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World Bank Foreclosure in MSM

World Bank Foreclosure in MSM

 Guardian Feb08_s
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The Guardian Express

In the Money, Federal Reserve, World Banks Foreclosed On

Added by steve5 on January 14, 2013.
Saved under Conspiracy Theories, Politics, Steve Kish, World
Tags: A Social Network for Authors

New Yorker Times

The news has been broke, the world banks have been legally and officially  foreclosed on. Yes, reread what you have just read, the world banks have been legally foreclosed on. The Federal Reserve, The Hague, The World Bank,The United Nations, The IMF, the BIS ( Bank of International Settlements), and many others are included.

Now this news hasn’t hit mainstream media, for obvious reasons. Mass hysteria, media agreements with governments, and economic implications.  A group called “The One People’s Public Trust” released an “announcement”, a document stating they had a person on the inside gathering information for them. There is a passage that reads, ” The people, all people equally on earth have an individual, duly verified sum  certain of 5 billion, in lawful money of the United States of America gold and silver. Over 3 quintillion, 500 quadrillion, (which, by the way is a 3 and a 5 followed by 17 zeros) just and duly verified equity debt against the debtors. There is an additionally duly verified sum of 5 billion in lawful money of the United States of America, gold and silver, for each of those people damaged by the actions and systems of the debtors, over 3 quadrillion lawful money of the United States of America, gold and silver, in duly verified debt of damages against the debtors.”


What does this mean exactly? Well that is still up in the air. Could each human receive a giant lump sum of money? Will the money just go into a giant pool to which we can all borrow against it, ending Fiscal Cliff talks, and the failing economies world-wide? Here is the most likely outcome to this, nothing will happen. It will be covered up like everything else. I like to call it the Nikola Tesla effect. If you don’t know who Tesla is he invented the AC (alternation current) induction motor. In easier terms a never ending source of electricity, which doesn’t need to travel through wires.  Why haven’t you heard of him you ask? J.P. Morgan and Thomas Edison met with him and Tesla’s invention wouldn’t bring in the revenue Edison’s  ideas would. Again cash over mind won even over 100 years ago.

If we were to be given this large sum of money how would we react? Would we be foolish and spend it all on lavish houses and Lambo’s? Would we help with cancer research, AIDS research? Would we all decide to help the third world countries of this planet and bring them up to date? There is  a danger in people acquiring a large amount of money they don’t work for. They spend foolishly, and are broke again before they know it. Did you know 70% of all lottery winners squander away their winnings within a few years.

It will be interesting to see what happens in the coming weeks and months. Will this news hit mainstream media? Where will all this money go? How will people react to whatever decision is made on the money? Who will be the ones making the decisions on what goes on with the money? So, many questions, so much room for cover-up. Will the truth come out, or like so many other things will the governments and people in charge silence those that try to spread the truth? Yet, most importantly, what color Lambo are you getting, mine will be bright yellow.  By Steve Kish


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The “Disclosure” Campaign is a Trap of Ego (True Disclosure is When You Open Up To the Divine Truth Within YOU)


The “disclosure” campaigns are truly organized by some of the most brave seekers of Truth on your planet, yet these campaigns are greatly distorted by the ego as well, for they rely heavily upon the actions of “others,” such as politicians and government officials to “disclose the truth.” The “truth” that most of you that wait for disclosure ask for is merely outside validation that your ego is “right.” In other words, often you would rather be “right” than be HAPPY! You await the day when you can say, “I knew it! I told you so! You see, I was right about that!” You desperately want your ego to be validated in order for you to feel better. This is the TRAP of the disclosure movements. The ego knows that as long as it dangles the carrot of “disclosure” in front of you that it has you in its control, and you blindly follow along thinking “Someday… Someday,” instead of being grounded in the Eternal Now. Once you hop onto the disclosure bandwagon, you are often in for a bumpy ride, and Divine Self sees nothing at all wrong with this choice, for it is a valid way for Truth-seekers to be more actively involved in their spiritual growth. However, sooner or later it is seen how futile it is to hope and wait for “others” to somehow enlighten the masses. The great irony of the disclosure campaigns is that it is that THEY are the ones that are “enlightening” the masses with their information, not the government officials.

The greatest conspiracy is not one that was created by any secret government that you are aware of, but rather it is a Conspiracy of Illumination that is created by Divine Government, in which your Higher Selves, Angels and many Beings of Divine Light work day and night to help you AWAKEN from the egoic sleep of separation from God that you are dreaming of.

True disclosure is when you open up to the Divine Truth that is within YOU! It is when YOU decide to come forth with the Truth. It is when YOU step up to the plate and accept responsibility for YOUR OWN ENLIGHTENMENT. It is always the ego that desperately wants to “enlighten” the masses, the world, with its twisted interpretations of Truth. Your Higher Self is not desperate. It gently seeks to awaken you, going at your own pace, never forcing, never “campaigning” for your vote or for your support, nor for others to join It so that It feels better about Itself. The desperate approach is how the ego seeks your attention, NOT how your Higher Self operates, and the disclosure campaigns are riddled with feelings of desperation, waiting and hoping for SOMEONE ELSE, some “authority,” to step forward and make an “official” declaration. This is why Mahatma Gandhi advised that you “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” Indeed, the disclosure campaigners are among those who are truly BEING the change, yet the cosmic joke is that they very often forget this and contradict themselves when they insist that “others” (such as their governments) must admit the “truth” that they want revealed to the world. This is a very naive, unrealistic attitude that creates much internal stress and suffering. No one “owes” you anything, dear seekers of Truth! No one has robbed you of your joy, of your Truth, but yourselves.

Beware those channeled messages that continue to claim that “disclosure is imminent!” I am not saying that such people are doing it only to promote their own human agendas, selling “snake oil” to make money, for they are indeed being contacted by Divine Intelligences that desire to assist humanity in its greater enlightenment. It is just that the majority of these channelers are so focused on the “external world,” such as political and economic concerns, that they often neglect their own obvious spiritual truths. These types of channelings, such as the NESARA messages, are very much like “manic depressive channelings,” where there is often so much talk of love and joy in them, which is contradicted by the sense of desperation that the channeler has for “others” (such as government officials) to “disclose the truth,” enact new laws, etc. Such channelers feel victimized by their federal governments, yet often wear smiles and speak of love and joy. I ask such seekers of Truth to be more honest with themselves, first and foremost, and be more willing to forgive THEMSELVES instead of waiting, waiting, waiting for “disclosure” and other such events. Many of these channelers figure that as long as they keep saying that disclosure is just about to happen, that sooner or later they will be “correct” when an actual “official government disclosure” of some sort occurs.

Dear Truth-seekers, true enlightenment is not about the masses knowing who assassinated John F. Kennedy, or who really orchestrated the destruction of the Twin Towers on September 11, 2001, or that your governments are well aware that extraterrestrials exist and have even been contacted by them. Yes, these revelations would help people be more discerning, but they are not necessary in order for YOU to feel spiritually empowered and able to “be the change,” to be the miracle. Such human “truths” are subjective, relative, trivial and illusory; they are not Spiritual Truth. Know the difference! REAL Truth is found within Divine Self, and nowhere else. Even if—and when—major “disclosures” come, you will find that you are not really happy or satisfied with these “facts” that come to light. Even if NESARA law was enacted, you would find that most people would not feel genuinely prosperous. True, long-lasting joy and prosperity come from your connection to your Higher Self, and never through politics. I ask that you be more willing to remove your politicians from the pedestals that YOU have placed them upon, and see them as EQUALS, as neither above nor beneath you, and send your Bushes and Obamas love, appreciation and deep spiritual support for playing the deceptive roles such “leaders” from a Soul level have agreed to play. A figure-head is not a leader. Your Higher Self is your True Leader!




7 Eb, 0 Yax, 9 Eb

Dratzo! We return! Your world is still caught in an in-between reality-state as Heaven prepares to signal the much-awaited green light. We are setting up special liaison teams to monitor what is shortly to happen. The coming announcements by your new governance will mark the end of a long era of dark control, during which wars, economic upheavals, and other widespread forms of discord characterized the ups and downs of numerous regimes over the course of this old form of governance. It is to be replaced by an interim administration which will prepare the way for a duly elected one and set up new rules and by-laws regarding the general operating standards of the first of your new de jure governments. Contained within the new rules are the new financial and monetary systems based on hard currency, open rules of banking, and an end to large multiservice banking conglomerates. Furthermore, the way will be opened up to get a formal disclosure announced, and the many provisions of NESARA introduced and applied. This will establish a new relationship between individuals and their national governance.

The new banking system will end the long period of debt slavery. In its place will be a system that honors your essential freedom and sovereignty. This requires fail-safe laws designed to protect your sovereignty, end one-sided political parties, and sponsor the rise of an educated and responsible electorate. Each member of this electorate is an individual who needs to learn to express their views based on extensive study of the issues in the world around them. Governments, until now, have both bamboozled the electorate and used carefully slanted rhetoric designed to camouflage the activities they were actually engaged in. In effect, truth was to be kept from the public by any means possible. Now, you are to witness an about-face in administrative operating procedures. Your new governance is to be built upon trust, and upon the premise that elected officials are kept under careful scrutiny on the part of the public. Your most powerful tool will be the intrinsic transparency built into the new rules, and this demands your involvement as both watchdog and advisor. It is a wholly new relationship in responsibility, one which marks the start of your exciting jaunt to galactic society.

One of the more vital responsibilities of this new governance is disclosure. This single act opens up the lines of communication to Agartha, your Ascended Masters, and of course us. With this announcement your world opens up! And those who have long watched over you can now openly come forward. As you can imagine, we eagerly look forward to this special moment. At long last we can explain to you what first contact is all about, and introduce our blessed cohorts on this journey to full consciousness. None of you has any notion of your true inner potential. Indeed, each of you is burdened by inhibiting beliefs ingrained in you since childhood onwards. Our mentors look forward to helping you move beyond these limited conceptions of reality and learn who you really are. Once these basics are sorted out, you are to broaden your learning to include the truth about your recent history, and here you may find things that anger you. However, it is important to remember that you are never alone, and that measures are to be taken to correct the situations and events that are the cause of your distress.

The coming time is one of prosperity, joy, and harmonious cooperation. Peace will replace war, and general disarmament will end the worry over mass violence. As your consciousness grows, you will experience a need for true community and to re-establish honorable interaction between people and government. This requires an exchange based on the perceived integrity of each party. Your world’s currently accepted exercise of power needs to be universally upgraded. Division will be replaced by union; contention by cooperation; and prejudice by acceptance. Such ideals have been so often championed in the past, and now they are to be realized and practiced by all. One of our tasks is to help this along with the introduction of technologies that can take your communications systems to the next, more secure level. As you open up your awareness and begin to feel more secure in your life, you will be inclined to explore new ways of thinking and being which are more aligned with the new levels of consciousness flooding your societies.

Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! Right now we are watching our associates waiting eagerly for Heaven to sound the sacred horn and begin the new era for humanity. The dark, despite its myriad schemes to derail things, has been unable to prevent the Earth’s sacred societies from completing their assigned tasks. New governance, likewise, is in place, ready to take over when these hallowed notes are sounded. We bless Heaven for moving everyone to the point where they are raising their awareness of how close the new epoch truly is. We are ready to hear the many different announcements that are to set our sacred undertaking in motion. Our part in this blessed mission is to guide you to those divine truths which were supposedly ‘lost’ over the millennia. Those teachings are to be the harbingers of others which will illumine your path to full consciousness.

The new governance is to proclaim your liberation from the many forms of illegal slavery imposed on you by the minions of the dark cabal. Enslavement and disempowerment of the populace was a major component of debt economics, which created a small, ultra-wealthy class that depended for its existence on the complete acquiescence of you all. These denizens of the dark wielded quite a power, but it is as nothing compared to that of Heaven and its great Light! The present Light manifestation is to transform your reality and forge a new, divine one. Heaven set up a specific time, based on the movements of physicality and the divine precession of this solar system. This sacred point is quite near and very shortly a great moment is to happen! Then this glorious living sphere will witness a grand miracle and Heaven’s sacred Light will dance across her and transform all!

This divine radiance will confer a new epoch upon humanity. You will become reacquainted with the lovely realms of your Agarthan and space families. The great lineages of Heaven are to appear and proclaim their great truths to all. And this will be only the beginning! You will have so much to learn from us and from your space family. Many truths will be taught about your origins and the nature of your sacred service to Heaven. Ponder on these new realities, feel their resonance within you, and allow them to inspire you as you prepare for your return to full consciousness. In effect, you are to re-earn your angelic wings. As physical Angels, you will take up a whole host of new responsibilities, and it will be our task to teach and mentor you in many things which will form the foundation of your divine service. Our duty is to be your loving supervisors as we prepare you for what lies ahead.

Today we gave you another message to help you further your understanding of what is being done to extract you from the dark realms and return you to the Light. The Creator rejoices in what is happening and the sacred decrees of AEON are ready to transform your reality forever! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)






Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2013

VIDEO (recommended) 

My Beloved Ones, I AM Your Own God-Self!

I AM Speaking to you, to remind you of Me, so that you Remember Me.

I AM the Substance of your very life and existence.
I AM Pure Light and Consciousness, Emanating As Love in your heart.

As such I Embrace all Worlds and Universes and the most minute particle of your body-mind.

In Me ALL-THAT-IS arises, and I AM That.
Such is the Greatness of your own Ultimate Being-ness and State.

You have not been used to such a Perception of Yourself from the beginning of your life, because the circumstances you haven been born into, did not support this Truth.

You have been raised with and taught the idea to be a mere body-mind that is your thoughts, emotions and your physical body, which are all levels of different densities. But in Reality you are none of these.

You are Not Anything that can be measured, although you can experience all of this. You Are not Anything that can be touched, or heard or seen.
The Mystery of Your Being is limitless Radiant Consciousness.

But to Realize this, you must widen and go beyond, your usual perception of yourself, which describes boundaries, limitations and awareness of the subject-object relations. In other words, all that can be known.

In Reality there are neither subjects nor objects. They are phenomena in the domain of duality and appear to be real as soon as you start to identify with a finite personality.

If you leave behind or transcend  the pairs of opposites and duality, and of any arising at all, you Are the One That You Always have been, before your entered the fields of experiences.

Because of your senses, and let them even be subtle, you divide in differentiation and otherness, all because of your identification with a part of the Whole.

Your challenge is, in order to Be fully Who You Are, to break open all limitations and dare to forget the worlds of familiar phenomena, allowing My Radiance of Infinity to be your Only and Very Identity. This is True and Real Happiness Which never can be diminished.

It is Radiance beyond the imagination that is possible in your world, and it Is your Home you came from.

In due  course of your journeys in the universal realms of creation you wanted to experience different densities and learn their implications in lives, adapted to them. Thereby you have limited you awareness more and more, until you thought that you are but a dense, separate object that you call body. And I Am even Speaking about your subtle bodies too, even your light body.

Is it not that you think of advancement when you identify with your light-body?
But see, it is still a separate thing, as you can look at an infinite number of light-bodies.

You speak about the light-bodies of Saints and Masters and identify them as separate identities and personalities.

See, the Core and Real Substance of all these entities is still the Same than that of your own: My Infinite Radiant Consciousness, or the Divine Force of Infinite Consciousness, as Divine Consciousness is always One with Its Own Force or Power or Energy or Light.

In your case, you human beings have incarnated in a very  dense physical body, but nevertheless also your physical body is arising in the Infinity of My Divine Consciousness.

My Radiant Consciousness is the Witness of all. To Realize this State and to Be It, allows you to witness all the embodiments through which you experience your worlds, and all the experiences themselves, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Your experience depends then on your level of the identification that you  desire.

However, Identification with the Witness cannot be chosen with the mind.
Because you will now understand that even the mind must be transcended, in order to access Perfect Identification with It.

In the beginning it is a process of purification then, where you gradually let go denser vibrations, thoughts and emotions and conform them all to Me. This process is not to be imagined, but is a matter of actual and direct experience which transforms literally and tangibly your body-mind, because your awareness and consciousness are changing profoundly: you become an entirely different species in this process, so to speak! Because it is Consciousness that defines your Being and experiential existence.

For now you may have an intuition of the one or other degree of what it would be like to be Awake As Ultimate  Consciousness.

But to Realize It, is again very different: Realizing It, means Becoming It, means  demonstrating It, Living It in any moment.

It IS possible to Realize It, but it requires to leave EVERYTHING familiar behind!
All your identifications with limitations, which includes all forms, experiences, objects, memories, beliefs, preferences, and so on. They are all constituents of your present individual worlds.

Once you have transcended it all, the foundation of your Presence will be the “Other World”, beyond creation, and you will not reach from where you are now towards the “Other World”, but you will Reach from the “Other World” to here!

This is the Great Difference! You will have erased all bondage to here, all seeds of karma and repetitive tendencies. This world here might even fully dissolve for you in Light and disappear from your awareness.

That is when your journey comes to rest, as you returned to where you once came from.

All depends on your desire for experience! As long as you have such tendencies, you will be drawn to places accordingly. Know that it is yourself that governs the course of your journey. And know that this course is entirely up to you!

I AM your own Origin, and if you desire to return to Me the door stands open.

But even if it is your heart’s deepest wish to travel further in the Realms of experience, do not forget your Very Source, My Radiant Infinite Consciousness and Never-Ending Love-Bliss-Happiness. Never forget Me!

The mere Intuition of Me in the Deep of your heart and your Love of Me will shed My Radiance on all your steps. And if you dedicate your actions to Me, I will  Fill your Life with the Light and Beauty of Integrity, Happiness and Love.

I AM your God-Self

Message conveyed by Ute

Copyright© 2013. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes, including the title. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.


Bugger The Bankers

Bugger the bankers


“…Bugger the bankers and politicians

Bugger the bureaucrats too

Bugger the buggers who make up the rules

And if you’re one of them – bugger you…”



News Release
January 10, 2013
“We the People” Petition Challenges the White House to Attend Citizen Hearing on DisclosureWashington, DC — A petition calling for the White House to require representatives from the Office of Science and Technology Policy to attend a

Citizen Hearing on Disclosure at the National Press Club in April of 2013 has been posted by Paradigm Research Group (PRG) on the White House website.   This is the sixth Disclosure petition submitted by PRG to the White House’s “We the People” project and it resides at:   Information on previous Disclosure petitions can be found at  .

If the petition garnishes 25,000 signatures by February 8, 2013, a formal response from the White House will be forthcoming.   The petition reads as follows:
The Citizen Hearing on Disclosure is a project of Paradigm Research Group. 
Contact:  Stephen Bassett
 Paradigm Research Group
4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD  20814   202-215-8344


Tempest and the Teapot #9

Published January 1, 2013 | By bluestar

The Masters

Message #9

Tempest and the Teapot

Master Kato (transmitted to Celest) In our honest appraisal of all the information we choose to share with you who are the Planetizens living on the Earth Star planet, we sometimes must readjust our information-sharing. We only do so in order to spare each of you truths that we can clearly see you are not yet ready to handle. I must tell you all however that we have been busily making contact with millions of people all over this planet just as our stellar compadres are doing as well. Our Star Keeper brothers and sisters from other worlds and other Universes have been providing much speculation among all of you here. They are achieving this because they are now allowing their Star Ships to be readily seen by people in every country. The Star Ships have proven to be a main focal point, a genesis in a real sense which has rapidly been causing even some of the more hardcore skeptics to rethink their previously held absolute non-belief in the Ships’ existences. We ourselves are working with the Star Keepers aboard each Ship as well as working in a massive joint cooperative venture with the very, very many Star Keepers who are walking this world now. I am speaking of those who disembarked here in strategic points all over the world. Although I am not speaking of any of the Walk-In forces, they too communicate with us. At least the consciously aware ones do. I, as do the rest of the Masters, find it most interesting albeit a bit weird that many of the people here of all different races whom we are overseeing, do not seem to realize who we are until after we have issued our decrees to them.

On the one hand we are setting the record straight with our beloved races on this planet, yet on the other hand we must always continue to be as forthright with them as possible about the serious and sometimes deadly decisions they make personally as well as planetaryily. Of all our races here, those who are the “indigenous people” seem to still have some semblance of understanding regarding what is appropriate behavior and what is not. That is not to say that they all do; but the ones who do are beginning to more clearly have the understanding of the need for worldwide peace and the hopes for the continuity of their race. What we do at first is after very carefully scanning a race here, whoever the Master Overseer of that race is then selects those male and female people who bear the greatest attributes needed in order for them to live as humans and still live as God I Am. Because we are each mavens we have no problem in knowing who is achieving that distinction and who is not. The particular qualities needed include their ability to walk with one foot in each world in order for them to influence others of their race who are the honest ones, the ones with integrity and an open heart. We all knew long before our arrival here however that locating suitable people of each race could prove to be a bit of a daunting task. Although we have as a collective been here for a long period now, certain acts of providence, known as “the Hand of God” has been busily reawakening people of each race by whatever means necessary. Planetizens, this is a collective movement instigated by the Creator which has brought all of us together in order to work in tandem and “plow the field” for the New Earth. The Hand of God is either a singular occurrence or a set of predestined events – consider these to be written in stone, because they are.

Even God had to wait for the particular gridline intersections to materialize AND manifest before it was possible for the Hand that wears the Velvet Glove to descend and begin the unwavering movements which are to continue to follow a preset geometric pattern. This pattern has no cessation; it must remain in constant movement while decisions are made and agreed upon as to the fate of so many people here. Although you all for so many reasons were awaiting the arrival of the 2013 energetic forces here, we who remain at the helm of Star Ship Earth, have had no problem in discerning the tremendous levels of fear that has been permeating the races. Since late June of 2012 and up to the present nano-moment, millions and millions of minds have been embroiled in all the possibilities that could take place this year. The main issue which has been barely noticeable by the races however is that changes which can and WILL take place just may have far-reaching implications in how each person here comports themselves for the REST of this calendar year.  It is because the untrained human mind can not see beyond certain boundaries which have been intentionally set into place in order for many things not to be known by the unschooled, that the minds of billions of people are running amuck with uncertainty.

Those of you here on Terra who have never bothered to train your minds to see beyond what is known are losing the war within your minds. The key wording here is “never bothered.” Those who have taken the time and have the selfless desire to know DO know how to see into and beyond all boundaries. These are the people who need to relax and accept the previously unknown knowledge of what is still deemed by millions of people living practical lives, to be mysteries or delusionary thoughts. I caution you, do not fall into the abyss of the practical world. It is there in that dreary dank place, in that enormous house made of GLASS where so many of you have chosen to reside, have chosen to hide from truth. Unfortunately, for all those who engage in this dubious style of life the longer they choose to set their roots there, the less opportunity there is for them to survive. This applies to all Earth Seeds, Starseeds and Walk-Ins alike. The magnetic thrust of the barrage of positive ions which is beaming into this world does not bode well for those who are in the glasshouse.

In case you do not know what this type of ion is, I will tell you. When speaking of ions, either the positive ions or the negative ions, people tend to misunderstand the terms “positive and negative.” Each is part of the makeup of an atom; both ions in a sense orbit around an atom. Electrons produce a negative charge and protons a positive one. It is either the loss of, or the amassing of electrons, which duly determine if an atom will produce a positive ion or a negative ion. So based on that information you should understand that atoms need to have a balance with both the positive and the negative of those charges. It simply means that the gross numbers of electrons and protons start initially as equal. However, atoms can lose electrons especially with the interference from HAARP. The loss of the electrons alters the complexity of the configuration which gives the atoms much greater numbers of protons, this then creates positive ions. Contrary to the name “positive” these ions are harmful.

Some atoms lose their electrons while other atoms gain more electrons. Ions with more electrons than protons are called negative ions. This may not mean much to all of you but it should! Negative ions do have a direct link with beneficial health; the more people are exposed to the negative ions the more those ions reduce the growth of bacteria. This bacterium is now found in the air here, inside homes, businesses and of course adversely affects the physical vehicle. Conversely, the more people are exposed to the positive ions the more that health damage occurs. Although only a few of your scientists are aware of this the fact remains that heavy downpours of positive ions also contribute to damage to the brain. Therefore in a very real sense the positive ions which are running amuck on this planet are damaging all they come into contact with. The damage to the ozone and the atmospheric upheaval caused by the chemtrailing along with HAARP, ELF, WOODPECKER and others of that ilk, have been intentionally causing the disappearance of the negative ions, and thus more firmly establishing the settling-in process of the positive ions. Add to this the tremendous lack of oxygen in the air, which can also be attributed to all those aforementioned deadly impacts and you should better understand why so many billions of people here of all races suffer from more illnesses, especially pulmonary.

The glasshouse is not a symbolic gesture; it is a greater part of the reality which so many people live in. Glasshouse – transparent for the most part, can be seen through yet allows those within to see out at all times and to MONITOR the comings and goings of others. These people who reside in there have devious minds that are quite easily seen by the people on the planet who take the time to read the minds. The glasshouse does not provide any real protection for any of those who dwell there, not anymore that is. They unwittingly and many times arrogantly expose themselves for all other discerning ones to see. Planetizens, it was foreknown that when the gridline intersection of reckoning came into fruition an utterly massive storm of unheard of proportions would sweep through the glasshouse and remove the people and expose their deadly charades. The time of the tempest is at hand. This will occur physically, mentally, emotionally and PRACTICALLY. Although it was not planned by God, so many of these people will be exposed to the positive ions they covertly assisted in creating.

Part of what our Star Keeper brethren have been doing is swiftly but carefully removing as much of the positive ions as is possible to do without unbalancing the necessary atomical  structure here. It is necessary to avoid causing any ambiguities that otherwise might arise. This is very delicate work; to remove too much at any moment would upset the atomical structure, to remove too little would be of no benefit. In some cases they are able to transmute the energies by re-circulating the electron/proton energies. At other times when it is possible to do so they are working on those ions and attempting to reconfigure as many as possible. This is but one of numerous reasons you are seeing so many Star Ships in the sky now. Although the multitudinous positive ions are a major contributing factor to the tempest, it is the very nature of those who live within the glasshouse to always want more than they need and to rebuff those who are truly in need. So it is that you have the greedy ways of life combined with the insatiable lust for power unlimited which are in fact contributing to the loss of not only life here, but to the loss of innocence. Our concerns of course are first and foremost for the true human beings here. It will be while the tempest howls and roars causing cataclysms especially for the unbalanced minds that the other people here who we are protecting will be in a stable place of mind and body.

The glasshouse extends itself and is part of each person here who is the antithesis of what the true human Spirit should embody. Of course the saying “people who live in glasshouses shouldn’t throw stones” is most appropriate at this time and should inform you of what all will befall them now. The rest of humanity who have chosen their individual vessel to be a sturdy one, one that contains all their aspirations and their dreams, not fantasies, for a better tomorrow are the people who are steeping their Souls Voices in the total permeation of completion. Millions of these peoples have been doing so for a very, very long time. It does indeed require patience to do this, but patience is the key to completions. These people are not all empirical, although some of them are. And it is through the exploration of the empirical philosophy that many of them are now changing their minds about what they THOUGHT they knew. This year which will bring a new Light into this world will not be able to do so until certain human thoughts are processed and all races of people begin although it will be slowly, to turn away from the dark and look into the Light. It is most unfortunate but not unexpected that so many people are now tearing their familial units apart. There are very few members of any family of any race here that have not had visitations by us. The sad irony is that those individuals who are part of a family unit that we visit may remember this as a situation of “Master to race,” but as for sheer numbers it may only be one person in perhaps a family of six people, that we will communicate with.

The Master who is the overseer and Care Taker of the Egyptian people for instance will deal primarily with that race, regardless of how many bloodlines may now be incorporated with the Egyptian lineage. Through marriage, rape and incest all races bear many bloodlines, even though they are all loath to admit it. The people of Egypt, who bear the Egyptian lineage as their most prominent or most dominant bloodline, are then considered to be Egyptians by the Master overseeing their race. This is true of all races. So it is that as we visit with each of our own Planetizens we always seek out the ones who are holding the Light. Sometimes we find at least one person in a family who does so, sometimes we do not. But even if a person is not IN a family and lives a singular life, we are sure to check the status of them as well. We always check on young children first; especially babes. While doing so we have observed a specific occurrence taking place regarding the positive ions. The continent of North America and the Middle East are experiencing the greatest deluge. I said “the greatest” so do not in any way think that all other landmasses are not also being affected. At one time the oceans and seas provided incredible basins of negative ions which were spread through the air and the water currents. All that has changed now and the waters are all experiencing a massive loss of oxygen as well as of negative ions. Waterfalls, especially the most massive of them all, have always been able to hold the greatest numbers of the negative ions. Until the last several decades that is. That was why the spirits and minds of peoples and animals alike would always experience an exuberance and yet a lightening of their thoughts as well, while their bodies experienced great peace whenever they were near the waterfalls. That was then, this is now! Now not only are the negative ions disappearing at an alarming rate among these waterfalls, unknown to the general public the waterfalls themselves are now disappearing as well and are doing so at a shocking rate all over this world. So Planetizens do you yet see why all things can not be changed overnight? The tempest is however ensuring that all things will be made manifest and much of that new beginning will take place this year. I said, “much,” not “all.”

The tempest is reacting to the “brewing” that has been taking place here in the hearts and minds of all races. Many of you have in one manner or another contributed to the dissolution of the human spirit. Those of you here who have intentions of being among the surviving humans of all the different races would be well-advised to start working on bringing negative ions into your homes and businesses. These ions also are known to contribute to clearer thinking. Purchase a negative ion generator. Then be sure you use it at all times. Do your research first before you order one. Have your own teapot safe and snug and wrapped in the incredible energies of the ions. You may consider your individual selves to be teapots for now. Just be careful of what you brew!

We speak as ONE…. Salude, The Masters

The Masters /


The combining and co-joining of Star Keeper Forces

Published December 25, 2012 | By bluestar

Blue Star Transmissions

~Blue Star the Pleiadian~

The combining and co-joining of Star Keeper Forces

12-25-12 to 2-25-13

(Transmitted to Celest) – Greetings to all of you all over this world. Yes, we here at our diverse vantage points, both those massive groups of us who are now walking on the Earth Star planet, as well as our brethren on other planets and in other dimensions, are quite privy to all you are each enduring. Your suffering is most palpable to all of us. Many among you weep while others are still in a bit of shock about all that has transpired here during the entire 2012 year. What concerns all of us most greatly though, is that far too many of you ones erroneously believe that you are either being punished for some “sin” or transgression, while others also in their ignorance believe that Terra herself is responsible for the terrible weather machinations that have occurred here….. as well as those yet to be. Now, the Terra Child has been busy purging herself of deleterious noxious energies, that part is true. HOWEVER, to believe that she would intentionally destroy many lives and cause landmasses to suffer egregious damage is a blatant lie! Peoples who live in unsafe areas place themselves there, yet many warnings have been given to you ones about not living in certain areas and the warnings fell on deaf ears.

Terra has in fact designated which landmasses and waterways MUST be altered as part of the final formation of the new Earth. Yet she does so in a graceful God-full fashion while sending altering vibration and frequency changes to all the animal life, whether they swim, crawl, fly or walk on four legs. This is impacting on the acceleration of the alteration of animal migration. All that Terra does is approved by the High Council, the Creator and the Luminescent you call “God” who is the primary Care Taker of this Universe. The storm called “Sandy” was in fact a strong tropical depression meant to rid much of the toxicity on land and in waterways and yes that tropical depression was sent by Terra. However we watched as the cunningly skillful diabolical minds deliberately altered that storm and instead manufactured a monstrosity bent on destruction. This was insidiously planned to correlate with America’s election process which would indeed impact on not only the economy and the peoples’ fears in that country, but would ultimately impact on the economies of many other countries. You see cousins and Planetizens of all races; it has also caused so many millions of peoples here on the Earth Star planet to ignorantly believe that the dark is winning. As a direct result of not only the manufactured Sandy, but also of the natural elemental changes taking place across this world, the dark HAS indeed broken many peoples’ Spirits and filled their minds and thoughts with RAGE!

Tell me Planetizens, what does it take to get you all to see, feel and sense that a horrible lie is being parlayed to you and is done so right under your noses? What is so disheartening to all of us is that many of you ones who were destined to rise above these fears and to clearly tell WHEN and HOW they were being used were among the first large groups of peoples to succumb to the deadly illusions. Now, as I walk among this world with my brethren from many, many other Universes, we see “firsthand” you could say, how badly humanity as a whole has failed itself. When the call was issued announcing the advent of our long-awaited timeline to rejoin our fellow Walk-In and Starseed relatives here on the Earth Star, we arrived here immediately and quickly set up our predetermined posts, our bastions for our troops and for the Walk-Ins and Starseeds who would join us posthaste. Although about 30,000 of us arrived here and REMAINED here in October of 07 when the mothership disembarked here, the combined missions were to secure the hearts, and thoughts of all good peoples while assisting those ones in safeguarding their Soul Voices. Those who landed and remained here have been tirelessly working to ensure the final emancipation of the goodhearted peoples here while still working towards the rise of the NEW PEOPLE. Although we are forbidden to interfere or intervene with the affairs of humankind, we ARE permitted to use our receivers of information as a means of alerting other peoples to things they need to know about. The receivers of our information are also stupendous teachers, regardless of what their Soul maturity level is.

Now, I along with my selected group of Star Keepers from other worlds am currently scrutinizing China. Yes, it means we are walking our walk in China. I would like to tell you that China is learning its lessons well and the Chinese people have become docile as opposed to arrogant and warlike. I would like to tell you that but I can not. Rather, the exact opposite is true. The Chinese everyday peoples are in dire straits, much like so many other cultures on this planet. This is true even though the monstrous energies emitted by the Chinese government bleed the everyday people of the little they have. When we were spending time in Malaysia and in India we saw perverted types of complacency that was quite apparent to us and we saw that it was overtaking the peoples of those lands. The same is true of the true Chinese peoples. Now, what I am doing along with my own team here is no different in many ways than what the Masters and other Star Keepers from other worlds are also doing in all other lands. We are sent here as part of our combined missions to “silently,” for the most part, guide those who have need to relocate, have need to align with others such as themselves, have need to locate their gridline intersections which will for the remainder of their mortality place them in very real, very close proximity to us. The Light these peoples each bear also functions as a type of “Lighthouse” of sorts. It is a beacon that shall not, that WILL NOT, be extinguished! Not on my watch!

Now, what is most needed here at this time period which is the gridline intersection for unifying the Walk-In and Starseed forces here is to firmly establish a focal point, a juxtaposition of “like energies” which will centralize the energies and Lights of these phenomenal peoples. This will rapidly assist us in the final eliminations of the dark riders and their human counterparts. In order to do this we are now permitted to release a “trigger mechanism” which each of these Walk-In and Starseed peoples possesses. It is one that is a type of “energy signature.” This form is a combined force of incredible monads which when unleashed instantaneously releases the power supply molecules which had been set in place as part of the Divine act of reincarnation. This aspect of reincarnation is known as the “veil of unknowingness.” This release from its previously needed secured position causes it to be transfigured into the form known as “transcendence with knowing.” Peoples, think of it this way: imagine for a moment that you have been physically locked within a windowless room, one that may be fairly comfortable but even so you cannot leave the room and you can not actually see beyond the confines of that room. Then one day someone you do not see quietly or in some cases LOUDLY, unlocks the door. Voilà, in the blink of an eye you are through the door and amazed, mayhap a tad surprised or intimidated to find yourself seeing MORE CLEARLY, sensing a totality of UNLIMITED THOUGHT and projecting YOUR THOUGHTFORMS to other peoples you suddenly encounter who are doing the same thing you are.

This, Children of all races here, is the matrix of the unification system which had been deftly put into place, in “cold storage” you may say, until the call was issued. Now, it is of primary PIVOTAL importance that you ones each understand that this unification process can not be breeched by outside forces. This means that only you and you alone can empower this “transcendence with knowing process” or try to ignore it. The problematic situation which is occurring now is that those who choose to ignore rather than “to do,” will not survive. Now, those seeded ones and the Walk-ins I speak of have been without their conscious knowledge in most cases, supremely standing in their truth regardless of what befell them. Although all of us who are Star Keepers from other worlds have painstakingly watched over these individuals, as have their own Spirit Guides and those of the Angelic FORCES, there had only been small groups of our descendants who had achieved a necessary status of Soul wisdom and individually unified sentience with us, thus enabling us to select them as our receivers. The others however….. millions still had their lessons to either learn or relearn, and if they could do so here on the Earth Star, they could do it anywhere! Now, the demonized provocateurs already know that we have released “the button.” So it is as it had been foreseen that it would be, the final battle for the minds of the human races has upgraded itself to an all-out battle geared to usurp the transcendence through unexpected violence, perverted rage and seemingly innocuous fantasies as the final means to break asunder the still delicate webbing of The New People. I want to be very clear about this situation: a major and unheard of experience is occurring here…. despite the lackadaisical and impotent behavior of so many of the human races. Now, overall the human races collectively consist of three groupings of peoples.

There are Walk-Ins… those who through the process of pre-birth agreements with peoples who will be living on Earth arrive at a mutual agreement to allow the Walk-In Souls to exchange places with the chosen individuals and take their place until such time the Walk-ins Missions’ have been fulfilled. The timeline for the fulfillment of the Walk-Ins missions can be a few years or for the entire mortal lifetime of the person they are replacing. This can not take place until such time that the people, the individuals who are incarnate arrive at a certain point in their lives when they simply want to leave the planet, but need to still have their own already initiated missions fulfilled. Walk-Ins bear the responsibility for fulfilling their “predecessors” missions as well.  This can happen at any age, as long as it has been agreed upon beforehand that is.

There are Starseeds… those who are not Walk-Ins but whose lineage is of the stars. They arrive here through the birthing process BUT each of them is from another planet, millions are from faraway galaxies. Even Starseeds are permitted per their pre-birth agreements to have Walk-In Souls exchange places with them, but again a certain criteria must be adhered to. Those who do then are Starseed Walk-Ins.

Then there are the Earth Seeds…. these male and females are from and of the Earth. Simply stated they are the Children of Terra, NOT of the other star systems. They are not Walk-Ins, they are not Starseeds. They too must follow the reincarnational process, yet they are the ones who are in the majority of holding humanity as a whole BACK.

We however generally refer to all three groups as “human beings,” because as long as they are incarnate here on the Earth Star, they are living as humans…. for the most part anyway. We however have sadly observed that so many Starseeds and even Walk-Ins are not fulfilling their original purposes here. Too many of them have lost their way. They have become entrapped in the whims of the personalities which they must deal with and in the illusions projected by others. Their Lights had been collectively weakened. They had started to act too human!!! There are millions of worthy Earth Seeds who are tranquil, hardworking and MOST UNFORTUNATELY, God-fearing. They are content to live simple lives and do not have any understanding of either evolution or reincarnation. However, they too will reincarnate as many times as necessary until they get it right!

Now, the issue is: about the other Earth Seeds… the ones who are addicted to violence, drugs, sex, religions and other sordid “behavioral tools.” These ones are among the worst of those who are human beings with a penchant for contaminating other human beings. I tell you ones yet again, these are the ones who are not surviving even now, and will not as the years progressively change. Planetizens understand please, during the evolutionary process it is always necessary to separate the husk from the nut. When the husk is removed, what is quite visible to all is what really lies within…. is it healthy, is it feral, is it able to provide nourishment, is it rotten to the core, do you really want it in your home? We who are walking this planet and those who are even now preparing to descend are assisting in forming the nucleus of the rapidly evolving consciousnesses of the New People. This consciousness is not sublime, it is a magnetic interchange which resembles huge coils of spiraling energies widening exponentially and shining great molecules of incandescence throughout this planet. While this is occurring there is yet another coil, one that too is spiral shaped. But in the bottommost layer of its confluence is the remnant of the last of the formidable evil which is trying to find a place to hide. I specifically said, “trying” because the hearts and minds of so many goodhearted peoples brimming over with love and exemplifying Light make it impossible for that deviant evil to find a place within their hearts and minds. THIS is what true courage is! It is not enough to walk your talk or to be your talk; you must personify all that is good and worthy and still take an assertive stand in your beliefs!

The last residue in that morally depraved indifference coil is what is lashing out with the aid of the evil human counterparts and stirring the cauldron of fears compounded with ignorance and morally unacceptable behavior. To wit if these last of the smoking guns can continue to influence the weaker Earth Seeds and those who are the floundering Starseeds and Walk-Ins, then these ones who are of the three groupings too must fall and join the ranks of those who will not survive. You ones can always tell who of these three groups are among the good, the worthy and those who are the purveyors of illusions. Look at their lifestyles! Sometime very shortly before the beginning of 2013, in other words in a few days, and several weeks after, several events will take place here on this planet that will contribute in great measure to “the wobbling effect.” One event will occur in the atmosphere while others will take place as the great migrations from one coastal region to other areas takes place. So many of you have asked for our help, even though unbeknownst to many of you, we have been helping you ones for as long as you have been. Be prepared for some truly CELESTIAL events! Yes, we have also involved the elementals in this project. Because you ones have developed an almost insatiable desire to take pictures of just about everything, I suggest you all keep your eye on the sky.

Now, perhaps you should also listen and understand that all of the Star Keeper forces here on this planet, we who are already combining our energies and rejoining our comrades in arms, are also guiding millions of new Souls who are destined to rebirth here and for but a short time will be grand influences on the individual and collective unity of the human races who are Walk-Ins and Starseeds. Although these new Souls are not permitted to remain here for very long, their very presence on this planet will provide incredible harmony as they teach the teachers. These new ones began to birth here 1 year ago. No doubt you have listened to my Celestial daughter as she described them and publically released their group name. Their presence was predestined. No, not even they however can help those other peoples here, especially not those Earth Seeds who have so insanely contributed to and participated in the near destruction of humanity. As for myself I am on schedule to leave China and “beam over” to the North American continent later today, this Christmas Day. Ironic, is it not? I intend to be there for several months, you shall receive my progress report sometime mid-summer. I am signing off now….

Blue Star

“There is a valley where that which is Spiritual stands on one side and that which is religious stands on the other side. In the middle walks the Creator and the Creation. In time, all shall be as one… I shall meet you there.”

Blue Star the Pleiadian……

 Blue Star Transmissions /