Tag Archive: ET

News Release
January 10, 2013
“We the People” Petition Challenges the White House to Attend Citizen Hearing on DisclosureWashington, DC — A petition calling for the White House to require representatives from the Office of Science and Technology Policy to attend a

Citizen Hearing on Disclosure at the National Press Club in April of 2013 has been posted by Paradigm Research Group (PRG) on the White House website.   This is the sixth Disclosure petition submitted by PRG to the White House’s “We the People” project and it resides at:  http://wh.gov/PUGp.   Information on previous Disclosure petitions can be found at disclosurepetition.org  .

If the petition garnishes 25,000 signatures by February 8, 2013, a formal response from the White House will be forthcoming.   The petition reads as follows:
The Citizen Hearing on Disclosure is a project of Paradigm Research Group. 
Contact:  Stephen Bassett
 Paradigm Research Group
4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD  20814
PRG@paradigmresearchgroup.org   202-215-8344

Can We Trust The Galactics

Zingdad’s Ascension Discussion Forum

A place for discussions about ascension, unity-consciousness and “The Ascension Papers”

Steve Beckow, on his website “The 2012 Scenario” has been delving into the question of whether the galactics (extra-terrestrial intelligences, especially those offering us channeled wisdom) are trustworthy. As I read this question being posed so I got the familiar tug indicating there is something that I need to open to to receive. It was a response to the question from Adamu. Becasue the answer was (as all answers from Adamu are) rich with layer-upon-layer of additional meaning and value, I wanted to share it with you here…

Can we trust the Galactics?

Adamu: Greetings to you my friend. You ask a simple question but, as usual, if we are to do the question justice and learn as much as we can from it then we need to take some time with it.

The answer is both “no, you cannot trust the Galactics” and “yes, you can trust the Galactics.” Perhaps my ambivalent answer surprises you? Allow me to explain…

Why you CANNOT trust the Galactics

To assist us in gaining clarity, please allow me to turn the question around and ask “can you trust humans?”

If you were to simply put all of yourself and all of your energy at the disposal and mercy of any and every random human that you encountered, how long do you think it would be before you were denuded of every scrap of your personal assets and before you were used and abused in every conceivable way? Not too long, am I right?

So you simply cannot trust all humans. That way lies disaster.

But you can trust SOME humans. There are certainly many humans on earth right now that are good, kind and trustworthy. With whom you could throw in your lot and co-create.

And the same is true, only much more so, of the uncountable number of individual beings who fall under the label “the Galactics”. Because, indeed, “the Galactics” are, from your perspective, every sentient being living in the whole Galaxy, other than earth humans. That’s a of beings!

Some of the Galactics are of fairly low consciousness. And some of those that are of this lower consciousness are able to travel space and time and find their way to your planet. If you were to simply welcome them in with open arms and give them free access to your planet and all it’s resources… well that would NOT be in your best interests. Some of these lower-consciousness beings are also making use of the psychic connections that are available to them in the form of what is called channelling. So those Galactics can’t be trusted and neither can their channelled messages. Their messages are designed to take from you your energy and to disempower you and render you more manipulable. That is what is in THEIR best interests… but clearly not in yours!

Many more Galactics are either indifferent to you or purely academically curious: they either have no interest in you or their interest is to simply observe, without interference, as you navigate this critical time in your journey.

Then there are those who actively wish your well-being. Those that would like to assist you in whatever way they can. Some of these, however, are ALSO not of a very high consciousness. “Well-meaning” is, itself, not an indicator of high consciousness.

I am reminded here of missionaries in your earth history. In all well-meaning they brought their religious message to tribal peoples in far-flung places. The motivation was, mostly, good. They believed they were “saving souls”. But what they actually did was to bring cultural devastation wherever they went. Not to mention diseases to which there was no resistance. And access to, and desire for, the artefacts of the missionaries culture which supplanted highly functional tribal cultural items. And this religious incursion paved the way for even more destructive offerings from the missionary civilisation: distilled liquor, voracious acquisitiveness, destructive technologies and weapons and so on. And so there is little doubt that those tribal civilisations did not benefit from their interaction with those missionaries!

Should those tribal people have opened that door to trusting the missionaries? One can certainly argue they should not have. I make the point here that “well-meaning” is clearly not the same thing as “in your best interest!” Not in the case of human missionaries and neither in the case of Galactics.

But, of course, there most certainly are those of Galactic civilisations who are deeply loving towards you and who will also only act in your best interest. Who are they? They are the ones that know that you are not “other” than they are. They know that you and they are both motes of eternal, immortal consciousness. They know that you and they are, in reality, ONE. They know that you are not, in truth, less than they are. They know that you are NOT best served by them rescuing you. They know that, very, very soon, when you are ready, there will be a time for a truly wonderful interaction between you. An interaction between equals. THESE are the beings that not only love you but also will only act in the best interests of ALL concerned.

So how will you know what kind of being you are listening to? What are you to do with the claim of a channelled entity such as “I speak to you from the higher dimensions and I come to you from the xyz star system.” Is it possible that this being does not tell the truth? Is it possible that the channel is distorting the message? Is it possible that the channel is entirely inventing this as a fiction? Perhaps a grand self-delusion? Or is it possible that the message is exactly as it seems to be and there is no deception at all?

If you are honest you will admit that all of the above are possible.

So how will you know the difference?

I submit to you that you will NOT know the difference if you are looking outside of yourself (to the message itself, for example) for THE TRUTH. Because THE TRUTH is not outside of you. There is, in point of fact, precious little that can be labelled as THE TRUTH. But what there is a great deal of is YOUR truth. And so, if you wish to know when to trust (and when NOT to trust) the Galactics, then you must first find your connection to YOUR truth. I assure you with all the conviction in my being that you DO have access to your truth. You can dull it and silence it and then forget that you have it or you can pay it respect and listen to it attentively and in so doing hear it speak to you ever more clearly.

Your truth is the “little voice” that speaks to you sometimes. You can allow it to become the “big voice” if you would care to do so.

And so what I would invite you to do from here on out is to begin by regularly affirming the following to yourself:

“I trust MYSELF first. I trust my truth. I follow my heart. I do what is right for me to do. I know the truth when I hear it.”

Say this to yourself right now. And then repeat it to yourself regularly as you go about your life. Say it to yourself before reading any and all channelled messages. Say it to yourself before someone speaks to you and you are not sure of their motivations. Say it often. And, as you say it become very delicately aware of what happens in the centre of your heart. You see, right where your physical heart muscle is, there is also an energy centre in your being that connects you to the eternal, infinite Oneness of All. This is where you are connected to divine will. It is where you can access infinite wisdom, infinite knowledge and infinite creativity. So become ever more sensitively aware of how this energy centre (called your heart chakra) FEELS when you say the above affirmation. And then continue to FEEL it as you read the channelling or hear the other person out. And then trust what you feel and respond appropriately to that.

Now I will speak to you of “resonance”. This is a good word but it is somewhat abused in spiritual circles. When someone likes what someone else says, they often say “I resonate with that.” This is sad. It waters the meaning of the word down. “Like” is not “resonate”

If you are acutely aware of your inner-truth because you are delicately listening to your heart and someone offers you something that is SO RIGHT for you that it makes your heart sing… that you feel they are giving voice to your very own thoughts… then you are “in resonance”.

Then there are other thoughts that someone might offer that you simply feel “okay, sounds fine, but it doesn’t ring my bell”. That is then, probably THEIR truth and is something you can simply let be.

Sometimes you will encounter something that is directly “disresonant”. This is when, for example, a channelled entity and the channeller are working together to manipulate you into giving up your energy so as to feed themselves, their egos and their needs at your expense. If you are paying attention you will feel this as directly, diametrically opposed to your own truth. As DISresonance. Pay attention to that feeling! It means this message is something that you must discard without any further ado.

So, given all that I have said you are probably feeling a little pessimistic about trusting the Galactics. Well here I will offer you some good news and good advice too.

Why you SHOULD truth the Galactics

Firstly, as I have mentioned above, if you are attentively listening to your truth you will hone that skill and soon be discerning for yourself what is good for you from what is not.

Secondly, the more integral you become the more you will invite interaction with others of great integrity and less interaction those who are disintegral. Integrity means:

What you ARE is what you DO, it’s what you SAY, it’s what you THINK, it’s where you GO, it’s what you EXPERIENCE.

Do you understand? I am talking about all of your being lining up in one direction in coherence with your truest nature. As you do this, so you cease to lie to yourself and others. You speak your truth. But you also live your truth in your every thought and action. All of YOU becomes aligned with your innermost self. As this happens so you can expect wondrous things to occur in your life. You become a worthy co-creator and others, who are themselves also worthy co-creators seek you out to co-create with you. Miracles ensue.

But that is not what we are talking about here so allow me to remain on task. What I wish to indicate is that YOUR integrity or lack thereof, is what will bring you interaction with others, including the Galactics, who are of a similar vibration.

You see, the deepest reason that you should trust the Galactics is the same reason that you should trust all of life. It is because there is a fundamental rule of the universe that goes:

“What you put out is what you get back”

Every single little thing in life works in accordance with this rule. It can do no other. You can absolutely trust life to mirror back to you what you are showing to it. To many of you this will seem untrue because the mirror can sometimes have a very long delay. This delay between cause and effect is called “time”. Time is what separates your actions from the universes reactions. And sometimes that separation is long enough that it can span a number of lifetimes. When that happens you can forget how you set a ball in motion and be quite surprised when it comes bouncing back at you!

What you can do about this is: RIGHT NOW to become very, very conscious of what you are putting out. Put out ONLY what you want to get back. And then watch how your whole life transforms and becomes more joyful and loving. Then, secondly, practice great acceptance, forgiveness and patience when things come back at you that you do not understand. So… you don’t remember putting this or that thing out? And yet here it is causing you distress! Fine. Don’t lash back at life with aggression! You’ll just make it worse! Accept it and go within. Go to your heart and ask your truth: “what is the deep, deep choice that I made that caused this to occur in my life?” Await the answer. Listen for it. And then, when it comes (it might take a little time) trust it and respond appropriately. When you discover a choice that has resulted in a negative or painful result, it is time to come to a new decision that is more loving. THAT is how you heal the pain. Not by striking back!

Living like this WILL change your life in magnificent ways!

And most importantly, practicing this will show you in the most powerfully undeniable way that YOU CAN TRUST LIFE. If you live like this you will see, as a matter of your own life’s experience, that all of life always reflects you back at yourself. You get back what you put out. Or, put another way, what you do to another, you do to yourself also. Always it is so.

And if all of life is like this, then indeed the Galactics can not be any different!

Dear friend. You are right now in the window of choice. This is what this critical time in human history means. You, individually, are right now choosing what kind of a reality you will experience in the next cycle of creation.
You are choosing this by where you put your energy: what you do, what you think and what you say. In these ways you alter your spiritual frequency.
If you would pay dear old Adamu any mind at all then I would implore you, for the greater well-being of YOUR soul, to move directly to listening to and trusting your own truth. To becoming ever more integral and congruent. And to giving up on the desire to have some other external being or beings come and rescue you and tell you what must be true for you.

Trust your OWN inner truth above all!

With that I leave you.

I love you with the heart of Oneness.

I am Adamu of the Monadic Entity of the

All Rights ;zingdad.com

Original posting at Lightworkers.org

Related reading:

The Truth Continues in You


We are you – You ‘R’ Us

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 6/29/12

‘You Represent Many Worlds’

The big and beautiful spiral galaxy M81, located in the northern constellation Ursa Major


If we have managed to come this far do you not think that together we can travel the last mile and make it to where it is we set out to reach so very long ago? What we have accomplished here together so far is nothing short of miraculous, and what we have done has already changed for the better so much of this, our shared universe. We, together with you, have already built bridges between worlds who may not have seen eye to eye in some areas, and we have constructed a roadmap connecting worlds that at one time saw no connection and had no desire to create any interconnecting ideas, projects or philosophies, but today are connected because of you and because of we and what we together have accomplished.

We do not wish to stop here, however. We wish to continue constructing lanes and avenues of shared visions and dreams and continue to build on our project that has connected so many worlds now dotting this interstellar roadmap of friendship, teamwork and cooperation. We ask you to continue strongly your efforts and strive to persevere beyond any illusion of limitation and blockage and push through any and all obstacles that you may find, at one time, a formidable foe. There is nothing and there is no one that can stop us when we all work together as a team, and that is the most important treasure we are all discovering for ourselves while we work towards the final accomplishments of our shared mission.
Joining hands for the first time are worlds who may have not have agreed on several important points of this universal infrastructure, and raising the flag of truce, peace, love and friendship for the first time are a few worlds that have at one time battled and fought each other because agreements could not have been reached amicably in other more peaceful means. This is what we have accomplished so far together with you and we wish you to know this, and we hope it to give you strength, to give you the courage and the commitment you may need to continue your efforts and breakthrough any walls that stand before you and between any worlds within this entire universe.
Today here in your world are representatives from many different planets, star systems and galaxies that fill and brighten what otherwise would be a darkened universe. These representatives are you. That is who you are. We see so many of you trying to figure out and remember who it is you truly are and we wish you to know that who you are our representatives of the worlds that we who are members of the Galactic Federation of Light come from and call home. None of us are strangers to any of you. We are you and you are us. You just do not have remembrance of this, but we say to you that you will have your memory banks fully restored when your mission here reaches its completion, and it will be at that time that you remember that you are us and that there is no them or they, and it will be at that time that those of you who feel fear of us or who may be choosing separation and to believe we are invaders or uninvited strangers coming to your home will realize the futility and waste of such unproductive thoughts and emotions.
We have not come here foraging, exploring, mining, stealing, spying or to tempt anyone for the purposes of enrollment to fill our ranks. We have come here with you and you have come here with us. We have come here together, and we have come here on a mission in love and service to our Creator and to each other, and this includes all of the worlds of this entire universe and includes all of the representatives of these worlds here in your world at this time. We are all together in this. We all play for the same team. We would like more of you to understand this, as it will be soon now that we will begin the next stages of our operation where we will begin to work more personally, either directly or indirectly, with many of you that we feel are prepared to work with us and who would make positive additions to the teams that are now being organized to begin the many projects we see as necessary to advance this world to the standards of an intergalactic community.
This is what will be the end result of our mission here. This world that you call Earth will receive many modifications, changes, upgrades, purifications, cleansings and structural reinforcement that will strengthen her roots and strengthen her fruit for her continued growth and journey through this universe. You are the fruit that grows from your planet’s branches. It is you that are now growing stronger and healthier, allowed to ripen in the sunshine where at one time there was nothing but darkness. It is this growth and maturity, strengthening and blossoming that is at the root of our mission here, and these roots grow deep not only through this single planet, but throughout worlds and throughout galaxies that spin and shine throughout the entire forest of this universe.
Help us on our mission together by continuing to do your best to get along with each other, to respect others points of views and honor the choices they may make that may differ from yours. It is not imperative for everyone to believe the same things about themselves or about our mission here together. What is of importance is that you, the representatives from all the worlds that we come from, get along peaceably and politely as we move ahead now with the next phases of our overall operation. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated and much needed in this respect, and we thank all of you for giving this area of your assignments your sincerest efforts. We thank you, and we look so forward to working with many of you in one form or another as soon as is possible in the days ahead.
We are your family and your friends from back home. We are the Galactic Federation of Light.
As channeled through Greg Giles

http://ascensionearth2012.org/- English


SaLuSa  10-August-2011

Channeled by Mike Quinsey


The battle between the dark and Light has reached its end, and although the Light has become the dominant force for good, it now needs to be seen to take over responsibility for the Earth.

Some people fear that the Illuminati will take advantage of the problems you are experiencing, to bring in World Government. That has always been their ambition, but they no longer command the power to do so, and it is the Light that will reveal the answers that will restore hope for the future. As most of you can see, all around you the unrest and anger is escalating, and will not subside until the root causes are addressed. Our plan is the only one that will restore people’s faith and show that a quantum leap forward is possible. We ask only that you hold your vision of a new order, and paradigm that will solve the present problems. All that is happening has been foreseen for many years, as the dark Ones planned your demise and the collapse of your society. For karmic reasons it has had to run its course, but now the time has arrived for a stop to be put to the continuing destruction and inevitable demise of your civilisation.

The battle between the dark and Light has reached its end, and although the Light has become the dominant force for good, it now needs to be seen to take over responsibility for the Earth. That is in the process of happening and it pushes Disclosure nearer to being announced. It is therefore more important that you hold fast to your focus on the future, and do not weaken in the face of the increasing turmoil and break up of law and order. The cleansing, which is already taking place, does bring to the surface the negative thought forms that have fuelled the unrest. This way they can be dissipated and transmuted and allow the Light to come in. For our part we beam the higher vibrations to Earth to strengthen the Light that is now growing faster than ever. So do not be misled by the outer signs of upheaval and change, as you will see that in the long run it is to ensure the right outcome.

We handle the more urgent issues of preventing the final attempts of the dark Ones to take advantage of the world situation. Together we will achieve our goal to bring in stability, and create the conditions that will enable us to go ahead with they next phase of our plan. Once we can do that you will see that events will be speeding ahead, and you will have no doubt that the corner has been turned. An exciting time will commence when all that has been promised to you will manifest. We are more than equal to the task even although the time factor concerns some of you, but you can rest easy as our technological abilities can deal with the demands upon us. No problem is too big, and bear in mind that we have immense resources to call upon.

Everything is in the melting pot at present, and even we are not sure how it will turn out. We do however know where it is leading and that any attempts to support the old monetary system will fail. The opportunity to introduce a new one has been created by the very ones who do not want to see change. It is therefore ironic that they will have to watch the outcome without being able to influence it any longer. Their time to dictate your policies has passed, and they are losing even more power than ever before. As you might say, the writing is on the wall, and the inevitable ending cannot be avoided. There are greater powers at work than the dark ones are aware, and their days are numbered.

Meantime, please take each day as it comes and allow the future to come into your lives, and do not worry as your success is assured. Of course it will be chaotic with rumours flying all over the place, and the fear mongers will have a ball. Just remember what you have been working towards for millennia of time, and you are not going to be disappointed. The plan is far too big to be delayed any longer, and you will benefit from the changes a lot quicker than you may imagine. We are ready to jump into action, and once we do it is going to be something of a helter-skelter ride. For all that it will be fun and enjoyable because you know it is entirely for your benefit, and that of Mother Earth.

Many of you read a number of sources that channel messages from Extraterrestrials, and there has probably never been a time quite like now when there is a general agreement as to what is going to happen. Allow for different interpretations of some events that are coming, because as you are fond of saying, nothing is written in stone. Take what resonates with you and leave the rest to sort itself out with time. However, what will take place regardless of anything else is Ascension, as that has been decreed by the Creator. Many paths lead to it but in the end, you will be there if it is your desire and you are prepared for it.

You are in the thick of it, and we look on from our vantage point high above you. Our view is clear and we can see what is happening from various angles, so please be comforted and calm when we tell you all will be well. Matters are moving quickly and we hope to see a conclusion to those that will directly affect the issues that are most important. Disclosure is still a means to an end, and will open many more doors once it is announced. The truth will astound many people as to the extent to which you have been controlled, and will hardly be believed. However, the time has arrived when you shall begin to find out how it was achieved and who were responsible.

Of course many of you are already knowledgeable and politically aware. Even so the truth of what has been happening behind the scenes will bring many surprises. What will help those with stories to tell will be the changes to the Law, and your release from the oaths that enforce your silence. It is possible because once world peace is declared and an end put to wars, there will no necessity to keep information secret for military purposes. In an uplifted society sharing is quite normal, as the desire exists to help all people to benefit from any discoveries. That way you will always have the most up to date innovations and as a civilisation will quickly advance together. You might also note that hoarding also becomes unnecessary, as when you have all you need, there is no incentive to take more than you need.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and enjoy helping you to understand what it is like to live in the higher dimensions. It is a joy and very fulfilling and you can be your true self as a Being of Love and Light.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

John Lennon Would Still Say, “Just Gimme Some Truth”

Had he lived, John Lennon would have turned 70 years old this last October 9. Instead, today, December 8, 2010, the world marks the tragic 30th anniversary of John Lennon’s awful murder on the streets of New York, a city that he loved. But New York City was also a place where John Lennon saw a UFO.

It wasn’t just a light in the sky and there were other witnesses. This sighting was up-close, of a huge craft, and it happened right outside Lennon’s 52nd Street apartment. He wasn’t afraid to talk about it and, in fact, he famously wrote about it in a song. This was Nobody Told Me and, as Lennon sang it, “There’s UFOs over New York and I ain’t too surprised… Nobody told me there’d be days like these. Strange days indeed.”

The sighting occurred when he was living with May Pang, his so-called “personal secretary” who’d turned into a lover during Lennon’s separation from Yoko Ono. It was a hot August night, August 23, 1974, when John Lennon walked out on his balcony facing the East River to catch a cool breeze. He was completely naked. He started yelling at Pang to come out to the terrace.

When she did, she saw what he saw. According to her description later, it was a “large, circular object coming towards us. It was shaped like a flattened cone and on top was a large, brilliant red light, not pulsating as on any of the aircraft we’d see heading for a landing at Newark Airport. When it came a little closer, we could make out a row or circle of white lights that ran around the entire rim of the craft — these were also flashing on and off. There were so many of these lights that it was dazzling to the mind. It was, I estimate, about the size of a Lear jet and it was so close that if we had something to throw at it, we probably would have hit it quite easily.” The sighting lasted from five to ten minutes, and the UFO drifted away and came back before sprinting off into the sky.

Apparently, Lennon and Pang weren’t the only ones to see the UFO, multiple other witnesses (at least seven) had called city newspapers. You can read more details in this article by Larry Warren. And you can hear Lennon himself describe it in this radio interview.

It took a lot of courage for Lennon to talk this openly. For starters, he was a Beatle and everyone knew he’d taken his share of mind-altering drugs. Then there was the fact that he wasn’t dressed when he saw it. Under those conditions, to come forward to talk about seeing a UFO was to risk certain ridicule from at least some people, if not a majority. Even more discrediting from the public point of view, he also claimed to have seen one when he was a child, and even talked about a potential childhood abduction experience.

In the standards of 1974, John Lennon was not a “good” witness. But Lennon was never shy about speaking his mind, even about UFOs. His courage makes it easier for other witnesses even today.

Bottom line: John Lennon and May Pang claimed to have seen something approximating a “classic” UFO, hovering outside their apartment in New York, something that was the size of a private jet aircraft, from only a hundred yards away, so close they felt they could almost touch it.

Given Lennon’s reputation for brutal honesty, one has think that some fans who did not give much credence to UFO sightings have had to stop and re-consider their positions.

You can bet that if John Lennon actually just celebrated his 70th birthday, he would have had a lot more to say on this subject over these last three decades. Just gimme some truth, he’d have demanded. Imagine.

Imagine indeed. Imagine is so so true… now I know…what John knew back then…sigh!

Source >

Wanderer of the Skies – August 2, 2011

Greetings from the Federation:

There is a subtle Disclosure occurring now that is quite promising in its ability to lead to the announcement that will be unmistakable for everyone on your planet. Watch carefully for its effects as it ripples out from the source.

We wish to lay out a likely scenario for Disclosure as it occurs on your planet. After the “Big Announcement,” there will be a time of several days to over a week where there will be little else said officially on the topic. It is during this brief time that the greatest fear and misunderstanding can spread. It is also during this time that all of you will be asked to do your part in maintaining your sense of balance and calm and instilling it, by example, into all those who would otherwise panic. While the official channels will relay bits and pieces of information during this time frame, nothing more of any impact will be released. However, that will not stop the media and others from speculating, conjecturing, and fear mongering. The initial announcement will make it clear that there is no hostility intended, but those who would whip up fear based on speculation will be hard at work nonetheless.

After that brief period post announcement, a timetable will be set by the leaders of your world for a meeting with representatives from the Federation. We have carefully selected a group to be the first to have open contact with you. This group will hopefully dispel much of the fear that the people will have regarding our presence, our motives, and our technology as it relates to your safety. This group will be presented to all media and will be available for any and all questions asked. There will be no topic not allowed, no secret to be kept, no ulterior motive. We simply wish that all have access to the truth of who we are.

It is obvious that the First Contact group will be of human appearance since this will carry the least impact emotionally and mentally on your species. Only later, when most people have come to terms with our appearance and purpose here will those of us who have different appearances come forth. We have no set timetable for this second group’s contact with you. Rather, we will assess your reaction to the First Contact before we decide when best to make this appearance.

Most likely, after the First Contact, will come our de-cloaking as we gradually allow you to witness our ships in a more open and unveiled way. These de-cloakings will occur at a great distance at first, but there will be none of the elusiveness necessary to evade the Illuminati’s attempts at take down. After this initial de-cloaking will come ever more closer fly-bys and, depending upon your reactions and state of mind, we may de-cloak some of our great spacer fleet. This will be a decision based solely on your progress, as we are quite aware that Hollywood has programmed your minds to associate craft of this size with hostility.

Once the initial contacts are complete, we will begin, slowly, to come down not to your leaders, but to your masses, as it is you we wish to contact most of all. We will do this first where we are felt to be most welcome, so that others, more hesitant and skeptical, can watch at a “safe” distance and take note of what occurs. We will then invite you aboard to view our technology, answer your questions about any topic (none are barred) and generally revel in our mutual friendship.

As further matters unfold with your leaders, and as the plans already developed for you, economically, legally, and socially, are put into place, our appearance will become more common place and we will begin to disseminate the truth about these times and what it means for your human species and the Ascension process. This, our true goal for you, will unfold as a natural consequence of this contact.

This information will be overwhelming for some, joyous for others, baffling for many. Truth on this scale will put some of you into states of near catatonia as you try to sort out what is happening. Naturally, we will assist anyone who needs help in adjusting, either spiritually, mentally, or emotionally. Our help is freely given with Joy and Love.

We give you this information so you may prepare accordingly. When the time comes, things will move very quickly and we wish you to be as prepared as you can. Just like soldiers in wartime, you can prepare as much as possible, but never be truly ready for the events that unfold. We stand ready to guide you, in Love and deep admiration for you, our brothers and sisters.

Be at peace.

Source >

Extraterrestrials on Earth: A challenge we can no longer ignore

by A. R. Bordon

Researchers including Gary McKinnon who hacked into NASA files indicate Alien spacecraft are routinely "air-brushed" out of high resolution satellite photos.

Santa Monica, CALIFORNIA — I was quite taken with Brad Steiger’s article “A Pre-Historic Nuclear War? World Before Our Own” and by the two questions that have driven him to date: 1.) Who are we as a species? 2.) What is our destiny? LINK

Brad is an impressive expert, with a breath of knowledge about anomalous phenomena, ancient astronauts and UFOs. And yet, these questions are worth taking very seriously, but in a slightly different context than that in his article. Answers to them represent the outlines of a stance we must learn to take before we can cope with the challenge of Extraterrestrial presence on Earth; a challenge we can no longer ignore. Indirectly, this attempt is also a response to Brad, given our exchange of emails of late. If you all will allow me then, I’d like to contribute my five cents’ worth to the effort.

What I am about to share with you comes from years of exposure to information and to sources both inside and outside of the proverbial “fence.” My participation during my early professional years was modest and relatively nondescript – that is, until the summer of 1981 and a not so chancy face to face encounter with an alien that looked very much like us, and definitely not from the Zeti Reticulum system. (This taught me that not all aliens are 3 feet tall, bugeyed grayish, a most valuable lesson to date.) Since then, my life changed considerably, and the breath of exposure increased by several exponential powers. It is based on this latter phase of my life, that I would like to offer what I’ve been able to put together — for what it’s worth… So let me tackle the first question then, in order to set up premises for an answer to the second.

Our Destiny

Artistic depiction of reported Ethical Extraterrestrial nearby hovering alien spacecraft. This is actually Semjase who contacted Billie Meier.

I was told during my initial contacts that there have been “previous worlds” prior to our own, as you state in your article. To them our notion of the Big Band is the transition from one cycle to the next. Civilizations much older than ours, I was told, have been here since time immemorial. But native life forms to Earth in those times have been at early stages in evolution as bipeds, that most of the evidence (footprints and handprints), including those found in Texas, have been theirs and left by others like them not from their kind, but rather from other advanced humanoid life forms with interstellar travel capabilities. I was also told that some 120 million years ago, sauroid (read, reptilian) life forms performed biotechnological interventions on a strain of life that eventually became what we know as dinosaurs. This was to be the primary life form on Earth to reach maturity as intelligent bipeds like them. We know now what happened to the dinosaurs. But, as everyone of them already knew then, Earth was and is still a relatively unstable planet (astrophysically speaking), given that it is located in the inner part of our solar system and visited periodically by a once transient planet captured by the combined gravitational effects of the Sun and Neptune, drawing it into the solar system at an angle of some 30-plus degrees of inclination. (Zechariah Sitchin reported on this in his books of the ‘Earth Chronicles’, but the data on which he drew is incomplete, according to this source.)

At any rate, the presence of this planetary body in the inner part of the solar system has been known to create considerable havoc in Sol’s inner planets, especially Earth. See the book by Derek S. Allan (a specialist in paleogeography and cartographic evidence for climatic and land form changes in recent geological times, particularly the Artic) and J. Bernard Delair (a geological surveyor with special interest in the present distribution of animal and plant life and attendant geophysical problems of early Holocene times) titled, When the Earth nearly died: Compelling evidence of a catastrophic world change in 9,500 B.C. (Gateway Books, UK, 1995), republished in 1997 as Cataclysm: Compelling evidence of a cosmic catastrophe in 9,500 B.C).

Allan and Delair have done a masterful job of presenting data difficult to argue with concerning the events on Earth which are due to these periodic encounters. According to the 1981 source, and several other off-world sources since, this has been and continues to be a serious concern to survivability of intelligent life forms on Earth; yet, interest continues in very high degrees about Earth and its biological garden of genetic expressions on the part of extraterrestrial visitors — both friendly and hostile.

Ngorongoro crater in Tanzania.

The transition of the mammalian life form that became complex enough to express intelligence, that is, us as homo sapiens sapiens (or Thinking Man) has not entirely been left to nature and to chance. There is considerable archeotechnical and archeoanthropological evidence that, not only did we come out of eastern Africa, but that a “lab” existed both above ground and underground north of the Ngorongoro area in Tanzania. I was once part of a team examining these remnants, and very interesting pieces of evidence were found at these sites. The work done by the Leakeys was a kind of semifinal nail on that cross, followed by mitochondrial DNA evidence of an Eve some 250,000-plus years ago, and the distribution of genetic haplogroups across the Earth simply went far in convincing us (especially me) that it all started there, and went out from there.

Interestingly, there is sufficient evidence too, now, that our genome is not only evolving at high speed, but that it also has commonalities with those of other intelligent life forms that have relationships (as TTP or technology transfer programs) with various organs of our government (and others across the world). It seems that, once upon a time, there was something of a pristine, “genesis DNA” of sorts. But that’s beyond the scope of our little discussion here. What is not, however, is the set of differences in rate and range of expression between DNA from off-world intelligent life forms (some, not all I know about) and ours. Even among us humans today, the rate of expression is a significant factor in discriminating between people who live sanely and healthily, and people who live driven by fear and self-repression.

We know now that interaction with our own DNA involves a similar, if not identical, set of access means driven by common or natural language sets — that is, we can talk our DNA into contracting its coils or relaxing and expanding them at will, with significant differences in the quality of life and health of people who do either one or the other. This is a factor currently being massively manipulated by hands both invisible and powerful enough (my own conclusion) to set up social and psychological environments highly propitious to instrumental conditioning and response set development on our part that are convenient and necessary to their control and manipulation.

This is especially true of the economy and expectations of the citizenry. We are not only being suppressed in overt expression of opinions, views, personal lifestyles that do not promote and contribute to the seemingly established goal of “social instability and psychological chaos,” as one informant of mine put it, but also in our internal rate and range of genetic expression of our own DNA!

Unbeknowned to us, it turns out that both FAVs (friendly alien visitors) and HAVs (hostile alien visitors) have expressed interests in our continuing to suppress ourselves on a mass basis; however, I have reason to believe now that the kids programs (so-called Star Children and others of that ilk) are sources of harvest and study by both types on how these kids are so ably turning on and off expressions that result in some amazing abilities and capacities, some of which not even the C-I, C-II, and C-III (Civilization types I, II, and III) EBEs (extraterrestrial biological entities) can. Thus, therein lies one of the clues to our destiny.

I will tie things together with other aspects of this at the end. Suffice it to say here that Earth offers a smorgasbord of DNAs at various stages of linear evolution of great interest to these folks. We happen to be one of such foci of interest, especially in our expressed abilities to love, to connect (without the need for external, technological assist) in modes the Russians had baptized as biocommunication and the Chinese as extended human functions, while we continue to be stuck on telepathy and clairvoyance. (It is this the primary reason a few of us got together and formed a scientific cooperative to loosen such conceptual and organizational restrains to reach for a much larger paradigm in which to evolve scientifically, an effort I helped spearhead since the early 90s.)

Who we are?

Now to your first question. As a species, or more properly, biokind (biological

Numerous apparent alien skulls have been collected in Peru by many local villagers.

kind), we humans of Earth have a most promising future indeed, if left to our own devices. But we are not, and won’t be, so long as powerful offworld interests already merged with certain national interests in the form of TTPs (technology transfer programs) continue unabated. The answers to what and who we are and why we won’t be allowed to manifest our full regalia of capabilities are closely intertwined and must be considered together.

We are complex oscillating biological entities of broad horizontal connectivity (connectivity in our own 4-space/time) and unusually deep vertical connectivity (or the ability to extend in octavials damn near to the doors of heaven itself). One of the things we keep being reminded of by hyperversals entities (or people who actually live in space/times that are completely orthogonal, or off-phase to us here) is that, while we have yet to traverse a still longer evolutionary pathway, we are at this stage quite capable of the feats they are (i.e., travel in space and time without having to use a vehicle in space or leave our bodies behind in time), but don’t know how because we have told ourselves it is impossible, or worse yet, a sin.

Yet, we are told that these capabilities are literally inscribed in the still relatively pristine DNA of the kids being born today, and in the DNAs of adults who have guarded closely the preservation of the internal child. Knowing then who and what we are, it is obvious that this is not in the best interest of biokinds who either have suppressed their own range and rate of genetic expressions such that they are not able to do what we can, or have become dependent (some would say, addicted) to external means of interconnectivity (which, I’m finding out, is also a means of control, correction and suppression). We have in us partial DNA sequences from another life form that came to Earth 450,000 years ago; this we know with considerable certainty now. What is not known about them, is that their dependence (no, addiction) to ORME gold has contributed to a considerable densification of genetic sequences (i.e., the need to artificially induce the re-growth and slowed shortening of telomeres between genes [a kind of biological clock to our cells] to induce a kind of artificially supported longevity, which we are now trying to copy for ourselves). We do not yet realize that this is possible by means open to what our children today are capable of doing, which is to set up induction protocols that lead to the same results without dependence on any external technology or substance.

Thus, then, we are and have become objects of intense interest on the part of off-world groups here and in our solar system. We’ve been even told some of these groups have technologies capable of minimizing the gravitational and electromagnetic interaction effects between Earth and Nibiru, when the latter is in our solar system. This raises another concern in us, namely, that if that is indeed possible, the withholding of said means indicates a less than beneficent intent on the part of TTP participant groups, or that technologies the likes of HAARP (with its induction of a an electromagnetic “heating up” of the upper atmosphere) is not enough (which we have known for some time now).

And this raises a third, unasked, question that we must deal with now, at this stage of the game:

What Must We Do Now In Our Own Defence?

Again, answering this questions will be a task of layering ideas into a bootstrapping set of protocol that can presumably help us overcome the challenges we face with Nibiru, those presented to us by the presence of ET groups in TTPs with “official” groups on Earth, and those presented to us by HAVs (hostile alien visitors), to whom we are less than cattle and more like a genetic pool they can tap at will with complete impunity.

First, we must recognize plainly what we are, who we are, and what we have that we can use in our own defence. It must be clearly understood by us (as it is similarly understood by all off-world groups today) that each biokind is responsible for the evolution, upkeep/maintenance and defence of its own biology. It is time we assumed such a stance as well.

In this last section, let me draw and paint on a limited canvass, because I don’t yet want to fully disclose what all is involved in a proposed campaign yet under argumentation and intense discussion by colleagues of mine, including myself. But let me point out two powerful elements (one internal to us, the other external) which are elemental aspects to any campaign of self-defence of our biology and our planet. Let me also say up front that both of these elemental aspects are neither fully understood and sometime openly rejected by standard science and scientists, nor acceptable even as “scientific.” Yet, the working model of a physics of life we’ve been generating points out not only to the modeling validity of the processes involved but also to the engineering reliability of the uses implied therein.

The first phenomenon is what we’ve come to call the 3 percent protocol. (By the way, this is something no one wants us to know or connect the dots about!) This is the recognition that when 3 percent of the population of a given life form (monkeys, fireflies, rats, dogs, cats) acquires and manifests a new behaviour, the remainder acquires and expresses same as if by magic, regardless of distance or generational lineage. The second phenomenon, an external one to us yet actually an entraining one of us all, is the existence of seven centres of resonant harmonic entrainment located in all continents. We know now the location of four of them, and working at locating the remainder. We have a fairly clear notion of how they work, and what our part is, in the process that entrains us human beings.

Much of this was already known to us in the early 90s, several years before Jamisson Neruda let the cat out of the bag to a journalist named Sara. Moreover, as a linguist, Neruda’s direct contributions to the present effort have not extended beyond his initial exposition of the matter in his interviews with Sara and through the website subsequently set up to publicize the findings.

We have controlled experimental, and field quasi-experimental evidence that the 3 percent protocol leads to very interesting physical manifestations, material and phenomenological simultaneously. For instance, in the 01-02 winter in the Chicago area, an experimental protocol used by a group of shamans instructed on how to intervene upon weather systems led to the absence of snow in Chicagoland from the early part of November 01 through the middle of February 02 — well within the period of applications of these protocols by the group. The result was no snow whatsoever in the area – the object and intent of the applications.

Another example was the presence of 3 percent effects upon the manifestation of another phenomenon by children, ages 8 to 11, in an experimental set up conducted in 03 by colleagues of mine using a protocol I had developed in 02. The result was that when 3 of the 10 participating children produced the targeted effect desired, the remainder began and did produce the same targeted effects within days. This experiment was conducted by two members of my group, and proprietary video evidence exists of the targeted effects being performed by the children. I won’t go into what the targeted effects were; suffice it to say that it definitely fell within what the Chinese refer to as extended human functions, and in fact it was a replication of an experiment done in China in the mid-90s.

How do these phenomena help us as a biokind? Well, to understand how, we must place it within the overarching notion of a HumanOrg – that is to say, the sum total of biominds on the planet. Three percent of it would place the numbers at approximately 193 million souls. To get to this, we are presently quietly working with organizations on the net from all over the world to see if a field experiment specifically focusing protocol effects on something measurable can be seriously considered, carried out and studied. These, my fellow human beings, are but a few of the things I’ve dedicated my retirement life to.

This latter endeavour is fully designed to help us all to train ourselves to use our combined vector-intentions for things that matter and that do produce results – a kind of gigantic, serial “prayer effect” experiments, if you will. The applications of such a coherent expression of vector-intention deployment skill are myriad, and their projected effects nothing short of astounding, if we are to trust the predictions of our working model. But we are yet years away from anything like that.

Well, this has been my 5-cents’ worth, for whatever it is worth to you. At least you’ll know that there are people that care about us all, not that you don’t, Brad, because I know you do. I’m referring to the use of scientific knowledge for more than just weaponizing things for someone else’s benefit and in detriment of humankind. As a Johnny-come-lately off-world contact remarked to two of us once, a year or so ago, “you need to learn to speak as one, know yourself, and exert your will as one.” Well, we’re trying desperately to learn how to do just that…

In high regard of you, and yours, I remain

Your brother in the journey.

About the writer:

A.R. Bordon

A. R. Bordon is a retired itinerant scientist, traveling the roads of America in search of people talented in extended human functions. He is a former deputy director of a corporate research centre, former executive director of the American Association of Remote Viewers, and contributing writer to a couple of blogs, one Spanish language website and a Portuguese (Brazilian) website. He is also author of FIREBALL, a science fiction novel, and of over twenty-five screenplays and teleplays. In the early 90s, he was also instrumental in the formation of a scientific cooperative that does research in extended human functions, interface with extraterrestrials, and other anomalies. Since his retirement in 2001, he has devoted himself full time to writing, as editor of Foundation Reports in Life Physics, LINK — and is travelling the USA.

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UPDATE – Dec 21, 2011

UFO appears on the official White House Xmas card

A resident of Pine Ridge in South Dakota, Ms Dawn Brown-Eyes, is claiming to have received an official White House Xmas card from First Lady Michelle Obama that shows a UFO or possibly two UFOs on the cover image (see video below). The UFO/UFOs appear on a shot of the exterior of the White House and can be seen overhead in the clear blue sky. Ms Brown-Eyes has created and uploaded onto the Internet at least two videos showing the card and the mysterious craft captured in it. It has been confirmed that not all copies of this version of the Xmas card include the UFO/UFOs, leading some researchers to speculate that White House employees or government agents might have noticed that the photographer inadvertently captured the alien craft and airbrushed them out of subsequent print runs.
Recently NASA admitted that it is likely that aliens are monitoring this civilization through the use of ‘unmanned’ probes. Some are suggesting that the UFO/UFOs in the card might have been placed there deliberately in an underhand attempt at starting the disclosure process (Interestingly, the UFO on the card looks identical to  the small silver discs described by NASA insiders to this writer a few years ago).
The White House officially denies that it is covering up knowledge of alien and UFO visitation to Earth in the face of overwhelming evidence to suggest otherwise.

UPDATE – Apr 21 2012

UFO – The Greatest Story Ever Denied / Jose Escamilla



Wanderer of the Skies – July 26, 2011

Greetings from the Federation:

Various acts on your world are being carefully orchestrated towards a goal that will allow the Disclosure process to unfold with a minimum of disruption to all of you. It is imperative that when the time comes, there be little in the way of change of your day to day routines so that the appropriate programs can be unfurled and become operational quickly. When the initial shock of the announcement wears off, we wish to avoid having you thrust into an unnatural series of events. We have learned that your human nature craves the familiar and so it is important that the most familiar remain with you in the days and weeks after the event of Disclosure so the maximum amount of people can integrate this knowledge into their belief systems. Presently, we are working with various governments to orchestrate events on a sublime basis so that this information gets disseminated in a planned and well timed manner.

You will see develop over the next month a series of events involving not only your monetary system (which is our main concern since it holds the greatest familiarity for you), but also other events concerning security (or the false threat of non-security) and announcements of scientific developments which will cause many of you to question how such leaps in technology could have been made. These are part of the unfolding play that will lead to Disclosure.

There are many aboard this “train” of events that used to be on the tracks trying to stop its relentless movement forward. As more begin to awaken, the inevitable occurs. There is a mathematical percentage of those awakening who were minions of the Illuminati and these individuals now understand their role in the broader picture. As the world courts try these individuals, their awakening itself will be the greatest mitigating factor in their mercy.

Take heart and carry on with your missions, individually and together. These are truly the most exciting times. Keep as good a memory of them as you can, for you will often look back at them and want to relive the moments of time leading up to the Disclosure event and, ultimately, as matters take on lightening speed thereafter, towards Ascension. It has a certain “Hollywood appeal” to it.

We will continue to show ourselves more and more in your skies and we have planned even closer events than that in the coming time as a way in which to build upon the slow progress we have attained in acclimating the people to our presence. This will include ever closer “fly bys” and greater clarity of our ships so that there can be no dismissing us. This is all planned long ago and, in our estimation, is moving along nicely. Time draws near and we become ever more excited for our reunion. We will greet you with open hearts and with Love and admiration for your incredible resilience in the face of so much adversity.

Be at peace.

Source >

Here is one fantastic displays in the skies over Sao Paulo: