suddenly introduced by our sacred allies.

These diverse momentums are quickly coming to a head. In public, a fictitious facade is being presented, which maintains that all is normal and that some form of recovery is possible. In fact this is bunkum and the reverse is true. Those in the Light who hold the cards for change are now actively playing them, and this is confirmed by our liaison personnel who continue to report that collapse is close. Those working on the plan to replace the dark governments with new ones are fully confident that their announcement of this change is at hand. In accordance with this we have alerted our on-planet crews, who have intertwined their operation with that of our Agarthan cousins, to be ready to counsel the communities they reside in not to panic, but rather to see the joy of what is beginning to happen. Your world is to be changed from a realm of treachery and strife into one where the governance actually takes heed of the people and then acts accordingly. The new financial system is designed to bring succor and universal prosperity to all. Nevertheless, this is a mere prelude to the wondrous transformations that are planned, including a formal disclosure announcement of our presence.

We are confident that the events of the coming time will at last move your world out of the grasp of the dark cabal. Conditions are locking into place which can make this change inevitable. Our intention is to ensure that this shift happens as easily and smoothly as possible. We have used our ability and technology to prevent attempts to threaten this outcome. The dark comprehends what we are doing and knows it is powerless to alter the end result. Thus we cannot fully understand why they are prolonging this stressful game of brinkmanship. Our liaison personnel at every level of the dark’s organizations report on the amount of fear and panic that surrounds those in charge of this reality. We have watched these dark ones scheme and plot to no avail. And yet they continue. Their fear undoubtedly stems from the long, uneasy history they share with the Anunnaki, and based on their experience with them, they dread what the proposed retribution for their crimes really entails. This exaggerated concern we are presently working to dispel.

Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! We come bearing news. Presently, your world is in the grip of a climactic battle between the Light and the dark cabal. The secret sacred societies and those groups and individuals who sincerely wish to shift the world away from the dark have joined forces and have promulgated a series of legal writs concerning the takedown of this reality. The first steps were to get a number of sacred elders from the ancient lineages of both East and West to decree in their favor. These decrees are setting a legal precedent for the ouster of the dark. Your present global legal system is based largely on both Roman law and ancient tribal customs, and these form the foundation of the current global system of statute law. This means that those who sit at the very core of the legality of ancient statute law are supporting this change of global governance.

This exciting development together with the imminent collapse of the world’s economic system has put the cabal on notice that its protracted reign is indeed coming to an end. The dark has long used these just-cited instruments to establish legitimacy for the Pope’s investiture of their dark rule. In effect, the foundation that gives legitimacy to the Pope’s temporal rule is being removed; indeed, all temporal pronouncements that are the basis for nation-state legitimacy are now at risk. This seemingly simple maneuver is a sign to the dark that its time to depart from its numerous power centers has arrived. The dark has so far tried to ignore this, but the fact of this threat has not escaped its notice. We are now assailing the cabal on several fronts: economic, financial, legal; and we are confident that our strategy will swiftly bring a close to the rule of terror that has existed on your world for millennia.

You are now seeing numerous lawsuits being executed across your globe as a result, in part, of what we have done. The fantastic amount of debt has become, in effect, the dark’s executioner. In fact, this debt can be legally removed once the new governance has taken charge. The dark uses debt to browbeat the nations of your world and demand ever more stringent austerity measures that are designed to create an increasingly intolerable and entrenched state of tyranny. The sacred decrees of AEON have stated time and again that it is time for action and time for a new realm of Light to be manifested. What we are doing is to bring into being what Heaven has mandated us to do. Our associates have gathered around them a group of inspired individuals who are breaking apart the dark and its unholy constructs, and preparing us to move on toward full consciousness and a new reality for all.

Today we continued to inform you as much as possible, within the discretionary constraints given to us, about the goings-on in your world. The Galactic Federation has come to move your transitional world forward with our help. Ponder on the immensity of what is afoot and support those who are bringing you this new day for Gaia and for surface humanity! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)




Debt Forgiveness is the Answer

SaLuSa 03-October-2012



SaLuSa 03-October-2012

As you are undoubtedly noting, the unrest amongst the worlds population is spreading. The people are not prepared to suffer any longer for the indiscretions of the Bankers, who have caused such severe austerity measures to be brought into the countries involved. The governments are fearful of the power of the people, and know that if they persist they will be forced to find another solution to the problems. In the long run, debt forgiveness is the complete answer, but you will have to wait and see if that realization is accepted. You the people have been deliberately kept in need due to the intention to the Illuminati to make you dependent on them. This way they have been able to dictate exactly how your lives have progressed.

So the power game is still being played out but on balance it is moving towards the people, who have awoken to how they have been falsely mislead to allow the dark Ones to rule their lives. As Sovereign Beings you should have had a far better quality of life, and there has been more than adequate means for your governments to do so. The rich and powerful have held you back to maintain their own position in society. When the wealth is re-distributed you will see that there has been enough in the world, for everyone to enjoy a life of plenty. The changes that will trigger a return to abundance are in hand, and in due course will happen in your lifetimes. We of the Galactic Federation of Light will have a role in it, and the plans have already been prepared.

Like you we are waiting for sufficient progress to take place so that we can push on with our responsibility to you, to ensure that the path to Ascension opens up more quickly. Obviously with the end times approaching so fast we do want to have the opportunity to come to Earth, as our technology will enable communications to be lifted up to a more efficient level. Then we can address the world who will hear what we have to say in their respective languages. In general terms we need to make sure that everyone learns of Ascension, and have the opportunity to take part in it. Some will of course have little or no interest, but at least they will not be able to say that they did not know about it.

We see the divide on Earth becoming wider between those of the Light and those who are still held back by the lower energies. Gradually the awakening is spreading, and many souls are realizing their greater potential to make changes to their lives for the better. A lack of belief in God is not necessarily preventing people from ascending, as many of them are at heart very kind and decent people. It is what you are inside that counts, but we always come back to the need to treat others as yourself. We will repeatedly remind you that you are All One and if you can accept that, you will be moving into the Light because of your love for all Beings. It is quite simple and not complicated to lift yourselves up, and with it you will experience a greater degree of consciousness.

Do not doubt for one moment that you are powerful souls, and do not put any limitations on your ability to achieve a higher level of existence. You have the potential to be whatever you desire, but you have to work towards it to be successful. You are not referred to as Gods for no reason, and many of you are already Masters. In the near future you will discover your true identity and find that you have greatly benefited from your experiences in duality. You will go on to have further ones, but in the higher dimensions the pace of evolution is a lot slower. Obviously you do not face the day to day challenges that you have now, or the opportunity to evolve as quickly.

After such a long time in the lower vibrations it will be a pleasant change for you to move into peaceful dimensions where you can relax and enjoy yourselves. There are so many more levels that you can evolve into, and each one is of increasing vibrations and Light. Eventually you will move beyond the need to take form as you understand it, but can nevertheless provide it for yourself when the occasion requires it. You will not immediately gain all of the benefits together, but will quickly acquire those that will replace what you are leaving behind. The chores and unpleasant features of living in the third dimension will no longer exist, and all will be a beautiful and satisfying experience.

Keep looking on the bright side of things even if you are suffering from an illness or disability, as it will not be with you for much longer. Your body is already changing and your vibrations will soon be powerful enough to bring about a reversal. The thought of having a perfect body will help with the creation of it, as what you focus upon is what you get. That is why we encourage you to focus on the Light and not things of the lower energies. Do not doubt your capabilities, as you can create from pure thought. Collectively of course it is increased exponentially and carrying you forward to Ascension. It is further enhanced by the Light that comes to you from many other sources, both on and off Earth.

We have consistently informed you that as a highly spiritual Being, Barack Obama was destined to win the Presidential Election. You are now seeing that his position is looking assured, and that means that we can wait until afterwards to involve ourselves in Disclosure. It will bring the commencement of many major changes, and you will finally see the collapse of the dark Ones. They have lived on borrowed time, and should have gone quite some time ago but have tried to deny the obvious fact that the Light is victorious. It has not been helped by the apathy of people who fail to see how their freedom has been taken away from them.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and will inform you that we continue to remove the dark forces that have been using bases on your Earth for a very long time. They are not allowed to stay any longer, and have no place in the Ascension process. Their existence so far has mainly been a legacy from several thousand years ago, and the evidence still remains in your recorded history. As many of you know, in recent times the Greys were allowed to reside upon Earth by agreement with your U.S. government, but these must also leave.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light
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Say Good-bye To Old 3D


Saying Good-bye A Message from Sananda Kumara through Elizabeth Trutwin, September 3, 2012

Greetings! This is Sananda. The August 31 Full Moon brought a new wave of energies in conjunction with massive corneal ejections from the Sun. These energies are designed to prepare us for the new beginning. First we must say Good-bye to the old.

Many of you have the question: How am I doing? or Will I ascend? I would like to address this to the whole. For the most part lightworkers continue to allow their ego minds to control their every move. More work needs to be done. As a Collective Consciousness there is resistance to moving forward due to misunderstandings within the Collective. Your media are continuing to have control over your egoic thoughts with the deluge of Election rhetoric and War in Syria. If the Collective Consciousness on Earth does not learn that they themselves are the Masters of their Fate, not the politicians and not the military, we could go on much longer without the changes we seek. The dark cabal are on their last breath though they still remain in control of the media and that is like listening to the man behind the curtain at Oz. The Wizard is only a guy with a microphone and unfortunately too many lightworkers still remain within the grip of darkness. The only true darkness is the duality nature of your mind holding you to the programming you still allow to run on your Inner Hard drive.

The ego mind is crafty and it will sabotage you even if you consciously desire rapid spiritual growth. Often we have an awakening which takes us further down the path only to be prevented by ego mind. This feels like a stuckness in a certain area of our lives. This is a normal stage of spiritual development. It will happen again and again as you advance until one day you will be completely free. Alert watchfulness is called for combined with discipline springing from your heart to detach from the concept holding you in fear. Fear separates you from your advancement. Of all the simple things you could try today to advance your spiritual teachings the number one thing you could do for rapid spiritual advancement is unplug your television and put it in a closet as well as not looking at any newspaper or blogs for a month. Stop plugging into others opinions from their ego mind of what you should accept as truth. Be alone with your thoughts and connect to the knowingness Inside. You Already Know the Truth.

Let us today say Good-bye. We must face the fact that all governments of the world are scandalous thieves and murderers. This is not such a surprise? Earth goes through this cycle again and again and we have seen this many times before. There is no major religion out there that has not told the story in their sacred books of times past where the Earth was controlled by criminals at the highest levels. We can today say good-bye to the United States Presidential Election. No election is actually necessary. The election is not scheduled for months. Unplugging from the duality of us vs. them and melting into Oneness is a much more potent answer. The United States Corporation with a suspended Constitution and Criminal branches of government does not need to carry on. President Obama is an Ascended Master who is playing his role to help Earth Ascend. He will remain able to do his role whether there is another election or not. We can say Good-bye to all the criminal Political Leaders around the world and especially those in Congress. We can say Good-bye to the Governments of the European Union. These governments run by political criminals going to the very top are completely corrupt and are dissolving now as we would expect to see. This is a positive outcome in the evolutionary process called Ascension. This is cyclical change as in winter a tree loses its leaves and goes into hibernation. We can say Good-bye to the governments in Asia, The Middle East, India, the 19 Countries of old Russia, South America and Africa. We can say good-bye to all the old affiliations who have kept us unwillingly in mass starvation and global war. The Collective Consciousness is required to see this as something it can change by simply willing it so and knowing It Is Done.

We can say Good-bye today to ridiculous self-gratifying religion which have large empty buildings and do NOTHING to help mankind. Scandals of child abuse, rapes inside their orders between the supposed holy men and women, advancement of disease through lack of assistance and the imprisonment of Souls based on the lies of supposed torture after death for sinners is egregious . All these criminals will pay back to the whole that which was removed from each Soul in pain.

We can say Good-bye to a medical model which makes cancer into a multi-trillion dollar business. Know someone suffering from cancer? Thatʻs not a surprise. We can say Good-bye to pollution causing industries and the criminal farming practices which are destroying the soil and our health with it.

Now consider for yourself – How Am I Doing? or Will I Ascend? Each person alive on Earth today has a choice of doing the Inner work it takes to detach from money, food, fear, sex, sleep and all the things which hold one back from Ascension. The idea is if your life lacked any one of these you would not be obsessed with finding it, but the opposite-continuing happily without it. All of these things find you as you need them, when you need them. Many millions today are dealing with lack and billions more are in abject poverty. This is what we would expect when we are dissolving the criminal banking systems. With this many are unhappy with their jobs or having trouble finding new jobs. Hold tight in this situation you are watching the old corrupt ways of doing business dissolve. We are as a Collective Consciousness in poverty as a Spiritual Gift to Earth to allow these things to fall away. We are abstaining from the criminal fiat paper money system so it will crash with its banks and markets into oblivion so we may begin with something new which works for everyone. We will have reparations. We will start out an equal playing field. Those with wealth today will lose it so we can start anew. Let it go! It is just an illusion. One cannot behold the beautiful new world to come without first ungripping from the criminally sick illusion we call Earth today. Say Good-bye to this Earth – Let it Go! Each personʻs individual Ascension is guaranteed as long as the work is done on the Inner Planes to let go of the old and come into a new awakening of what is real. How quickly that is complete is directly related to the intensity and longing put forth in Loving Self and Loving the Infinite with every action taken everyday.

Another question put forward often is the shift in relationships happening. Your relationship to your Highest Self, to that termed God, to Your Parents, Your Mate, Your Ex-Mate, Your Children, Your Friends, Your Boss and Co-workers, Your Family, Your Community, Your Country and Your Society is changing in one distinct way. As duality at Earth ends Karma ends. Each one of you may take a collective SIGH – YOUR KARMA IS OVER. When that moment is reached where we enter Zero-Point on Earth there will be no more karma. Say Good-bye – with unconditional love -to any relationship which no longer elevates you. Its OK and necessary for the dissolution for you to end any and all relationships which no longer serve you. Doing less is giving into egoic programming and holding back the Collective Consciousness. Another way to approach it is to allow the person to go – let them go – if they come back to you then you know the relationship will last. If they do not come back to you then it frees you to find happy new relationships. And you will! It is perfectly acceptable to take a break from grown children and grown parents and allow them space to explore the world without you for a bit if it is an unhealthy relationship.

Finally One must reflect on the importance of honoring All Life On Earth. Only through a plurality of Faiths will there be Peace on Earth. Say Good-bye to judging others based on their religion and also who they love. Make Love Legal is a new slogan. Truly we can look to our Higher Selves to Guide Us from passing judgment on another Soul for any reason whatsoever. Listen! I will tell you if you hear your ego mind chatting to your Higher Self an objection to this pat your ego on the hand and say It No Longer Matters. Forget It. We love Everybody without resistance and without judgment for where they are on their Spiritual Path. Now most important of all, as a Collective Consciousness our final Good-bye is to the War Criminals of High Treason as they leave Earth and return to the light. They become uncreated and the Timelines are repaired. Love them, bring them into your prayers, thank them for the role they played in the dissolution of old Earth and bid them Safe Journeys back to the Light. When you focus your attention on the News Media it is like watching rats run through a maze stuck at dead ends controlled by their ego mind constantly turning round in their own lower thoughts.

Your Mission today, if you wish to accept it is Raise Your Own Consciousness Higher. Say Good-bye to those things being ripped away by the new energies. Love them and allow them to fall away into the light. Become New to Create the New. Make bold moves today to end old habits and start a new happier life where you are having more fun. Resistance is Futile. With this conversion of the Collective Consciousness as its Own Master, no longer a SLAVE to media, we will see the Announcements, we will see Full Galactic Disclosure. Both of these come simultaneously and Earth continues to evolve Higher each now moment. It is only after this – once you have prepared your Soul through the Inner work when you will be able to accept your Next Mission. Until then the answer to What Is My Mission? is Say Good-bye to the Old and Wake Up Your Own Soul so the Collective Consciousness can untether from the programming by the media for once and for all.
In the new Earth you will instantly remember the Ascended Master you are and you will be completely liberated in a very short time to Be Your True Self.

You are loved beyond measure. Call on Me to Guide You. Bless You for the Wonder you Are.

This is Sananda through Elizabeth Trutwin, September 3, 2012. © All Rights Reserved. http://CosmicAscension.org, http:GalacticRoundTable.in, http://Garuda.co


The Luminescents

The Luminescents 8-25-12 to 10-25-12

Published August 25, 2012 | By bluestar

Blue Star Transmissions


~Blue Star the Pleiadian~

The Luminescents

8-25-12 to 10-25-12

I send greetings to you who are my Earth cousins. These greetings are from me as well as from other brethren from the Star Keeper realms who are now also walking among you. Now, those you once referred to as Gods and Goddesses but you always believed to be some type of mythology, are the very ones who are now all working on your behalf. Although many of their names have been long forgotten by all peoples in all lands, your most ancient predecessors knew them well! I sometimes wonder, even though I do indeed know how it all came to be, how it was that so many millions of you ones from all planets could have been so forcefully persuaded to deny the very existence of those who assisted in giving you life. Yet it did happen and even today only a bare handful of you who are the Planetizens on Earth know or acknowledge the truth. Although it is mainly the oldest still living generations of indigenous tribes here who still care enough about that ancient knowledge to cherish it, they do try to teach the younger members of their clans the truth of the matter. Cousins, if you had been permitted to retain your latent memories here of the existence of the Gods and Goddesses, none of the hellish atrocities that have taken place here would have happened! So it was that the infamous Illuminati and their equally infamous lineage ensured that you ones would not realize the truth of these matters. They ensured the success of their diabolical plan through conditioning peoples here emotionally and mentally and through the bastardization of the truth of the Luminescents through religions.

Soul memory is not an elusive entity. This memory factor can be shrouded however by the manipulations that occur within the intellectual properties and the strength and stamina of the human mind. Soul never stops reminding you that you are more than you believe yourself to be. Soul conducts a “mapping program” that is constantly “online” within the deepest recesses of the matrix of yourself. This is a combined effort initiated by all the Luminescents of all Universes. Because this is the Earth Star planet, of course the Luminescent of this Universe known to you here as “God,” is the primary facilitator in this endeavor. The mapping is a tried and true way of following the tracks, the imprint of a Soul on its Earth journey. Because of the tedious repetitious nature of the same old, same old patterns people fall into here, it is an easy matter to look beyond whatever the current trend any Soul is already pursuing and see where and how this current life experience may be merely a rehash of previous ones. By being aware of this when it is happening, newer and different patterns can be imprinted in the core of a Soul through sage advice and continuous guidance governed by the Luminescent of this Universe and all other Luminescents as well. It is a reminder factor. When Souls must deal with the personalities they are wearing there are always problems….for the most part. Obviously each Guide and Master Teacher participates in this endeavor too. Their combined missions here have always been whatever is best for the individual Soul on its path to higher forms of evolution. Obviously the combined effort of ALL Souls in any Universe also benefits that world and that Universe itself as well.

However, because all Souls here are being “subjected” to one degree or another to the tremors and vibrations emanating from the Golden NOW Child, it is NOW more so than ever before in this planet’s history evident that all Earthizens are provided with unlimited opportunities to board the freight train of change. All lives are dependent on how each person here reacts to this conveyance. Now, all peoples have these opportunities however it has become necessary to issue certain timelines for each Soul. This means that those who continue to fail to achieve the certain mind paths that lead to their own individual evolution, must leave the planet for the good of all. Earthizens, “salvation” is vastly misunderstood here; this is why in great measure all Luminescents are now actively working with The Masters and all Guides and other mentors to assist each Soul in saving themselves. That is to say the Souls who still can. In the most literal sense salvation simply means, “The cleansing of the Soul and the resulting unfettered state Soul has chosen in order to free itself of Earth bondage.” All Luminescents who have selected their Planetizens to be participants of the Earth Star journey know each and every Soul from their planets who is in residence here of course. The Souls from these planets, who have had lifetimes here whether it is one lifetime or many lifetimes, are now being culled as is deemed necessary. This is a combined agreement between all Luminescents and each Soul contract. Although all Souls here from all planets who have for the last 2,300 years made repeated trips here in an effort to learn from the experience of life on Earth while teaching by example have endowed themselves with many personal triumphs, there still remain those who have not.

These last 2,300 years was when many, MANY addendums were included by individual Souls as part of their pre-birth agreements. Prior to that although it had been known that the Jesus THE Christ consciousness would arrive at a particular conjunction point in what was at that time seen as “the timing of future events,” Souls had more freedom of movement back then. They were able to explore various life experiences here and to reincarnate more often because lifetimes were much shorter back then, for the most part. The peoples here had more advantages during those times in one sense. Yet the challenges were greater in another sense, because they had less time to overcome or capitulate whichever the case may have been, to the challenges and the challengers. Now, each Luminescent is a magnificent Soul brimming with eternal life, uncompromising love and the laughter of the greatest of the Sages. Each has a pivotal role to play in not only the life of their own individual Universe, but also as advisors to all other Universes. This is but one reason why Luminescents have long been targeted by those who are “the unclean.” Many, MANY millennia ago, when the dastardly Illuminati warlords and their minion attempted to use deicide against the Luminescents, was when the battle between the Luminescents and the unclean ones began in earnest.

The Creator and the Creation processing convened repeatedly with each of these Gods and Goddesses of each Universe and thus began the strategizing of unlimited ways to counterbalance the scales of Universal justice, while still empowering each of the Luminescents with even greater levels of abilities. These abilities were to further the Creation processing while still protecting their own home worlds and Universes and all of their “peoples.” This could be considered by you ones as a “blanket proposition.” Essentially what occurred was that as the battles against the forces of good by the forces of evil began to achieve a new ferociousness, MANY of the greatest warriors from each Universe combined their own fighting strengths in order to defeat and repel the dark ones. Synchronistical events occurred as Souls on each Universe learned quickly of the dangers inherent if the fallen ones were permitted to overrun their worlds. I am speaking of enormous numbers of Souls you see, not a mere 100,000,000 or so. Because of the conditions that existed while the Illuminati warlords were attempting to destroy or takeover other Universes, all new Souls who were Created during those tumultuous times entered the first stages of their lives with a cohesive understanding of the dangers that permeated the areas outside of their worlds. Now, each of the Luminescents approached all the Souls on their planets, particularly the new ones and proposed that the evil that was so intent on surrounding them should be best understood by seeing the difference between the dark invaders and the Souls who were unblemished. You see Earthizens, none can understand what evil truly is without understanding what good truly is. That fact is self-evident on the Earth Star planet in particular. Here on this planet you are renting, peoples here are far too prone to dismiss evil as either non-existent or something that just does not affect them in particular. As to understanding “good,” that is just not a palpable issue to many of you ones here.

Now, as the Luminescents worked in tandem with not only one another but with The Masters and the Creator as well, new stars were birthed to receive new Souls in case it ever happened that a Universe fell. I am of course most happy to tell you ones that no Universe was destroyed. However even Nirvana has had to close ranks and be on alert because the marauders would just LOVE to have that aspect of a Soul’s journey under their control. Today, because of the Christ Consciousness that is already in motion on the Earth Star planet, all the dark ones still “in life” are targeting Earth even more so than before. Now they are fighting for their very existence as well. Although they do attempt to interfere with the combined effort of the Luminescents who are assisting in the protection of Terra and most peoples here, they are unable to break through the shields of protection that have been placed over and around the Luminescent confluence. Your individual relationship with each Luminescent has never been understood by you while you have been on Earth wearing temporary, VERY TEMPORARY mortal form. The fact that it has been so easy for billions and billions and billions of peoples here to dismiss not only the existence of the Luminescents but their own individual connection to Them, says a great deal about the helpless state Soul has been in here.

NO, I am not in any way implying that without the covert interference that has taken place here that you ones would each remember all aspects of your Sacred Connection. I AM saying however that all of you who are pure Souls, all the goodhearted peoples here, would retain just enough conscious understanding of their Luminescents’ existences to better serve others on this planet and to have served Terra as well. The Super Conscious is a wondrous energetic mass which is not reliant on the conscious part of yourself in order to exist or in order to be of service. Yet it is sadly ironic that peoples here need to have their minds quieted before the unbreakable union between the Super Conscious and Soul voice can remind the personalities of the peoples here of who and what they really are. However, there are probability factors that come into play here thanks to the Luminescent of this Universe you call “God” and all the rest of the collective of Luminescents. The confluence of the collective of the Luminescents decided so very long, long ago, that each of you ones here and yes, that does indeed include those who have already passed over from mortal life, would be issued a “silent bell” that would begin to ring when each one was ready to merge with their Super Conscious self. Some exceptions had to be made as a matter of prodigious course alteration. So, if a person here anywhere on the world would suddenly for whatever reason change course and choose to align with the dark streamers, the unclean entities, then that individual’s bell would be removed and would not ring. This is because personal responsibility is required of each of you. Those among you ones who do not have it and do not even know they should or what it is representative of, are lost Souls. They have lost their own selves.

Now, another feature of this bell is that in the times of today, this bell is ringing to and fro and setting into motion the conscious recollection of many things peoples here have forgotten. No, this not an ambiguous undertaking; it is however one that had been purposely designed at a pre-determined time that you yourselves had agreed to. Yes, because so many have forgotten their promises and have lost their own expectations of themselves, they are the ones here who can cause nothing but harm to any person they encounter. Other people still continue to indulge in unlimited indolence. Now, although you ones may be among the groups of peoples who may not remember the minute details of all you are here to do, you should at the very least know to honor the Luminescent of this Universe by living your own lives as “Luminescents in training.” As such every nanosecond that you spend conversing with your unseen comrades of Spirit brings you ones closer and closer to the epicenter, the precipice that demands you do what you can to better emulate your own future selves. Of course you have not been aware of any details at all about what your individual future selves would be. That is why it was called “future.” You were not supposed to! Do you not think that you each have had enough to do just trying to be a better human being? However…I want you ones to now understand that all that you do from this moment on will be the determining factor of who you will be and WHERE you will be in your future tomorrows.

If you ones believe that I am intentionally hammering away at all of you about the importance of your individual and collective futures then YES, you are correct for I AM. It is so strange to me that so many of you ones tend to grieve over the physical loss of a loved one, yet do not have the common sense nor the sentience to grieve over the loss of yourself! There has never been a Luminescent or any good Soul in any Universe, especially none in Nirvana, who have ever wanted to see the loss/the destruction of a Soul. Not any Soul! Now, among the many things you ones fail to understand is that the day will arrive YES, while you are still in mortality, when you consciously share your mind-thoughts with this Universe and announce your heartfelt intents and convictions to merge yourself with the God of this Universe and with the Universe herself. We are aware that many, many of you ones are already doing so. It is as you do this that you will Super Consciously merge with the Jesus THE Christ Consciousness regardless of what your race or culture is. DO YOU UNDERSTAND THE IMPORTANCE OF THIS FEAT?? The collective of the Luminescents with the complete sanction of the Creator will provide those of you who do this with unlimited assistance in all that you need or think you need. They will assist you ones who do this in opening many new doorways for yourselves. You will be merging with the Divine in a way you have not done before! The God of this Universe along with the rest of the collective of the Luminescents, are about to begin a selection process that is unparalleled. Do you ones remember that I spoke with you about the new stars that were birthed and why? If not then I ask you to go back and reread that part in this transmission. Because those stars were to hold future civilizations if they had been needed to, it has been decided that millions and millions of you ones OF TODAY, will be provided the opportunity to become Planetizens of new civilizations on new worlds. Each of you ones must first earn your laurels however.

The Creator, in conjunction with the collective of the Luminescents has issued a call. They are calling for God-Walkers. It basically means that the principality of yourself will be able to walk as God in an emerging form of a future Luminescent in new civilizations that you may be able to help in founding. As this occurs the new position of you as Soul becomes the principle defining a certain evolutionary state and the principle of that state becomes YOU. Do you see? Now, at this very nanosecond the Luminescents are accompanying The Masters in scrutinizing each individual in each country; none can hide from their “unseen” surveillance. All that you ones think, say, believe and all your intents, dreams and visions are being exposed for the collective of Divinity to see. Now, let me stress that you ones do not need to do anything ultra-extraordinary to qualify for this extra-ordinary event that is currently underway. No, please do not go live in a cave or do anything else so un-serendipitous as a means to try to “atone” for ANYTHING! Those among you ones who believe they must atone for the errors they have made here are automatically disqualified. The life of a mortal is fraught with errors in judgment and dreams unfulfilled. That is what the Earth Star walk can present to millions of people here. It is all a matter of semantics and perspectives. Your difficulty has always been in understanding that of course you will make mistakes; after all you are human. That is NOT to say that I encourage any of you ones to INTENTIONALLY continue to repeat the same mistakes, you know! The true semanticist easily identifies what a situation really is and how it aligns synchronistically with the actions and symbols peoples adhere to.

Your actions do not always speak louder than your thoughts!

Now, take a moment later this day to initiate your possible new participation as a God-Walker. Then give some thought to this every day. Be expansive in your mind-thoughts and be prepared for “new” thoughts and “new” inspirations which will be presented to you. Also of primary importance: learn to look behind all the things happening here on Terra that you have been sickened by. Learn to look behind the events and see the good that is coming out of them all! LEARN and UNDERSTAND that the evildoers and those peoples here that are out of control MUST be exposed; they MUST be brought to justice, one way or another. Learn to think as a God or Goddess. Use your own insights cousins; learn to allow Soul voice to reign supreme. I hear many of you ones experiencing distressing thoughts now because you feel you can not do it. I caution you ones now-if you feel that way then you have already lost! I was granted permission to speak with you ones about this tremendous opportunity you are being given. Please do not lose sight of the fact though that if you do not use it you lose it. There are gigantic numbers of people waiting in the queue. Simply be yourself, forgive yourself for your transgressions that you believe you may have committed and get on with it, OK? Yes, it is this simple. Stop trying to make things so difficult!

As for the peoples who are already passed over and are in Nirvana, they too MAY be candidates depending on what actions, thoughts and Soul desires they truly exhibit. Obviously those Souls there who still have much karma to work off will not be in the queue until such time those matters are taken care of. Many of those who are there who have spent any important part of your Earth life with you will be helping you in your Sacred endeavor. They are all in absolutely “joy-joy” mode about this new and better way of life that is offered to all good Souls. You can only help those in Nirvana now by helping yourself.

Now, because the Earth Star planet is designated to be the new world for the new people, it will be those individuals already starting to be born and the generations to follow who will be in great measure responsible for manifestation and materialization of a better life in a better world. That is not to imply that none of you ones who are in mortal form at this time can not assist them. Who you teach and HOW you teach others now, will be the defining moments which clearly state your new roles here as mentors. Many peoples here who you help are or will be the upcoming mentors and parents of the new peoples. What values, dedications to duties and Spiritual information you share, THEY will pass on to their children, as well as evolving at a faster pace themselves. No, it does NOT mean that you each must be “a know it all,” that would be rather redundant. Build on what you do know chelas; that is an important cornerstone for an important new foundation here on Earth. You ones can not speak of what you do not know, but you CAN and should speak on what you DO know. No one can have wisdom if they do not have knowledge first. I have been called into council meetings with the collective of Luminescents. I am already of course working with The Masters as we along with many other of my brethren have been busily scouring the lands here. The Luminescents granted me permission to speak with all of you ones about all that I have this day. They and I believe that the more you know the easier it will be for you ones to better understand these situations that are here now.

No, cousins, the world is not going to hell in a hand-basket; rather hell is beginning to leave the world. You may consider this to be a different type of birthing pain. Hell must be forcibly extricated from Earth. Yes, this will take time. But this also gives way to the new world. No, it will not be easy, it is not easy now. But after all there are now many God-Walkers in training here to live, love and move mountains by sheer thought. I am signing off for now,

Salude…Blue Star

“There is a valley where that which is Spiritual stands on one side and that which is religious stands on the other side. In the middle walks the Creator and the Creation. In time, all shall be as one… I shall meet you there.”

Blue Star the Pleiadian……

Blue Star Transmissions / www.bluestarspeaks.com


Channeler: Beth Trutwin

Greetings, this is Ashtar. We are increasing our communications to you now to let you know your energy is needed now. The sequential flow of events continues. In my last message I had talked about how on Lions Gate a natural transducer had been used and a rarely traveled pathway or portal had been utilized to allow in millions or more large MotherShips into Earths inner orbit. This operation had been prepared and practiced many times since 2010. It was a resounding success. The technology of the Secret Space program to monitor and detect mass movements did not have its sites pointed here and the operation was complete before data could be had. Since their entry into Earths inner orbit the Ships have moved into position for their individual assignments. These Ships are capable of many wonderful things. The whole point of moving them into Earths inner orbit is the influence they may exude directly to Earth. Although we may not interfere with Earth civilizations, we are not hindered in any way from projecting light and love to the Planet and to the hearts of its inhabitants. This is a moment we have been waiting for a very long time.

Lions Gate marked the first of many portals Earth with transcend as it enters what you call Ascension this December 21, 2012. These are a series of Galactic Alignments which allow Earth to enter the dimensional frequency of the Higher Realms. In this new level of love Earth will be invited to rejoin the Intergalactic Councils of Light. Anything Galactic refers to what happens in the Milky Way Galaxy. Intergalactic affairs are within the neighboring Galaxies with the Andromedan Galaxy as your nearest neighbor. Within the Universe Nebadon there are unlimited numbers of Galaxies. Earth with her duality phase over will be readmitted to the Intergalactic Councils and will be allowed to participate in the decision making of Intergalactic Affairs. You can see how this will open potentials greatly. Earth will be fully functioning at a level where uninhibited Space Travel for all its citizens will be completely unregulated. You will be free to move about the Galaxy at will and each individual will be equipped to do so. This is only made possible with the removal of the Intergalactic War Criminals from Earth.

With the opening of Lions Gate at this celestial alignment a very interesting phenomena occurred three nights ago. Earths second moon returned to its orbit. The waning crescent moon could be seen setting on the eastern horizon in a glorious blaze of orange. Earths second moon rises in the west and sets in the east climaxing in the sky together with Luna in the days between. The Hindu astronomers have always mentioned Earths moons in their incantations and magical ceremonies. The second moon arrived at the appointed hour in the sequential flow of events at changeover. The cancer moon represents Motherʻs Love and the leo moon – the second new moon this month – represent the Lordly Lion, Fatherʻs Love. Mother and Father energy combining this way are required for changeover and three days before the leo new moon our second moon appeared. Today is the New Moon so no moons will be visible in the sky. This is a time to meditate on the changes you wish to see on Earth between now and August 31st when we have this months leo full moon. Your energy is needed now. Be Love like never before! Look for the second moon in the eastern sky this month. It will only be visible from certain vantage points. Have your cameras ready. You will start to see pictures of it on the internet. Just as Niburu appears in photos as a second Sun. This moon is an actual moon of Earth returning to its orbit and that was not possible until the side real location of the stars orbiting Earth aligned in the Higher frequencies. It is done. Just as the stars rotate around Earth changing position all year, the second moon will come more and more into alignment and at changeover will be a fully functioning member of Earths orbit once again. The second moon fell from its visible position in Earths orbit during the last great War in this sector when so many Starseeds migrated as refugees to Earth. Many of you have been here since. This is when a nuclear explosion tore the surface off most of Mars. It was at that time the civilizations at Mars retreated to Mars interior just like the civilizations of Telos and others at inner Earth. To send pictures back from the barren surface and not mention the inner dimensions of Mars, well that is a farce that will abruptly come to an end.

Another of the sequential flow of events taking place is the simultaneous forgiving of all Souls who have mended their ways and returned to love and the complete removal of Souls who have not. If you are reading this and all Souls still here will stay through Ascension. Much has been said over the years of when the dark Souls would be transported through Galactic Center, through the black hole and sent back to the Light Universe called On. The dark Universe we exist in is called Nebadon. The light Universe on the other side of our Galactic Center is called On. They are exact duplicates except one is light and one is dark. The dark Universe requires the light of the Sun in order to have life exist here. This is the Sun God Ra or Vishnu, the Creator God Alcyone or Brahma and the Destroyer Mother Sekhmet/Kali Durga or The Holy Spirit also known as Sophia. The extraterrestrial cultures onEarth have immortalized the trinity Gods and Goddesses in their architecture, art and ancient texts going back to the last great War. We have been working toward this moment since including the complete required removal of all nuclear threat to this sector.

Today we were able to achieve another great accomplishment. In communicating these changes you are invited to tune in and see how it feels. It is possible to feel the light changes occurring in your world. It just feels better now. There is less interference in the frequency of love. The British papers started the morning at a meeting in Finland covering the complete dissolution of the Euro denomination. Surely the pronouncements were sugar coated, It was interesting to note China, Japan and Germanyʻs roles in inflating values of currencies as well as stock values and how they weave the Iranian fake threat and fake oil prices to keep the markets artificially buoyant. This is a massive illusion and only matrix programming keeps the illusion running. Angela Merkel has been charged with pronouncing the truth to the world or exiting the stage. It will not be long until we know her decision.

All of these things happening today are grand on their own scale. Something much much larger was accomplished today. All of the large MotherShips which entered Earth orbit August 8, 2012 carried off a large scale operation where they linked their communication systems together. Remember this technology is evolved and sentient in its own right. This connected vibrational frequency can make miracles happen. It cannot be overstated the power of this link. There is a Hindu myth story of the churning of the ocean that describes this operation. We have done this thousands of times before – churning the Galactic Sea, fooling the demons into submission and then with love returning their Souls to the light. This is the moment when they become uncreated on the Time Lines of this Earth Cycle as if they were never born. In the realization of the complete removal of the dark Ones the nectar of Divine Love pours out to all who remain raising their light frequencies along with their intellect so the moment of changeover can complete and they will get it! This operation has come to completion this day August 17, 2012. The ramifications will echo out like a drop of water spiraling outward in a Sea of Love during the next 72 hours. Look for changes!

Congratulations! We are nearly there. Lend your Love in greater and greater amounts while saying good-bye to the old. Stay tuned. Thank you for your Service in the Ground Crew.

Salut! This is Lord Ashtar of the Galactic Federation through Elizabeth Trutwin © All Rights Reserved.

http://CosmicAscension.org, http://GalacticRoundtable.in, http://Garuda.co