Tag Archive: Illuminati

Bugger The Bankers

Bugger the bankers


“…Bugger the bankers and politicians

Bugger the bureaucrats too

Bugger the buggers who make up the rules

And if you’re one of them – bugger you…”



Don’t Believe Them – People ARE Beautiful!

25th October 2012

By Zen Gardner

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

This isn’t said enough when it should be healthily swimming in the public perception.

People are amazing, wonderful, beautiful and fantastic….and all at the same time!

Don’t believe the mass media bullshit. If your negativity and cynicism have the best of you, stop yourself and others from listening to the media, their phony headphones and violent music, TV and video games, their implants, induced thoughts, and their conditioning.

Humanity is essentially good. We are not  predominantly driven by sex, money, aggression, hatred and self preservation. Screw the social engineers. Contrary to what we’re being shown and told via our manipulated media we are wonderful and amazingly free and loving!

Our passion is to love and appreciate the wonderful people in our lives and those coming in to our lives! And bask in awe at our wonderful, however attacked,  beautiful environment while exploring the never ending infinite worlds of consciousness!

Most of all our impulse is to care….and that’s what they’re trying to shut down!

People Rock!

Look what humans do! They give birth to and sacrificially and lovingly raise and nurture families. They don’t kill and abuse them, they love them! They strive to make a better planet work in unison with their needs in utmost respect for their surroundings. They show compassion in the face of suffering, the help their fellow man when it’s within their power.

They naturally, instinctively care for each other!

That is the heart cry of true, really true, connected humanity. And that’s the vast majority.

Despite everything we’re being bombarded with, you and I are beautiful creations. Sure there’re plenty of challenges and even outright given-over bad folks, but that’s the exception, not the rule like they make it out to be!

Just imagine the pain on both sides…he’s probably a young father…

People Are Naturally Loving

Sorry to pop some people’s media induced bubbles but people are good. Of course there’re all kinds and exceptions (heavily exacerbated  by the oligarchs) but the great predominance is loving, humble and wonderful people.

It’s the NON-people, the invading control freak psychopathic unfeeling slavish lords of darkness that screw things up. And the sleeping need to wake the hell up that they exist and to what’s being done to their heads.

After all, what does this bombardment of the ugly self image do? It makes people believe it’s real and therefore mimic it! Our swallowing of this media portrayal brings their ugly, carefully sculpted anti-human plan to life.

Don’t comply!

Our resistance is imperative and we need to tell the others that they’re being programmed to be, and see, ugly humans when they are NOT!

Want a perfect illustration? The zombie phenomenon. They’re branding us at an even LOWER level, believe it or not. If we’re not terrorists, any other so called deviant activity or response will be considered other-worldly! And THAT’s been programmed through horror movies and their burgeoning vampire craze.

And sex? Talk about debasement. Disgusting dehumanization in full display.

The Ugliness Is Them, Not Us!

The media mogul bastards are giving all of us a bold-faced lie…and have been working hard at it a long time. And the more people believe it the more they’ll morph. Zombie parties and media exaltation of such case in point.

Sure, there are problems and deviants, but how many degraded families and people do you know? Of course there are issues, but c’mon! It’s easy to tear down and criticize and assume the worst when that’s the trendy thing.

What does the fear mongering media report? Death, murder, insane sensational behavior and anything negative, violent, weird and debasing.

Take a hint …we need to wake the hell up.

Damn Them. And Beware.

It’s deliberate. We’re in a bizarro upside down world of the oligarchs’ making, and it’s wrong, wrong, wrong. Watch your every step. And especially your mind and attitude! You’ll slip into a funk before you know it and you’ll be thinking like them and not even realize it. It manifests in hate, confusion, negativity, judgementalism, cynicism and discouragement.

And hopelessness.

If you stay in their vibe you’ll feel the same hate, rage and thoughts of violence that they do. That’s their frequency. That’s their incubator.

Stay on your toes. Love and conscious, aware positivity takes some doing many times. Learning to spot these negative symptoms helps you snap out of their trance.

Be aware, and be bold about it.

The Great Mind-Numbing Contradiction They’ve Foisted Upon Us

Here we have in our society this surface “oh-so-caring” child nurturing veneer. Marketers use it to pull on our hearts with drives for children’s hospitals, breast cancer awareness, innocent baby care and, of course, their pharmaceutical love for the sick.

The “bleeding hearts” are all over children and cancer and pink stuff and races and blah blah blah. Again, like religion, channeling the people’s genuine care into pointless causes that are engineered.

And what do they actually do? Murder innocent children by the millions worldwide, starve nations of unwanted indigenous peoples, sterilize millions with genetically altered food and enforced vaccines and generally poison and beat down all of humanity into chemical and biological submission.

Are you falling for this scam in any way, shape or form? Because it’s pretty damn clever and pervasive!

The globalist instructed and driven Amerikan military machine alone has massacred innocent children around the globe for decades. Over 500 thousand in Iraq alone whom Madeleine Albright wickedly called “necessary and justified” years ago. Besides that think of the disgusting pogroms of Russia, Armenia, Cambodia, China, the World Wars, etc.

We’re talking sick, sick sick.

They’re playing chess with human lives for entertainment and control while laughingly playing on our weaknesses.

Need I say more?

So? What then?

Love each other. Learn to see the good and avoid the ugly being shoved in your face. I’ve been guilty of this getting to me and it’s become a real alarm bell for me. I hope it will be for you too. It’s not easy in this environment.

As you take it apart you realize how insidious their vibe and techniques are.

They declared war on us a long time ago.

Time to bring the battle to them by shutting down any and all connections to these bastards and reversing the flow. And helping others realize the seriousness of our predicament and learn to take personal action by checking our attitudes, thoughts and intentions. Right actions will follow.

One day it was a time for real town hall meetings. Now it’s a time for radical conscious awareness practice in our virtual community.

Love always,


P.S. Do not miss David Icke’s “spiritmark” event on October 27th that’s now going to be streamed on line. [HERE]

It’s more than a talk, it’s a consciousness convergence, and you can participate as mightily as you want. Some very powerful things are going to go down, and up, that day…be a part of it! Make a difference by contributing your energy!


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Debt Forgiveness is the Answer

SaLuSa 03-October-2012



SaLuSa 03-October-2012

As you are undoubtedly noting, the unrest amongst the worlds population is spreading. The people are not prepared to suffer any longer for the indiscretions of the Bankers, who have caused such severe austerity measures to be brought into the countries involved. The governments are fearful of the power of the people, and know that if they persist they will be forced to find another solution to the problems. In the long run, debt forgiveness is the complete answer, but you will have to wait and see if that realization is accepted. You the people have been deliberately kept in need due to the intention to the Illuminati to make you dependent on them. This way they have been able to dictate exactly how your lives have progressed.

So the power game is still being played out but on balance it is moving towards the people, who have awoken to how they have been falsely mislead to allow the dark Ones to rule their lives. As Sovereign Beings you should have had a far better quality of life, and there has been more than adequate means for your governments to do so. The rich and powerful have held you back to maintain their own position in society. When the wealth is re-distributed you will see that there has been enough in the world, for everyone to enjoy a life of plenty. The changes that will trigger a return to abundance are in hand, and in due course will happen in your lifetimes. We of the Galactic Federation of Light will have a role in it, and the plans have already been prepared.

Like you we are waiting for sufficient progress to take place so that we can push on with our responsibility to you, to ensure that the path to Ascension opens up more quickly. Obviously with the end times approaching so fast we do want to have the opportunity to come to Earth, as our technology will enable communications to be lifted up to a more efficient level. Then we can address the world who will hear what we have to say in their respective languages. In general terms we need to make sure that everyone learns of Ascension, and have the opportunity to take part in it. Some will of course have little or no interest, but at least they will not be able to say that they did not know about it.

We see the divide on Earth becoming wider between those of the Light and those who are still held back by the lower energies. Gradually the awakening is spreading, and many souls are realizing their greater potential to make changes to their lives for the better. A lack of belief in God is not necessarily preventing people from ascending, as many of them are at heart very kind and decent people. It is what you are inside that counts, but we always come back to the need to treat others as yourself. We will repeatedly remind you that you are All One and if you can accept that, you will be moving into the Light because of your love for all Beings. It is quite simple and not complicated to lift yourselves up, and with it you will experience a greater degree of consciousness.

Do not doubt for one moment that you are powerful souls, and do not put any limitations on your ability to achieve a higher level of existence. You have the potential to be whatever you desire, but you have to work towards it to be successful. You are not referred to as Gods for no reason, and many of you are already Masters. In the near future you will discover your true identity and find that you have greatly benefited from your experiences in duality. You will go on to have further ones, but in the higher dimensions the pace of evolution is a lot slower. Obviously you do not face the day to day challenges that you have now, or the opportunity to evolve as quickly.

After such a long time in the lower vibrations it will be a pleasant change for you to move into peaceful dimensions where you can relax and enjoy yourselves. There are so many more levels that you can evolve into, and each one is of increasing vibrations and Light. Eventually you will move beyond the need to take form as you understand it, but can nevertheless provide it for yourself when the occasion requires it. You will not immediately gain all of the benefits together, but will quickly acquire those that will replace what you are leaving behind. The chores and unpleasant features of living in the third dimension will no longer exist, and all will be a beautiful and satisfying experience.

Keep looking on the bright side of things even if you are suffering from an illness or disability, as it will not be with you for much longer. Your body is already changing and your vibrations will soon be powerful enough to bring about a reversal. The thought of having a perfect body will help with the creation of it, as what you focus upon is what you get. That is why we encourage you to focus on the Light and not things of the lower energies. Do not doubt your capabilities, as you can create from pure thought. Collectively of course it is increased exponentially and carrying you forward to Ascension. It is further enhanced by the Light that comes to you from many other sources, both on and off Earth.

We have consistently informed you that as a highly spiritual Being, Barack Obama was destined to win the Presidential Election. You are now seeing that his position is looking assured, and that means that we can wait until afterwards to involve ourselves in Disclosure. It will bring the commencement of many major changes, and you will finally see the collapse of the dark Ones. They have lived on borrowed time, and should have gone quite some time ago but have tried to deny the obvious fact that the Light is victorious. It has not been helped by the apathy of people who fail to see how their freedom has been taken away from them.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and will inform you that we continue to remove the dark forces that have been using bases on your Earth for a very long time. They are not allowed to stay any longer, and have no place in the Ascension process. Their existence so far has mainly been a legacy from several thousand years ago, and the evidence still remains in your recorded history. As many of you know, in recent times the Greys were allowed to reside upon Earth by agreement with your U.S. government, but these must also leave.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light
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The Monaco Colloquium – August 2011

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Picture: US Sen Jay Rockefeller. Not a happy bunny after The Monaco Colloquium.

US Senator Jay Rockefeller (Democrat – West Virginia).

Monaco Colloquium – August 2011. The Great Game approaches its final shake of the dice. Switzerland leads a fifty-seven nation geopolitical board change. The current governments of the US, Canada, UK, Germany, France and Italy are actively excluded from executive decisions concerning the new global gold-backed financial system.

It was a step-change moment destined to be savoured by future historians. For the period of a week towards the end of August 2011, a secret meeting of fifty-seven finance ministers from across the globe began the long-prepared-for task of setting up a new international asset-backed financial system.

The gathering was a powerful invitation-only colloquium, hosted by Switzerland, which started on dry land in the Principality of Monaco & Monte-Carlo, and then moved onto a major naval vessel in adjacent international waters. In subsequent commentary, this conference has sometimes been referred to as “The Meeting of 57” and the outcome as “The Monaco Accords”.

Nations represented at the meeting in an official government capacity included Switzerland, The Netherlands, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Romania, China, Russia, Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Venezuela and several Gulf Cooperation Council states. Canada was represented in a non-governmental capacity. Various positive transnational power groupings were also present, such as the White Dragon Society and the US Pentagon-CIA-NSA reform faction (referenced downpage here).

Certain negative fiat-casino players were strenuously refused entry. These included the recently deposed Japanese Prime Minister, Naoto Kan, the Managing Director of the IMF, Christine Lagarde, and all members of the US Nazi-continuum (the Rockefeller-Kissinger-Bush syndicate).

For Jay Rockefeller it was like being thrown out of his own funeral. Having last year lost Europe to the Rothschilds, and more recently lost Japan to the White Dragon Society, he was now physically and forcibly removed from the Monaco Colloquium by agents acting for the US Pentagon White Hats.

Initially resorting to patrician Illuminati bluster, Rockefeller attempted to talk his way into the Monaco meeting. He was rebuffed. “Do you know who I am?” he demanded. “Yes, I know who you are. You are nobody,” said the host’s man at the door. “The Old World Order is out and a New World Order is about to begin.” Rockefeller raged to no effect and was informed that this was now a brave new world for the young; old mummies like him were merely dust to be swept away.

Jay Rockefeller left the entrance, collected a security detail of BlackOps goons, and returned in an attempt to force entry. The Monaco Colloquium summoned its own security and, according to eye-witness reports, Rockefeller and his cowboys were “literally thrown out.”

Shortly afterwards, the land-based part of the meeting was adjourned, the attendees boarded a large naval vessel and continued their conference in international waters off the coast. Two of Rockefeller’s BlackOps helicopters buzzed the boat, intent, it is said, on activating listening technology and using electromagnetic pulse weapons to disrupt proceedings. If this is true as reported, the importance of the meeting would be difficult to overestimate. Within moments of the choppers’ appearance, US military aircraft, described as Harrier jump jets, arrived and forced the helicopters away.

The opposition of two openly conflicting and powerful US interest groups (Rockefeller syndicate vs Pentagon White Hats) raises an important, if covert, operational issue. Which faction now controls the clone-labs at Camp David (Maryland) and elsewhere? Whose finger can switch off the sleeper cells? Which prominent clone-lines might be terminated first? This is a large and emerging topic of current concern. More about the use of human clones in American political management can be found here.

Another important side-issue arising from the active participation of several South American reformist governments at the Monaco Colloquium, was the confiscation of the Nazi-continuum’s bank assets, BlackOps bases and residential boltholes scattered all over the continent. These have been multiplied and much-developed since the Nazi diaspora first established itself in South America in the immediate aftermath of the Second World War.

One of the facilities under immediate threat of confiscation is said to be the Bush family hideaway in Paraguay. In the autumn of 2006, George Bush Snr purchased a one hundred thousand acre ranching estate outside Paso de Patria, in the Ñeembucú department of Paraguay. The property is strategically located over the Guarani aquifer. The Bush family first got to know about the ranch through their CIA-linked drug-running activities in the area in the nineteen eighties and nineties. Located near the border with Brazil and Bolivia, the estate offers a range of covert entry and escape routes. Private meetings and arrangements with Paraguay’s then-president, Nicanor Duarte, indicated that there would be no political difficulties with the Bush residence and its security.

However, by April 2008, the political situation in Paraguay was beginning to volatilise after decades of dictatorial stability. The Patriotic Front for Change coalition was on the move. Fernando Lugo, a bearded, left-leaning, dissentient Roman Catholic ex-bishop won Paraguay’s Presidential election on the 20th April 2008, decisively upsetting the sixty-year human rights horror-rule of the right wing Colorado Party. Lugo had been actively opposed by the Vatican, ostensibly because of his enthusiasm for Liberation Theology and its spiritual objective of subverting the Paraguayan élite status quo. He was also a powerful and popular advocate of land reforms.

In Paraguay, less than two per cent of the population owns more than ninety per cent of the land, and forty per cent of the population lives in poverty. “We have 300,000 families without land and they have the constitutional right to own the soil they live on,” Lugo insists. If the Bush family had made private and personal arrangements with Nicanor Duarte, it is thought unlikely that Fernando Lugo and his government, emboldened by the revolutionary news out of Monaco, will continue to honour them for much longer.

The introduction of a new pan-global asset-backed financial system to replace the fiat-paper casino now visibly collapsing in the West has been a long-anticipated reform. That it is now coming to political focus at so many national levels outside the Western Cabal is only to be expected. As the ever-increasing debt-pressures impact on food and energy prices, and on employment opportunities worldwide, political instability is becoming pandemic.

The Monaco Colloquium kickstarted the only financial solution which can solve the problem. What was discussed there connects closely with Global Debt Forgiveness, with overcoming the Washington DC corporation’s blocking of the disbursement of the $47 trillion World Global Settlement Funds, with the implementation of the $10 trillion US Dollar Refunding Project, and with the return to an internationally-accepted Gold Standard.

At The Monaco Colloquium an understanding was created and formalised by the co-hosts of that meeting, the Swiss Government. By the third week of September 2011, a total of eighty-seven sovereign national governments across the world had issued the Acknowledgement of Memorandum of the Agreement, and had undertaken to formally sign the document at the pre-agreed moment. Many more than this core eighty-seven group of nations are expected to commit to, and enact, the Agreement. The pan-global consensus which is emerging is still in its early stages of realisation.
Late note: By the third week of December 2011, the number of committed and subscribed nations had risen to 117. Another calculus (here) suggests that the effective total is now 176 nations. This includes the active support of the Maiona assembly of indigenous groups focussed in New Zealand and linking 2700 tribal cultures across 59 countries in the Oceania / Polynesia / South Pacific region. Several of these Oceanic indigenous cultures maintain ancient connections with similar traditions in Europe, Asia and the Americas.By the middle of July 2012, the numbers of sovereign nations for and against the Monaco Accords and the new gold-backed global financial system became clearer again. One hundred and forty seven nations were reported (here) to be in active support; less than twenty eight nations were against. China, Russia, India, Brazil, South Africa and 142 other countries were set-up to run the new asset-backed global financial system, and ditch the Old West’s fiat-paper banking casino. Only the US, UK, Germany, France, Italy and the G5’s shrinking group of slave states were holding out against the benevolent reforms.

The G5 slave states included certain Middle Eastern oil monarchies run by fake Muslims for the Sabbatean (Satanist) Nazi continuum. By September 2012, the Sabbatean bankers were slowly and irreversibly losing control of their three independent city states: City of London, Washington DC and Vatican City.

The Sabbatean Satanists, closely associated with the Rothschild reptilian bloodline, originally emerged into view through the machinations of Sabbatai Zanth (Sabbatai Zevi 1626–1676) and his cabal in the seventeenth century. Zanth, a Jewish fake, was a self-proclaimed Jewish messiah who, for reasons of personal and operational expediency, converted to Islam while establishing his group in Ottoman Turkey.

Among other things, the Monaco initiative will abolish the US Federal Reserve Board, delegitimise and ban all fiat paper currencies from international circulation and trading, and introduce several new gold-backed international currencies, some with completely new names. Read more >

The Luminescents

The Luminescents 8-25-12 to 10-25-12

Published August 25, 2012 | By bluestar

Blue Star Transmissions


~Blue Star the Pleiadian~

The Luminescents

8-25-12 to 10-25-12

I send greetings to you who are my Earth cousins. These greetings are from me as well as from other brethren from the Star Keeper realms who are now also walking among you. Now, those you once referred to as Gods and Goddesses but you always believed to be some type of mythology, are the very ones who are now all working on your behalf. Although many of their names have been long forgotten by all peoples in all lands, your most ancient predecessors knew them well! I sometimes wonder, even though I do indeed know how it all came to be, how it was that so many millions of you ones from all planets could have been so forcefully persuaded to deny the very existence of those who assisted in giving you life. Yet it did happen and even today only a bare handful of you who are the Planetizens on Earth know or acknowledge the truth. Although it is mainly the oldest still living generations of indigenous tribes here who still care enough about that ancient knowledge to cherish it, they do try to teach the younger members of their clans the truth of the matter. Cousins, if you had been permitted to retain your latent memories here of the existence of the Gods and Goddesses, none of the hellish atrocities that have taken place here would have happened! So it was that the infamous Illuminati and their equally infamous lineage ensured that you ones would not realize the truth of these matters. They ensured the success of their diabolical plan through conditioning peoples here emotionally and mentally and through the bastardization of the truth of the Luminescents through religions.

Soul memory is not an elusive entity. This memory factor can be shrouded however by the manipulations that occur within the intellectual properties and the strength and stamina of the human mind. Soul never stops reminding you that you are more than you believe yourself to be. Soul conducts a “mapping program” that is constantly “online” within the deepest recesses of the matrix of yourself. This is a combined effort initiated by all the Luminescents of all Universes. Because this is the Earth Star planet, of course the Luminescent of this Universe known to you here as “God,” is the primary facilitator in this endeavor. The mapping is a tried and true way of following the tracks, the imprint of a Soul on its Earth journey. Because of the tedious repetitious nature of the same old, same old patterns people fall into here, it is an easy matter to look beyond whatever the current trend any Soul is already pursuing and see where and how this current life experience may be merely a rehash of previous ones. By being aware of this when it is happening, newer and different patterns can be imprinted in the core of a Soul through sage advice and continuous guidance governed by the Luminescent of this Universe and all other Luminescents as well. It is a reminder factor. When Souls must deal with the personalities they are wearing there are always problems….for the most part. Obviously each Guide and Master Teacher participates in this endeavor too. Their combined missions here have always been whatever is best for the individual Soul on its path to higher forms of evolution. Obviously the combined effort of ALL Souls in any Universe also benefits that world and that Universe itself as well.

However, because all Souls here are being “subjected” to one degree or another to the tremors and vibrations emanating from the Golden NOW Child, it is NOW more so than ever before in this planet’s history evident that all Earthizens are provided with unlimited opportunities to board the freight train of change. All lives are dependent on how each person here reacts to this conveyance. Now, all peoples have these opportunities however it has become necessary to issue certain timelines for each Soul. This means that those who continue to fail to achieve the certain mind paths that lead to their own individual evolution, must leave the planet for the good of all. Earthizens, “salvation” is vastly misunderstood here; this is why in great measure all Luminescents are now actively working with The Masters and all Guides and other mentors to assist each Soul in saving themselves. That is to say the Souls who still can. In the most literal sense salvation simply means, “The cleansing of the Soul and the resulting unfettered state Soul has chosen in order to free itself of Earth bondage.” All Luminescents who have selected their Planetizens to be participants of the Earth Star journey know each and every Soul from their planets who is in residence here of course. The Souls from these planets, who have had lifetimes here whether it is one lifetime or many lifetimes, are now being culled as is deemed necessary. This is a combined agreement between all Luminescents and each Soul contract. Although all Souls here from all planets who have for the last 2,300 years made repeated trips here in an effort to learn from the experience of life on Earth while teaching by example have endowed themselves with many personal triumphs, there still remain those who have not.

These last 2,300 years was when many, MANY addendums were included by individual Souls as part of their pre-birth agreements. Prior to that although it had been known that the Jesus THE Christ consciousness would arrive at a particular conjunction point in what was at that time seen as “the timing of future events,” Souls had more freedom of movement back then. They were able to explore various life experiences here and to reincarnate more often because lifetimes were much shorter back then, for the most part. The peoples here had more advantages during those times in one sense. Yet the challenges were greater in another sense, because they had less time to overcome or capitulate whichever the case may have been, to the challenges and the challengers. Now, each Luminescent is a magnificent Soul brimming with eternal life, uncompromising love and the laughter of the greatest of the Sages. Each has a pivotal role to play in not only the life of their own individual Universe, but also as advisors to all other Universes. This is but one reason why Luminescents have long been targeted by those who are “the unclean.” Many, MANY millennia ago, when the dastardly Illuminati warlords and their minion attempted to use deicide against the Luminescents, was when the battle between the Luminescents and the unclean ones began in earnest.

The Creator and the Creation processing convened repeatedly with each of these Gods and Goddesses of each Universe and thus began the strategizing of unlimited ways to counterbalance the scales of Universal justice, while still empowering each of the Luminescents with even greater levels of abilities. These abilities were to further the Creation processing while still protecting their own home worlds and Universes and all of their “peoples.” This could be considered by you ones as a “blanket proposition.” Essentially what occurred was that as the battles against the forces of good by the forces of evil began to achieve a new ferociousness, MANY of the greatest warriors from each Universe combined their own fighting strengths in order to defeat and repel the dark ones. Synchronistical events occurred as Souls on each Universe learned quickly of the dangers inherent if the fallen ones were permitted to overrun their worlds. I am speaking of enormous numbers of Souls you see, not a mere 100,000,000 or so. Because of the conditions that existed while the Illuminati warlords were attempting to destroy or takeover other Universes, all new Souls who were Created during those tumultuous times entered the first stages of their lives with a cohesive understanding of the dangers that permeated the areas outside of their worlds. Now, each of the Luminescents approached all the Souls on their planets, particularly the new ones and proposed that the evil that was so intent on surrounding them should be best understood by seeing the difference between the dark invaders and the Souls who were unblemished. You see Earthizens, none can understand what evil truly is without understanding what good truly is. That fact is self-evident on the Earth Star planet in particular. Here on this planet you are renting, peoples here are far too prone to dismiss evil as either non-existent or something that just does not affect them in particular. As to understanding “good,” that is just not a palpable issue to many of you ones here.

Now, as the Luminescents worked in tandem with not only one another but with The Masters and the Creator as well, new stars were birthed to receive new Souls in case it ever happened that a Universe fell. I am of course most happy to tell you ones that no Universe was destroyed. However even Nirvana has had to close ranks and be on alert because the marauders would just LOVE to have that aspect of a Soul’s journey under their control. Today, because of the Christ Consciousness that is already in motion on the Earth Star planet, all the dark ones still “in life” are targeting Earth even more so than before. Now they are fighting for their very existence as well. Although they do attempt to interfere with the combined effort of the Luminescents who are assisting in the protection of Terra and most peoples here, they are unable to break through the shields of protection that have been placed over and around the Luminescent confluence. Your individual relationship with each Luminescent has never been understood by you while you have been on Earth wearing temporary, VERY TEMPORARY mortal form. The fact that it has been so easy for billions and billions and billions of peoples here to dismiss not only the existence of the Luminescents but their own individual connection to Them, says a great deal about the helpless state Soul has been in here.

NO, I am not in any way implying that without the covert interference that has taken place here that you ones would each remember all aspects of your Sacred Connection. I AM saying however that all of you who are pure Souls, all the goodhearted peoples here, would retain just enough conscious understanding of their Luminescents’ existences to better serve others on this planet and to have served Terra as well. The Super Conscious is a wondrous energetic mass which is not reliant on the conscious part of yourself in order to exist or in order to be of service. Yet it is sadly ironic that peoples here need to have their minds quieted before the unbreakable union between the Super Conscious and Soul voice can remind the personalities of the peoples here of who and what they really are. However, there are probability factors that come into play here thanks to the Luminescent of this Universe you call “God” and all the rest of the collective of Luminescents. The confluence of the collective of the Luminescents decided so very long, long ago, that each of you ones here and yes, that does indeed include those who have already passed over from mortal life, would be issued a “silent bell” that would begin to ring when each one was ready to merge with their Super Conscious self. Some exceptions had to be made as a matter of prodigious course alteration. So, if a person here anywhere on the world would suddenly for whatever reason change course and choose to align with the dark streamers, the unclean entities, then that individual’s bell would be removed and would not ring. This is because personal responsibility is required of each of you. Those among you ones who do not have it and do not even know they should or what it is representative of, are lost Souls. They have lost their own selves.

Now, another feature of this bell is that in the times of today, this bell is ringing to and fro and setting into motion the conscious recollection of many things peoples here have forgotten. No, this not an ambiguous undertaking; it is however one that had been purposely designed at a pre-determined time that you yourselves had agreed to. Yes, because so many have forgotten their promises and have lost their own expectations of themselves, they are the ones here who can cause nothing but harm to any person they encounter. Other people still continue to indulge in unlimited indolence. Now, although you ones may be among the groups of peoples who may not remember the minute details of all you are here to do, you should at the very least know to honor the Luminescent of this Universe by living your own lives as “Luminescents in training.” As such every nanosecond that you spend conversing with your unseen comrades of Spirit brings you ones closer and closer to the epicenter, the precipice that demands you do what you can to better emulate your own future selves. Of course you have not been aware of any details at all about what your individual future selves would be. That is why it was called “future.” You were not supposed to! Do you not think that you each have had enough to do just trying to be a better human being? However…I want you ones to now understand that all that you do from this moment on will be the determining factor of who you will be and WHERE you will be in your future tomorrows.

If you ones believe that I am intentionally hammering away at all of you about the importance of your individual and collective futures then YES, you are correct for I AM. It is so strange to me that so many of you ones tend to grieve over the physical loss of a loved one, yet do not have the common sense nor the sentience to grieve over the loss of yourself! There has never been a Luminescent or any good Soul in any Universe, especially none in Nirvana, who have ever wanted to see the loss/the destruction of a Soul. Not any Soul! Now, among the many things you ones fail to understand is that the day will arrive YES, while you are still in mortality, when you consciously share your mind-thoughts with this Universe and announce your heartfelt intents and convictions to merge yourself with the God of this Universe and with the Universe herself. We are aware that many, many of you ones are already doing so. It is as you do this that you will Super Consciously merge with the Jesus THE Christ Consciousness regardless of what your race or culture is. DO YOU UNDERSTAND THE IMPORTANCE OF THIS FEAT?? The collective of the Luminescents with the complete sanction of the Creator will provide those of you who do this with unlimited assistance in all that you need or think you need. They will assist you ones who do this in opening many new doorways for yourselves. You will be merging with the Divine in a way you have not done before! The God of this Universe along with the rest of the collective of the Luminescents, are about to begin a selection process that is unparalleled. Do you ones remember that I spoke with you about the new stars that were birthed and why? If not then I ask you to go back and reread that part in this transmission. Because those stars were to hold future civilizations if they had been needed to, it has been decided that millions and millions of you ones OF TODAY, will be provided the opportunity to become Planetizens of new civilizations on new worlds. Each of you ones must first earn your laurels however.

The Creator, in conjunction with the collective of the Luminescents has issued a call. They are calling for God-Walkers. It basically means that the principality of yourself will be able to walk as God in an emerging form of a future Luminescent in new civilizations that you may be able to help in founding. As this occurs the new position of you as Soul becomes the principle defining a certain evolutionary state and the principle of that state becomes YOU. Do you see? Now, at this very nanosecond the Luminescents are accompanying The Masters in scrutinizing each individual in each country; none can hide from their “unseen” surveillance. All that you ones think, say, believe and all your intents, dreams and visions are being exposed for the collective of Divinity to see. Now, let me stress that you ones do not need to do anything ultra-extraordinary to qualify for this extra-ordinary event that is currently underway. No, please do not go live in a cave or do anything else so un-serendipitous as a means to try to “atone” for ANYTHING! Those among you ones who believe they must atone for the errors they have made here are automatically disqualified. The life of a mortal is fraught with errors in judgment and dreams unfulfilled. That is what the Earth Star walk can present to millions of people here. It is all a matter of semantics and perspectives. Your difficulty has always been in understanding that of course you will make mistakes; after all you are human. That is NOT to say that I encourage any of you ones to INTENTIONALLY continue to repeat the same mistakes, you know! The true semanticist easily identifies what a situation really is and how it aligns synchronistically with the actions and symbols peoples adhere to.

Your actions do not always speak louder than your thoughts!

Now, take a moment later this day to initiate your possible new participation as a God-Walker. Then give some thought to this every day. Be expansive in your mind-thoughts and be prepared for “new” thoughts and “new” inspirations which will be presented to you. Also of primary importance: learn to look behind all the things happening here on Terra that you have been sickened by. Learn to look behind the events and see the good that is coming out of them all! LEARN and UNDERSTAND that the evildoers and those peoples here that are out of control MUST be exposed; they MUST be brought to justice, one way or another. Learn to think as a God or Goddess. Use your own insights cousins; learn to allow Soul voice to reign supreme. I hear many of you ones experiencing distressing thoughts now because you feel you can not do it. I caution you ones now-if you feel that way then you have already lost! I was granted permission to speak with you ones about this tremendous opportunity you are being given. Please do not lose sight of the fact though that if you do not use it you lose it. There are gigantic numbers of people waiting in the queue. Simply be yourself, forgive yourself for your transgressions that you believe you may have committed and get on with it, OK? Yes, it is this simple. Stop trying to make things so difficult!

As for the peoples who are already passed over and are in Nirvana, they too MAY be candidates depending on what actions, thoughts and Soul desires they truly exhibit. Obviously those Souls there who still have much karma to work off will not be in the queue until such time those matters are taken care of. Many of those who are there who have spent any important part of your Earth life with you will be helping you in your Sacred endeavor. They are all in absolutely “joy-joy” mode about this new and better way of life that is offered to all good Souls. You can only help those in Nirvana now by helping yourself.

Now, because the Earth Star planet is designated to be the new world for the new people, it will be those individuals already starting to be born and the generations to follow who will be in great measure responsible for manifestation and materialization of a better life in a better world. That is not to imply that none of you ones who are in mortal form at this time can not assist them. Who you teach and HOW you teach others now, will be the defining moments which clearly state your new roles here as mentors. Many peoples here who you help are or will be the upcoming mentors and parents of the new peoples. What values, dedications to duties and Spiritual information you share, THEY will pass on to their children, as well as evolving at a faster pace themselves. No, it does NOT mean that you each must be “a know it all,” that would be rather redundant. Build on what you do know chelas; that is an important cornerstone for an important new foundation here on Earth. You ones can not speak of what you do not know, but you CAN and should speak on what you DO know. No one can have wisdom if they do not have knowledge first. I have been called into council meetings with the collective of Luminescents. I am already of course working with The Masters as we along with many other of my brethren have been busily scouring the lands here. The Luminescents granted me permission to speak with all of you ones about all that I have this day. They and I believe that the more you know the easier it will be for you ones to better understand these situations that are here now.

No, cousins, the world is not going to hell in a hand-basket; rather hell is beginning to leave the world. You may consider this to be a different type of birthing pain. Hell must be forcibly extricated from Earth. Yes, this will take time. But this also gives way to the new world. No, it will not be easy, it is not easy now. But after all there are now many God-Walkers in training here to live, love and move mountains by sheer thought. I am signing off for now,

Salude…Blue Star

“There is a valley where that which is Spiritual stands on one side and that which is religious stands on the other side. In the middle walks the Creator and the Creation. In time, all shall be as one… I shall meet you there.”

Blue Star the Pleiadian……

Blue Star Transmissions / www.bluestarspeaks.com


Ben Fulford: Pentagon Informs Netanyahu There Will Be No Greater Khazarian Empire, August 13, 2012

Posted on August 13, 2012

I feel the need to state my own opinion on some of Ben’s words in this article, because for some reason I do not think he is well informed in this area: The Khazarian Jews are not ‘bloodline’ Jews. They are Jews whose ruler centuries ago adopted Judaism and insisted his people do so. Ben’s words would seem to implicate all the Jews in the problems we presently have, when it is my opinion that the Jews, just like so many of the people on this planet – United States citizens, for example – my own countrymen – have been used and abused by those who are trying to take control of the planet and establish the NWO. Like so many of us, many Jews are probably just beginning to awaken to this fact.

I share this information because my fear is that very soon there is going to be some sort of a bloodbath as people’s anger reaches the point of rage, and I think what we need to realize is that we have all, in some form or another, been victims of this sick, satanic cabal! Many, many people are still living very much in a 3-D world, and sadly I am afraid retribution is what they will seek. Please, Ben, by your uninformed words don’t make things any worse than they might be! ~Jean

There was a time when the member countries of NATO could convince most of the world they were the “good guys” promoting democracy, human rights and economic development. Now, they are seen as gangster controlled rogue states trying to start World War 3 in order to set up a cabal controlled “New World Order” totalitarian government. Fortunately for us all, the pentagon and the governments of China, India, Russia, Brazil and most other countries have made it very clear this is not going to happen. That is why the horrifying mass murder being carried out in Syria by cabal mercenaries is not getting the intended results.

When Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel recently tried to stir the pot in the US, his activities, e-mails, phone calls etc. were all monitored after which an official from the pentagon warned Netanyahu “If you try to send off a cruise missile we will blow it out of the water and then come for you.” Oops. Then Egypt’s new government removed cabal proxies from the military and sent tanks to the Israeli border. Oops again.

Message to the Jews: You have been kicked out of over 100 countries in the past 2000 years http://www.biblebelievers.org.au/expelled.htm so, you must stop pretending you were always just innocent victims. It is time to stop thinking in terms of “us” (Jews) and “them” (Goyim), and start behaving like a civilized people all from the same human race. The Jews are like a beautiful woman (the decent and honorable majority) with syphilis (the gangsters hiding in their midst). If the Jewish people do not remove the criminals from the top of their own leadership, they may once again suffer collective punishment for the actions of a tiny criminal minority. Fortunately, there are signs of just such an internal purge.

The side of the financial industry that has long valued integrity, honesty and fair play has been stealthily preparing to purge the criminal fraudsters who turned their industry into a giant orgy of criminal looting.

The Federal Reserve Board, the European Central Bank and the Bank for International Settlements are thus now facing an existential crisis. That is because multiple law-suits and criminal investigations are closing in from all sides.

The Neil Keenan (he is Irish) lawsuit, is one of the most important one of those because it reveals the true motives of the Kennedy (and countless other) assassinations and the systematic looting of the global collateral accounts by a tiny but powerful mafia group. Keenan has returned from a trip to Indonesia with a whole raft of documents revealing the true extent of the criminality of the bankster families that own the Federal Reserve Board. Work is now continuing to make sure a US court can be given clear jurisdiction on this case so that an un-corruptible judge can finally deliver justice.

Even if this lawsuit remains in limbo as various delaying tactics continue to be deployed, the writing is still on the wall for the cabal.

For one thing, the US government will have accumulated over $1 trillion in new debt in the fiscal period ending on September 30th and will be looking to borrow more for the new fiscal period. The Chinese will be changing two thirds of their top leaders in November and the US is also scheduled for regime change then so you can be sure there will be some very high stakes horse trading going on in October.

The Chinese know that time is on their side because as long as the cabal continues to chain the US economy to the one-eyed pyramid dollar the US will continue to lose its manufacturing base. The pentagon and the military industrial complex also know that the sooner they cut a deal, the better a deal they will get.

Mathematically speaking there are only two real choices. One is for the US to issue a devalued treasury dollar in exchange for a one-off debt write off. The other is to wait for US income levels to fall to Chinese levels.

Either of these two choices will make the US real economy once again competitive. The first will mean a sudden jolt as the economy returns to reality and all those Chinese knick knacks at Walmart suddenly become expensive. This will be followed by a quick boost in the real economy and manufacturing, led by exports and domestic demand. The other will mean unemployment and misery will steadily increase until enough people are willing to work for Chinese wages.

In Europe, meanwhile, the Euro crisis has gone to the back burner as everybody takes their holidays but it will get far worse in the autumn. Once again, there is no need for secret inside sources to see what is going on. The Europeans (especially the one living along the Mediterranean) have been spending more than they have earned for 30 years and creditors have come a calling. The Germans could not afford to bail out their irresponsible Southern cousins even if they wanted to. The people of Iceland showed the way with a sudden 15% drop in income (in other words back to what they earn doing real things like fishing) followed by a rapid recovery and the arrest of guilty bankers. This is what must happen in other countries if this crisis is to end.

There is also an old historical injustice at work here, according to some sources. The Euro was originally financed by bonds taken by George Bush Sr. from Soong Mei-Ling, the wife of Kuomintang leader Chiang Kai-Shek, according to an MI5 agent based in England. These bonds were put in a “trading program” to generate funds for the long term project to turn Europe into a fourth Reich, according to this agent, who specializes in studying Nazis. These funds were frozen 18 months ago by the BIS and that has been a principle cause of the Euro crisis, he says.

Multiple sources in Asia also mention Soong Mei-Ling as a key player in the current crisis and several (including senior Yakuza sources) make the extraordinary claim she is still alive (that would make her 114 years old but Wikipedia says she died in 2003).

What is clear though is that the new regime taking over in China in November will be less influenced by the Western cabal than the outgoing regime was.

The P2 fascist freemason lodge in Italy has bragged that they financed and supported communism. That gave them greater influence over the communist youth league faction of outgoing leader Hu Jintao than it will have over incoming “princeling” leader Xi Jinping.

The incoming leadership group has already informed the White Dragon Society that it supports their proposal for the creation of a meritocratically staffed international economic planning agency.

Also, negotiations between a White Dragon Society representative and a North Korean representative have now been set for later this month but the new regime of Kim Jong-Un has already made it clear they are ready to break out of the old cold-war “bad guy” role they have been forced to play.

In any case, as autumn approaches, the various interested parties need to stop digging up the past and fighting each other and focus instead on creating an ideal world.

Original posting at:


The Dark’s 2012 Phenomena


Collective Consciousness ~ The Tipping Point ~ St Germain through Elizabeth Trutwin 8.11.12

Greetings, this is St Germain. The conditions placed on your mind effect every action and reaction on Earth. As a duality Planet Earth is required to review every action taken and balance the scales of karma with sentence served. The best way to practice the rule of law is to allow the person who broke the rule to see the error of their ways and return to the whole that which was taken.

I want to say that during World War II I went with some of my Galactic Friends and had cigars with Adolph Hitler at Eagles Nest in the German Alps. Mussolini had sent Italian marble and there were grand fireplaces in a chateau which appears to float on clouds when the mist flows over the snowy mountain peaks, even in summer. We talked about him landing at Inner Earth with his military force and mapping the area. We talked to him about the contracts he made with the Zeta Reticulans and the harm the Abductions did to 100s of thousands of people. Most of these abductees did not recall the meatball surgeries and experiments performed on them until years later. We talked to him about his secret laboratories and experiments on humans. The reason we met with him was to ask him to turn his dark hat to a white hat. We asked him to offer the world free energy and advanced farming techniques and in return we would lesson his karmic load. He was intoxicated with power and respectfully declined. The history books say he died back then and that is not so. All the truth will be revealed to the masses as a path to healing at changeover.

I want to say that we went to Stalin, we went to Khomeini, we went to Sharon, we went to Nehru, we went to Mandela, we went to all of the Ones who abused their elected and appointed roles and we asked them to stop the atrocities. We went to the Ones you do not know the names of – the Ones in the Pentagon, the Ones in the Banks, the Ones who are Monarchs and we asked them to stop their illegal dealings. We offered each one a fair deal to help burn off some of their karma and give them a Path to the Light. Not One of the rich and famous, none – agreed. Some in their families and employees have cooperated and had their sentences reduced. Many of you say you forgive the atrocities and hope they return to the light. This is noble indeed, but it cannot turn out that way. There was a deadline to take this Path and it has come and gone. We are on the verge of No Time. It is according to Universal Law that they must be charged, stand trial and pay the price of their violation to humanity. If their crimes reach past Earth then they will be tried at the Solar Tribunal after their Earth trial and sentences will be compounded.

Much has been said about 2012. At least four years ago we could have come to completion with all of changeover. So much was blown up about 2012 that it made it so. When something grows in the Collective Conscious mind past the tipping point then it becomes so. Even channels who were saying back then we were a moment away knew it could have happened. Never did the Collective Consciousness come to the tipping point back then. They came close. The cabal used false flag techniques which spread like wildfire and it was the power they needed to keep everyone in fear. They used paid shills to tell stories of three days of darkness and evacuating Earth and needing a food supply and money on hand for survival. Collective Conscious back then believed the mortgage companies could bring in the police and throw them out of their houses. They believed there would be an outbreak of killer flu. They believed random shootings were insane citizens, not psy-ops. Every false provocation which hit News Corp and its many holdings around the world kept the Collective Consciousness from the tipping point. Perfectly intelligent people allowed their egoic conditioned minds to hold them captive from Earth Ascension. Every time you forward a false email it feeds the dark Ones and allows them to control your politics, governments, banks, mortgages, medical care, universities and military. Every time you forward a positive message it raises the light quotient of the Collective Consciousness and brings it closer to the tipping point. We are able to monitor the thoughts and feelings of Collective Consciousness and indeed are required to do this on Planets experiencing duality. It is how we know how to Guide you as individuals and as a group toward Ascension.

911. New Yorkers live in one of the, if not the, most privileged Cities on Earth. New Yorkers are exposed to a lot. New Yorkers are savvy. Even 12 years out from 911 many refuse to talk about the fact that the terrorists were the President, the Vice President, the Joint Chiefs of the Armed Forces, the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of State. These terrorists put on a play. They won best actor, best supporting actor, in fact all the roles were award winning. They fooled some of the most savvy, most intelligent men and women on the Planet. They committed a crime of psychological terror which has little been seen played out anywhere. Your conditioned minds told had you beleive you saw something that never happened. There was no plane crash. There were missiles, timed explosions, planes which flew over New York and landed in Canada and parked in underground storage. There were the National Security Agency dark hats who covered it all up with their advanced technology that they held since the time of Hitler. Extraterrestrial technology given to them in contracts designed to abuse the Collective Consciousness. Your conditioned minds controlled by what was shown in the media believed it all. Even the movies produced kept up the illusion. Violence grew everywhere increasing fears and tricking your minds. From cradle to grave your mind was controlled by fear. We watched and did not violate the Prime Directive of noninterference.

Slowly, slowly. Sometime around 2010 the cabal decided to use 2012 as a doomsday scenario. They encouraged scientists like Richard Hoglund to produce special programs hailing 2012. After filming and editing the cabal who financed the films made it look like it was an end of the world prediction. This fed the 2012 phenomena. We could have had changeover in 2010 had we kept our focus positive. This lead to a string of paid shills building the doomsday news all over the media. During this entire time the dark cabal always felt they had a chance of pushing down Collective Consciousness to the point of no return. Many of the paid shills said they were speaking for the Galactics or they were from another Planet bringing you a weekly message to prepare you. Nothing could have been further from the truth. Many readers had done no inner work and possessed no discernment to speak of. Any mention of ET was chapter and verse for them. The brave warriors of light stuck it out in the face of ridicule and often became discouraged themselves. If you ever wonder what your life Mission is I would say you only have One Mission – Ascending Earth. When that happens you may re-write your contract for a New Mission. Until then all individuals have only one job: Hold the Light & Be Love Incarnate.

When One does the inner work of learning to hold their consciousness detached from challenges and tests, they learn eventually nothing can take them off the Path to Enlightenment. When that happens the false flags hold no sway, no one can convince them otherwise. The false shills pronouncements seem absurd. This is why your thoughts effect the whole. Keep your thoughts positive. If a false flag lands in your inbox-let it die there. Delete, delete, delete. Use any technique you can to remain positive. It is not hard. It takes tenacity.

For the newly awakened, Welcome! To the Indigo Elders who never gave up, Congratulations! One benefit of allowing changeover to go this long has been adding many more souls to Ascension then previously thought possible. This is a very positive development. I came tonight to express my deep gratitude for all you have done to hold the light. The tipping point has been crossed. We are nearly there, stay tuned! I am St. Germain.

Through Elizabeth Trutwin, August 10, 2012 All Rights Reserved.http://CosmicAscension.org, http://GalacticRoundtable.in, http://Garuda.co

Related recommended readings:

Shaking The Trees

The Denial and the Trees

Published July 6, 2012 | By bluestar

The Return of the Masters

The Masters

Message #6

The Denial and the Trees

Master Kato…. (transmitted to Celest) I have bided my time awaiting this calendar year and month to speak of the “denial factor.” I realize that our Celestial Star Child has also been biding her time too as we all waited to see how long it would take before the human races here relinquished their rose colored glasses in favor of “God sight.” The more deeply you all walk into the beginning of the new timeline here, the more you will see and understand that more will be expected of you from now on. Now more so than ever before. Many people on this planet will view this knowledge with intense chagrin. Others however will do what they ALWAYS do which is to roll up their sleeves and throw themselves wholeheartedly into doing all that is expected of them. Of course there are still those who are on the fringe; the ones hoping that no one will notice that they are not doing anything constructive, rather they are still a destructive force. Many reprehensible people will continue to be unmasked throughout this year of 2012.

There is a bevy of good people waiting to take their rightful places, the good ones who will replace the others, but it will not happen without more civil unrest occurring. Because of all this we are beginning another part of our mission which is “tree shaking.” Shaking the trees which hold the forbidden fruit is an awesome task, a mission without any comparison. The pity is that so few of you Planetizens here understand what that fruit really is. This is the final germination of the seeds of the ancient Illuminati, the Illuminati who were the forbearers of the Illuminati of today. Understand please that when an event whether it be physical or otherworldly takes place, there is a specific protocol that is set into motion. One that is many cases its own conundrum.

I would say that in the broadest terms possible you may compare this to the steps that are taken in order to conceive a child. Without the sex of course. First there must be intent followed by the action needed to procreate a species or a furthering of a gestalt that the individuals conceiving the idea, ideal or schematic design of a hoped for event must consider. All matter regardless of what form or age it may be assumes a shape of itself. One that is representative of the germination process. Matter is not subjective to anyone’s whim. If that were the case every single thought you have would suddenly assume a shape. That’s a scary thought! The forbidden fruit lies within its own shape as, “evil, hate, promiscuity, fear, obsession and contentious thoughts that breed inhumane actions.” Millions of people have been on the forbidden fruit diet all of their life. YOU each are trees. The fruit you each bear is the cause, the effect and the summation of who you really are.

It was as you were each birthed into this world that you soon after eagerly sought to be like others. You sought to become one like your peers, to satisfy your families and not to be seen as different or alien by others. In the attempt to appease all these other people you once believed to be the ones to placate and emulate, you lost yourselves. Too many of you of all races here have lived lives of reckless, wanton abandonment. Yet still others can not survive without living as adrenaline junkies. Planetizens, it requires very hardy people to be able to live on this Earth Star planet without succumbing to the whims of others. To surrender yourselves causes you to lose your own unique identity. Most unfortunately one thing you all seem to have no understanding of is the energy of “repetition.” None of you like to believe that you merely repeat the same old errors of judgment again and again. After all, it just can not happen to YOU; it only happens to other people. None of you seem to have one iota of understanding that the repetition energy is housed within the intellect and is pulled out and placed into the forefront of your minds over and over and over again.

This is why so many truly REAL people of all races here are so confused when they see and hear their loved ones rehashing the same old beliefs, the same old theories and reliving the same old patterns without realizing that they are doing so. How do you get people to stop doing this and claim their rightful places here as true human beings? I can tell you what we are doing. We are shaking the TREES of the forbidden fruit while uprooting as many trees as necessary. I must tell you all now that we are NOT doing so gently at all. The times for gentle persuasion are over. The times for affirmative actions are HERE and NOW. The harder we shake, the more the fruits fall to the ground. Because the fruits consist of decay and unreason they are not permitted to further contaminate people, places and things who are good and worthy individuals. Upon leaving the trees, the fruit immediately self-combust, leaving a tangible and putrid odor in their wake. Understandably, many of you will think of this as “Karma.” However what is least understand about Karma is that Karma is its own reward.

This then is when we see a human being standing completely naked and totally vulnerable. It is their very vulnerability that will cause them to either ATTEMPT to regain other replicas of the same fruit, or walk away and begin to learn HOW and WHY they should LIVE. There are no other options now. I can not say what is more saddening; whether it is to see great minds impaired by logic or to see those whose intent had been to be Speakers for this Universe entangled in the dramas of others. There is a commonality that they all share however. None of them seem to be able to break free of their bondage because they do not want to know that they have been bound. At one time the very young children here and a small percentage of young adults still had the ability to change the conditions of their minds, if not of their lives. However because of the huge amassing of the Illuminati forces that began back in the sixties here, an unrest that HAD been geared to topple shadow governments and to reinstate the human factor died a stillborn death. Instead of that being the true beginning of a human turnover it became the hippie generations.

The demon riders wasted no time. Their collusion with the other dark forces that eagerly dispensed the drugs that stilled the minds and blocked the voice of the Soul accelerated at an unbelievable and unheard of pace here. If I sound perturbed to you it is because I AM. Far too many people of each race here wanted so desperately to lose themselves, to relinquish all personal responsibility for their actions and yet decry the good deeds of worthy people. What was proclaimed to be the coming Age of Aquarius soon became instead “the latest age of debauchery.” Admitting to the truth of situations is far too difficult for so many people here regardless of their chronological age. Yet how many of those vast numbers of the people of those sixties turmoil of times went forth to be all they could really be? I counted six. The figure I just gave you was to merely indicate how low it really was. Granted the others still have time to alter their mind thoughts but will they? Will many of you?

Each of those sixties people were trees and they had no understanding of that. Nor did they want to. It has become too much the norm here for people to choose NOT to choose. All people do have the route of choice; however if you do not make a choice NOW…..then a choice WILL be made for you! Choice is an integral part of free expression. However, from what we ourselves know about humanity, “choice” tends to confuse so many people instead of being honored as the God-gift it truly is. People will say that they have choices to make in their lives, however they do not want to make them for fear that they may make the wrong one! What people really want is to make choices that they KNOW will be the correct ones, BUT they also want to know for certain that the choice they make will net them the results they want! How asinine. You will either make the right choice for the right reason or you will not. Choice should never be “conditional.” Choices made are a prerequisite to remaining on this planet; they are a necessity, not a whim! People also live under the great yoke of guilt. It is not as though everything they believe they have done wrong in the past was really so terrible. In many instances the experiences were all learning or teaching lessons. In truth, learning and teaching walk hand in hand.

It is what you do with them that define your immediate stability, your intent and the probability factor that whispers to you that you may yet change. Guilt is not a part of Soul processing. It is BOTH a child of the intellect and a result of conditioning. It is not really about right and wrong; rather it is about individual perception of right and wrong. What may seem to be wrong to one person is seen to be right by another. Obviously I am not suggesting that an ax murderer should seem to be right by any means. Yet ironically enough even these types of people have their unstable admirers.

So many people have so much difficulty in admitting to themselves that they have been wrong. Then an unholy anomaly occurs; the fact that they know on a subconscious level that they HAVE been wrong stimulates their guilt. They then try to bury the guilt deeply within their mind, unaware that they are actually feeding it. This makes no sense. Guilt is not one of the forbidden fruits, but it can function as a stymieing agent. It can then contribute in initiating health problems for both body and mind without any just cause. Yes, these trees too should be shaken, however it has been decided that this is up to each “person of guilt” to do or not to do for themselves. I assure you all that murderous dictators do not indulge in guilt over the slaughters they commit. They justify it all in their minds. BUT, they do not see themselves for what they really are; they do not see that they are monsters in mortal form. They could not cope with that knowledge. Therefore they ignore it.

We are observing more and more on a daily basis now the fact that millions of people are choosing to become secretive about their thoughts and planned misdeeds. These are the minds that plot to take from others and yet justify these actions to themselves. Their beliefs are centered on how “out of necessity” they must do so in order for them to survive. Those who are considered to be among the wealthiest people on this world are now in great jeopardy because of what they have. Oddly enough the wealthiest of the families all seem to believe that somehow all that they have is their birthright. They further believe that those who have so much less either deserve to or are too lazy to have more. Justification without good cause is a disease of the mind, the intellect and part of the notoriety of the human factor. No one here can adequately explain to me why it is so difficult to admit they have been wrong. I have heard many mind thoughts of late which seem to center around the necessity of never being wrong.

Planetizens, if what you once believed to be correct and now believe to be incorrect is causing you confusion, then simply separate these ideas and judge them on their own merit. If they have none, then why would you want them anyway? What is least understood about this situation is that as you alter your beliefs one way or the other, your very appearance and personal magnetic field become morphed whether you realize it or not. There is a gradual but important release that takes place as you alter the former thoughts you once had and replace them with your present understanding of any event, person, place or thing. Think of “understanding” as tiny grains of salt. These tiny molecules of tangible energy do not simply lie dormant, one way or another they will either attract or repel other energies. The taste buds may react to the salt and the body most certainly will through the process of accelerating your electrical impulses within your bodies. Usually this is accompanied by the desire to drink more water and that is a very good thing.

This attraction of salt, water, electricity is deemed to be necessary in order for the human body to maintain its functionality. The drinking of more water and the subsequent quickening of the flow of electrical impulses within the physical body repels the onset of many viruses because they are not functional for long in the salt based energy and the electrical matter can destroy them. Although I consider this to be a simplistic example of what I have been speaking of, perhaps you can see the interrelationship to all that you eat, drink, think and believe as the acts of nourishing your own trees. You do so through the understanding that all that you see happening around you will either assist you in having greater clarity, or that you will doom yourself and bear forbidden fruit.

All governments on this planet have trees filled with the worst of the dross of the forbidden fruit. For far too long there have been too many men and now women, who have become so enamored with their political stations in life, that they have intentionally denied to themselves that they are really nothing more than humans in suits. “Clothes do not make the person,” HEART does. Yes, but of course there are some good people in politics, but in time there will be many more than you can imagine. It is the everyday people of all races here that will be the ones to make the necessary changes in this world. Obviously the God of this Universe has His own plan and is busily putting everything into action on His part. People here however, have been a major problem. All races have allowed themselves to be subservient to the rulers of their lands and of course to their religions. Humankind has been so complacent, so “sheep like,” so eager to allow others to make their life and death decisions for them, that they have forgotten the doctrine of personal freedom. People here of all races have become lazy. They have become dependent on “the system.”It is also far too easy to lay blame on the doorstep of one political party or another. The truth of the matter is that all your political parties are corrupt to one degree or another.

I did mention that 2012 will herald the beginning of the incredible acceleration of moment to moment, day to day merging as one fluid time. You will feel this ascending process flowing faster and faster and faster into one another as the NOW further achieves her rightful and Creator-decreed place here. This means it will be apparent everywhere on the planet. So when I tell you that over the next several years, you will all see the political party systems undergoing a major and MUCH needed overhaul, do not expect me to set a calendar date for you. That would be rather nonsensical! Pay attention to what other everyday people here are saying. Pay attention to what those organizations you may think of as “rebellious” are doing as they finally form cohesive units of organized chaos. True party systems will emerge; one in particular will be led by a woman. I assure you it is NOT Hillary! We are all grateful for that. New staffs of people who will truly represent “We the People of Planet Earth” will finally have the dawning of their long awaited day. This will become self-evident all over the planet as people finally achieve the shocking recognition of fact that in order to survive here they MUST work together.

Although at this time it is hard for you to believe, the healthy trees and many of those that we have denuded will finally achieve a state of reconciliation on both a personal and planetary basis. The Russian bear will be no more. The Middle East is slowly gaining momentum on a path of self-created implosion. It will be as each country fails to continue to subjugate the people that the leaders of all political parties will stand naked and afraid. They already have the initial fear and it is mounting daily. The greatest humiliation they each are terrified of is being revealed for what they are. Shake, shake, shake. Yes, the continent of North America will reap its just rewards as well. No country will be spared. We can not help but notice a particularly incongruous commonality between political leaders and the religious leaders who are their cohorts. The more they each deny their guilt the guiltier they really are.

There are plans afoot even now to choose certain scapegoats for both the politicians and the religious factor to blame. Although it has happened in the past as well, this time the people will see through the charade. Many, many corporations will fail. People on Earth will FINALLY see the machinations of the stock markets. They will learn painfully that these politically controlled diversions were formed to bet on the failure of stocks. This is also true of all your mortgage and banking institutions. It has all been a lewd, terribly manipulated shell game. Denial after denial will issue forth from corporate people, but in the end the truth will be in your face. The further dearth of healthy foodstuffs will continue to be a contributing factor in causing the races of this world to finally accept the fact that they have been badly used. They will also have to accept the fact that is all happened because the people themselves have allowed it to happen. What is so sad about the food situation is that THIS is in great part what it has taken to cause people to cease their slacking off from admitting their own personal responsibility in this matter.

Planetizens, what I want you to also have a better understanding of is that you as a single tree can control your own harvest. Together with small groups of other healthy trees “can a forest be.”

The Foundation

There are times when I feel it is necessary to present you all with a preposterously hypothetical situation in order to make a salient point. On this day, the time is NOW. I would like you to truly imagine for a minute that you have just awakened from a long sleep. Imagine that upon awakening you looked around and realized that the life you thought you were living was nothing more than a dream. You are in an empty space, no furniture, no people, and no pets, nothing except you sitting on an empty space. There is absolutely no sound, nothing at all. You feel your body and are horrified to find that you do not have one. You try to blink your eyes but nothing happens. You try to call out for someone, anyone, but you have no voice. Tell me Planetizens, how do you think you would feel?

I like to think that I have your attention now. My point of this exercise is to attempt to show you one and all what happens when the very foundation of life, of your life, of all that you believed in ceases to be. You would be a nothing. You would have nothing to anchor you to this world. You would become mindless yet you would try to crawl into some mind-space where you felt safe, then you would discover that there WAS no place there.

This, children of the Earth Star planet, is what is going to happen to the people here, yes, even to many of your loved ones who are truly religious people, when they discover that their religions were Illuminati conceived. No one here can exist without a firm foundation in their lives. When all that a person believes in is shown to be the opposite of what they have believed, it will shatter the mind. The intellect itself would struggle mightily to try to survive while knowing that it can not. The preponderance of people here belong to one religious organization or another. This is not about one religion or another; I am speaking of the turmoil that will ensue surrounding all religions. This will affect all people on both an individual and group basis. Very, very young children see their parental figures as their foundation. Through the years the children’s foundations may become larger or smaller depending on their own belief systems, but the fact remains that they still need some kind of support system which they believe they need to have in order to live an independent life.

None of you remember here that “at home” you were your own support system, yet you did have allies and mentors you chose to congregate with. Here on the Earth Star planet it is different. Here your foundations have been conditioned for you; they have been plied with illusions and methods of self-gratification. So it is that as you achieved maturity, chronologically that is, you still relied on the “same old same old” comfort zone of religious, political, scholastic and medical beliefs. To the credit of many of you here, a goodly number of you did try to question your elders and your peers as well. Unfortunately unless you are part of a questioning group, not much can be achieved. Except for the diehard questioners, the rest of you gave up and gave in far too easily. No one likes rabble-rousers; so it has become the norm here to dismiss or attempt to dissuade people from uncovering truth. That has been made so much easier here because the people who really KNEW the truths were the very ones who were concealing them.

So tell me, how are YOU going to react when all is said and done and all the greater truths are revealed sans logic? Do not be ridiculous and pretend that you will not have any problem living without your former foundations. Unless you have already discarded them, how do you know how you will cope with that knowledge? How do you know what you will actually do, or think, or say? You are not there yet! I am honoring all of you by giving you “realization points.” It is not always so easy for you here to conceptualize your mind thoughts based on prima facie evidence. Do not say, “thank God I do not believe in religion.” What about the other things you DO believe is? What are your fruits? Do you know or do you just pretend to know? What about “change?” If you believe that you are capable of changing for the better then I suggest that you should also understand that you are capable of changing for the worst as well. Are you willing to accept that you and millions of others fear change or are uneasy about it simply because it may “rock your world?” How many of you truly understand that without change, nothing is possible. It has been said that many people can not see the forest for the trees. Do you yet understand your role, your chosen place in this drama? 

From this day forward I suggest to you all that every time you see a tree and see either the healthiness of it or the deplorable condition it is in, think of humankind. Each time you decide to eat a piece of fruit, remember our discussion this day and then shake, shake, shake. WE WILL!

We speak as One…. Salude, The Masters

The Masters / Bluestarspeaks.com


Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 6/30/12

‘Arrests Update’

Posted: 30 Jun 2012 12:33 PM PDT


Debunkers are those who attempt to disprove theories and beliefs of others. The reasons why these individuals or even organizations choose to use much of their energy in such pursuits differs from person to person, but we will say for the most part these individuals attempt to disprove or dismiss other’s views because these views to not match their own beliefs and understandings. We see this as an unproductive means to advance on one’s journey, learning and picking up new ideas and concepts as one travels through this universe, but we will also say that all of the choices of others no matter what they may be should be respected and are respected always by us, and therefore we welcome any and all views even if they are on the contrary to our existence and our peaceful intentions to assist humanity and your planet at this time.


There are many of you with opposing views; this has been made very clear to us of the Galactic Federation of Light. We see these differences in opinions flaring up from time to time into heated debate and argument and even in the promulgation of insults being hurled back and forth. We do not wish to see this, as again, there are certainly more productive ways to share your ideas and your points of view to each other. We wish to say that there is no need for name calling or insulting of one another. You are all in this together. You have all gotten to this point together. If you could open up the pages of your true history you would read stories and adventures that team you with individuals that today you may argue with throughout your online communities. This is what we would like you to understand, that even those who today may appear your enemy or your foe of some kind may have been your brother or your sister or your closest friend or ally while you were at war with others. Try to see this, and try to understand that all of you are indeed friends and you are all indeed family. Try to think of this the next time debate turns heated throughout your online communities and we feel this can be your water to the flame.


We would like to speak with you today about the impending arrests of many members of your criminal cabal who have conspired against the people of your planet. We would like to say that the operation to remove these beings from your world is proceeding smoothly at this very time. We are seeing troop movement into areas where we, through our monitoring capabilities, have concluded members of your criminal cabal await for their arrest or have chosen these areas as a place of refuge in an attempt to hide from what is inevitable and what is just. We see that there are many of you waiting with great anticipation for the news of these arrests to break through your popular media, and we say to you that it is appropriate to remain confident at this time, but we also urge you to remain patient, as although signals have indeed been given that these arrests will now proceed, this is an extremely delicate operation and matters must be dealt with appropriately as they surface one by one and appeased sufficiently before the operation can once again begin to move forward.


At this time, we have perceived several different difficulties on certain fronts of this operation, and we say to you that we, along with your Earth allies, are dealing with these problems and difficulties and are doing our best to minimize any and all delays. We will say, and are happy to say it, that we do see these arrests moving forward and we do see these arrests being accomplished in a very suitable timeframe from now. For those of you waiting and counting the minutes down of a 72 hour window that was opened a day or two ago, we say to you please do not count the minutes and try to remain as patient and as optimistic as you possibly can, as at this time there is great momentum being swept up by the people of your world including your Earth allies and we do not wish this emotional, mental and physical momentum to ebb and subside. We wish for this momentum to carry your people through these arrests and continue on into the many new projects that wait for your assistance in the days ahead.


We see these arrests as the catapulting event that will send your world over the walls that have kept you locked inside and locked within a system of antiquity, imbalance, injustice and unfairness. These arrests will be monumental, as nothing of this magnitude has ever occurred here in your world and this includes all of your wars, including wars that many of you have no idea have been fought as they occurred beyond the understanding of your local and recent histories. These arrests will finally put an end once and for all of all wars, conflict and skirmishes across your entire planet. There will never be another reason for a human to pick up an arm against another human and point it at them. This is a behavior that was ignited by the ruthless and cunning minds of your criminal cabal, as they tricked and conned you into believing you had enemies across seas or across imaginary borders drawn in the sand.


We tell you that you do not have any enemies but those who propagate this lie and this fear, this con and betrayal. These are the ones that you must learn how to handle and remove from your world. It is not each other that are the problem or your reasons for conflict, suffering and war, it is the doings of those that will now face justice for their heinous acts against you, the people of Earth. The people of your planet have spoken, and they have stated loudly and they have stated clearly that no longer will they be manipulated, ruled, controlled and oppressed by so few of opulence, of wealth, power, ruthlessness, cunning and deviousness. These are the traits of those who at this time desperately try to cling to their crumbling empire of control they have built like pyramidal structures throughout your systems, agencies, governments and people. They are losing their grip on their pyramids, and these pyramids are crumbling and toppling onto them. They will be crushed under their weight, and they will never be allowed to resurface in your home ever again.


This is one of the promises to you that we will make, and we keep our promises. Never again will these beings be allowed to filter through breaches in the dimensional enforcements. This is something that we of the higher realms are better qualified to deal with and deal with it we will, and we wish you to know that we have worked very long and very hard at a new, refined and strengthened system that will never allow again a crack to appear in the dike, if you will, and allow lower dimensional beings to trespass into the domain of higher dimensional beings which is what occurred here hundreds of thousands of years ago. This is what our mission is correcting at this time, and we will not stop our efforts until every being that has not earned the right to be here is removed and relocated to where it is they do belong, whether it be within the lower dimensions or somewhere else. They will be removed, and they will never be permitted to call this planet their home ever again. You can be assured of this and know that your new world will be ever safe and guarded from any infiltration, lower dimensional or extra terrestrial in nature, ever again.


We are your protectors and we are your family of the Galactic Federation of Light.
As channeled through Greg Giles

UPDATE – SaLuSa – July 02 2012

However, we expect President Obama to address the world, to re-assure people that the actions are positive and in everyone’s interests to restore world peace. It will go worldwide and beyond any attempts of the dark Ones to gag it.

GREEN LIGHT – Mass Arrests

Green Light! Mass Arrests Will Now Commence!

Pentagon and military insider Drake has announced, tonight 6/27/12 at approximately 8:30PM, that the long anticipated green light has been given and the military and law enforcement alliance known to the people as the ‘Earth Allies’ will now move in within a time frame of 72 hours to begin the world wide sweep and mass arrests of thousands of members and associates of the criminal organization known as the ‘cabal’. For those unfamiliar with this action, these arrests will free, once and for all, all of humanity from their dark captures who have conspired to bankrupt, sicken and finally imprison every human being on the planet.
All citizens are advised to pick up a week or so worth of food, water and all necessary provisions as some store closures and utility outages are possible. All citizens are also advised to withdraw from their financial institutions enough cash to last at least a week, and preferably up to three weeks, as certain banks are expected to close their doors, rendering credit and debit cards useless for at least a certain period of time. All citizens are advised to remain calm and within a centered emotional state. All citizens are strongly urged not to riot or engage in any violent actions of any kind.
Military units and law enforcement personnel will be witnessed making these arrests throughout the United States as well as in some other parts of the world, and all are advised to understand that these men and women are working in service to their brothers and sisters, to freedom, to constitutional government and to love. These military and law enforcement units are not moving in to arrest the citizens of their respective countries as some media outlets may erroneously report in the early stages of this far ranging operation. These units are engaging in the arrests of the members of the criminal cabal and their many associates, that is all.
All are advised to stock their homes with the basic necessities and also advise as many family members and friends what to expect and what these arrests will mean to the people of this world who have suffered too long under the oppression of these criminals and their dark agenda of power and control. This day has been a long time coming, and all are advised to celebrate as these arrests are televised world wide as a signal to our brethren that this is not more of the same bad news we have been programed to believe is the only form of news. This is a time to celebrate, and the celebrations will continue through the July 4th holiday, which will be a true celebration of independence for the people of the U.S. and all the people of our world.
Original post – Greg Giles

UPDATE June 29, 2012

SaLuSa from Sirius of  The Galactic Federation

The hot topic that occupies most of you is the commencement of the arrests so that you are in no doubt that the final days of the cabal have arrived.  Needless to say, it will cause a sensation across the world and the media will have to respond. They will be inundated with calls asking for an explanation, and eventually even those that are conservative will be forced to give the true reasons for what is happening. There will be official announcements in the US, and careful steps taken to ensure that people have the correct understanding of why the arrests are taking place. Doubt will exist until it becomes clear that the actions are in the interests of all people, by providing a scenario whereby they can be released from the hold of the dark Ones. There will be deliberate disinformation circulated by those still under the control of the Illuminati, but we will make it clear that the Military are involved as a back up for those making the arrests. They are not execution squads and will only use weapons if they or the Marshalls are attacked, in the course of their legitimate pursuits. Read more >
